Tomb Robber: I am Hu Bayi’s cousin

Chapter 139 Find the entrance

A layer of waves was stirred up in the pool. Behind him, Hu Bayi, Fatty, and Yang Xueli all jumped down after seeing that he was fine. The water flowing out seemed to have been sedimented and filtered, and was very clear.

The water here is obviously different from the water in the cave before. Not only does it not feel cold, it just makes people feel very refreshing.

The fat man emerged from the water and touched the water on his face.

It was now ten o'clock in the afternoon outside, and the fat man squinted his eyes and looked up, "It's so damn hard, we finally see the sun!"

"Hey! There seems to be fish in here!" The fat man said excitedly pointing to the carp swimming in the water.

"Hey! He's quite small!"

Hu Bayi also saw it and looked at the fat man, "What's the matter? You don't want to eat the fish here, do you?"

"Fat man, have you forgotten those female corpses above?"

"I'm telling you, all this water comes from above."

"Can you swallow a fish raised in corpse water?"

Fatty actually had this plan. As a result, when Hu Bayi said this, he instantly lost his appetite.

"Damn! This is so disgusting!"

Then he sighed and said: "Come on, I'd better eat my compressed biscuits!"


"Mingzi, since we're all out, let's rest here for one night before continuing!" After struggling for so long, the fat man now wanted to have a good sleep in the sun.

Unexpectedly, after the fat man finished speaking, no one answered for a long time.

At this moment, Hu Bayi and Fatty suddenly realized that something was wrong. They immediately turned around and looked around, but no Hu Ming was found at this time.

"Hey? Where is Mingzi? Why is he missing again?"

Hu Ming suddenly disappeared. Thinking of Hu Ming's skill, Yang Xueli slowly stepped ashore from the water and said, "With Hu Ming's skill, nothing will happen. Don't worry, you two."

"Damn it!"

"I guess I discovered something again!" The fat man nodded and said, "Yes, what can happen to that kid Mingzi!"

This time, Shirley Yang was right. Hu Ming jumped down and dived directly into the water.

This place was marked with a special symbol on the map, and Hu Ming wanted to directly confirm the exact location of the entrance to the Tomb of the Present King.

The entrance was just below the pool. The further down Hu Ming went, the more he could feel the invisible vortex in the water sucking him under the pool.

"It's almost there, this should be it!"

At this moment, after Hu Ming confirmed the position, he immediately changed the direction and went upstream.

"Mingzi, where have you been?"

"Why did you suddenly disappear next time and not say hello to us?" Hu Ba saw Hu Ming finally emerging from the water and stepped forward to bury the blame.

"It's okay, I just went to take a look under the pool." Hu Ming came ashore and explained, knowing that these people were worried.


When the fat man heard this, he immediately came over.

"Under the pool?"

"Mingzi, are you saying there is something underneath this pool?"

"Is there any obvious weapon?" Fatty asked mysteriously.

Yang Xueli didn't care about any bright weapons. She only thought about the Muchen Bead. When Hu Ming said there was something down there, she pricked up her ears and listened.

"What an obvious weapon!"

"You know the obvious weapon!"

"It's just a matter of checking where the entrance to King Xian's Tomb is."

Hu Ba was stunned and said in disbelief: "The entrance to King Xian's Tomb?"

"Isn't the entrance underwater?"

Hu Ming nodded and replied, "Yes, the entrance is under the pool!"

"I noticed before that a circle was drawn at this location on the human skin map."

"A circle?"

"Mingzi, you know the entrance is here based on a circle on the map?" the fat man asked with some confusion.

Hu Ming still nodded with a half-smile.

"That's right, don't think that the circle is simple, Lao Hu, do you still remember? The old man said that in ancient times there was a saying that the sky was round and the earth was round, so this circle also represents the sky."

"The celestial beings are born. It's obvious when you think about it this way."

"I see..." Hu Bayi touched his chin and nodded after hearing this.

"Mingzi! You're awesome!" Fatty was surprised that Hu Ming discovered the problem so easily.

Yang Shirley couldn't help but nodded secretly and thought.

"So that's it!" Although she is a descendant of mountain-moving Taoists, the following generations have stopped engaging in this industry.

What Yang Xueli knows now is from Partridge Whistle's notes, so she doesn't know much about them.

After resting by the pool for the night, the next morning the group of people changed their equipment and prepared to dive into the depths of the pool.

Hu Ming quickly found the underwater entrance based on his previous memories.

Everyone was wearing a complete diving suit and oxygen mask when diving into the water.

At this moment, Hu Ming had no choice but to signal Hu Bayi with gestures.

Hu Bayi immediately understood what Hu Ming meant. He returned an understanding gesture. Following the power of the whirlpool, they quickly reached the lowest point of the pool.

It went smoothly and soon, I found a tomb passage at the water eye.

What is a little strange is that there is no tomb door on the tomb passage, and the inside has long been flooded.

Along the water-filled tomb passage, they swam dozens of meters in one breath before stopping.

Hu Ming knew that the oxygen they brought was limited, so he could only seize the time.

Hu Ming took a look at the surrounding environment here. The tomb passage was very wide and flat. The road under his feet was paved with large square bricks. The upper part of the tomb passage was made of large blue strips of stone. There were no Discover any murals or writings.

There weren't even any statues. The tomb passage was very narrow, and a few people swam in it for a long time.

Hu Ming made a gesture and showed it to Hu Bayi. Hu Bayi immediately knew what he meant. Judging from the human skin map, King Xian’s tomb was inside!

Sure enough, just after Hu Bayi made a gesture with Hu Ming, they advanced a dozen meters. Just in front of me I saw a rocky slope under the water.

From here, the tomb passage became wider, and they went upstream along the stone slope.

Not long after, his head emerged from the water and reached the surface of the pool.

When Hu Ming came out of the water, he immediately reached out and took off the oxygen mask on his face, wiped the water from his face, and looked around.

They have now reached the end of the tomb passage, but the place in front of them is blocked by a stone door.

The stone door was slightly greenish-grey and looked very big. Looking at the weight, Hu Bayi knew it was over a thousand pounds.

At this moment, Hu Bayi wiped his face. He turned around and said to Shirley Yang and Fatty with a smile: "Mingzi, that's great! It seems that we have really found the right place!"

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