The host was extremely hospitable and the dinner that night was extremely sumptuous.

Cold yak meat, cordyceps roasted pork, Tibetan buns, lung filling, enema, rice with milk, roasted lamb chops, ginseng and mutton tendons.

Of course, the specialty highland barley wine is also indispensable.

Hu Ming ate it with gusto. Thirty or forty years from now, without thirty or fifty thousand of these things, he would not be able to eat them!

Everything was ready, and the group set off early the next morning without further delay.

Along the way, several people passed through the vast no-man's land and took a good look at the many creatures living in the no-man's land.

But halfway, the group encountered a lake at the foot of the mountain pass, in which many black-necked waterbirds lived.

What is unusual is that when no one disturbs them, they actually fly south in groups.

"Trouble, this black-necked waterfowl is not a migratory bird with the habit of migrating."

"This abnormal situation is either due to an avalanche in Mount Caramere, or... there is a cold wave coming."

Hu Ming picked up the telescope and looked at this spectacular scene from a distance, frowning deeply.

From a distance, there are no unusual phenomena in the Karamir Mountains, and there are no avalanches.

So, the cold wave is coming soon...

"Brother, you know the plateau very well. Indeed, the time now is exactly the time of the cold wave."

"It's an unlucky time for you to come. Looking at the current situation, I'm afraid a cold wave is already brewing. It won't be long before the cold wave comes. By then, the inside of Mount Caramere will become extremely dangerous."

The guide Chu Yi glanced at Hu Ming in surprise, as if he didn't expect that Hu Ming could discover the problem based on these subtle circumstances.

With that said, on the first day of the month, he picked up the sheepskin wine bottle on his waist, took a big gulp of highland barley wine, and threw the wine bottle to Hu Ming.

Hu Ming didn't show any pretense and took a big sip. On the plateau, in the ice and snow, wine is a good thing.

It can save lives at critical moments.

"Okay! Brother, you are indeed a man, bold enough!"

Seeing this scene, Chu Yi couldn't help laughing. Men in Xijiang like this kind of bold people the most.

"Don't worry. I have followed monks into the mountains to collect herbs since I was a child. I am very familiar with the situation in the mountains. I know some shortcuts to where you want to go, which can save a lot of time."

"Even if the cold wave comes, I am sure to bring you all back!"

"Let's take a short break and set off for Zanggu Valley in twenty minutes. It can be safely passed there."

Seeing the worried expressions on the faces of the group, Chu Yi could not help but comfort him.

"Bone-hiding ditch? Are there any bones there?" Hearing this, Lei Xianming was startled subconsciously and asked.

"There are no human bones in Zanggugou. The reason why it is called this is because it is the place where all the beasts commit suicide."

"There are a large number of yellow sheep, bison, Tibetan horses and bears. They jump there and commit suicide. The bottom of the ditch is full of the bones of the beasts."

"Whenever the crescent moon looks like an eyebrow, the wild beasts in the mountains will look at the moon, jump from high places into ditches and fall to their deaths to appease the anger of the gods."

"Legend has it that any animal that jumps into a ditch and dies can escape from the animal realm and be reincarnated as a human being."

Chu Yi glanced at Lei Xianming and said calmly.

Hu Ming found it strange that he did not know Lei Xianming before the first year of junior high school.

But the strange thing is that it's as if the two of them don't like each other.

After seeing Lei Xianming in the first year of junior high school, he never had a good look...

That's interesting.

"But you don't have to worry too much."

"In our tribe, even the old man with the longest beard has never seen this scene. From what they said, it seems that they have not seen such a magical scene in almost a hundred years."

Seeing the shocked looks on Hu Bayi and Fatty's faces, Chu Yi smiled and explained.

Hu Ming's destination is Shenluogou.

But to go there, Zanggugou is indeed the safest and fastest way.

There's no reason to avoid it and take the long way around.

Moreover, since this phenomenon has not occurred for nearly a hundred years, I guess it is not such a coincidence that I encountered it this time.

Hu Bayi and Fatty thought so. Seeing the joy on the visitor's face, Hu Ming couldn't help but laugh secretly.

Can't be that coincidental? Oh! I'm afraid they don't know their luck.

Just like Murphy's theorem, they worry that this will happen.

But it is already destined that they will encounter a scene where a group of beasts jump off a cliff and commit suicide, which has not been seen in a century.

Twenty minutes later, the group set off again.

Chu put the shotgun and Tibetan knife in the most convenient position on his waist, took out the highland barley wine, and drank a few sips.

The mountains, especially the inaccessible Caramere Mountains, are extremely dangerous.

If you are not careful, accidents may occur.

After finishing all this, on the first day of the month, he shook the prayer wheel and held the whip in one hand, leading the way into the mountain.

Hu Ming and others followed him, twisting and turning in the mountains. After spending a long time, seeing the sky gradually turning dark, they finally arrived at Gaqingpo.

Gaqingpo is the only place to go to Zanggugou. The altitude here is already very high.

Although Han Shuna and Axiang were quite thin, they were relatively well adapted to the plateau climate. They only had shortness of breath when they got here.

But Lei Xianming couldn't hold on any longer. He seemed a little unable to hold on. He held the oxygen tube and breathed in for a while.

Hu Ming shook his head when he saw it. Altitude sickness can kill people. If you can't adapt to this climate, you will definitely die if you stay on the plateau for more than thirty days.

The scariest thing is that because the altitude is too high, the air pressure decreases.

If you stay here for a long time, your heart will gradually grow bigger, and even if you are lucky enough to survive, you will suffer irreversible damage.

Even if Lei Xianming goes back this time, it will be a waste.

At this time, Hu Ming and others were walking forward around the edge of the mountain, looking diagonally forward.

The clouds and mist there were blown away by the mountain wind, and a long and narrow trench opened on the ground.

The terrain here is dangerous. Let alone jumping from here, even just looking at it makes people feel a little scared.

Fortunately, the fat man simply closed his eyes all the way and let the yak lead him forward.

Otherwise, the fat man would be so scared that he would pee right now.

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