Tomb Robber: I am Hu Bayi’s cousin

Chapter 320 Hundred-legged Dragon

After the black mist dissipated, he reluctantly pushed the palace door open to allow one person to pass sideways.

It's probably because the door shaft has long since rusted to death, and it can no longer open up a larger space.

The main hall of the Spiritual Palace was filled with a strange darkness, and the searchlight light shone in, but it was still impossible to see clearly what was going on inside.

It was as if the darkness covering the interior of the Spiritual Palace could absorb even light.

Hu Ming and his brother walked straight into the spiritual palace, and everyone followed them and entered one after another.

After entering the main hall, the first thing you see is the load-bearing stone piers on both sides of the spiritual path in the center of the spiritual palace.

There is a stone pier approximately every five meters.

Judging from the number of stone piers in sight, the searchlight can only illuminate a space less than ten meters ahead.

"Made, the haunted place is really evil. Not to mention that the spiritual palace was built under the ancient glacier. Even the inside is so weird..."

With that said, the fat man lit the lighter and went to light the lamp slave under the stone pier.

"Fat man, don't click! The environment here is special. This spiritual palace has stood here for hundreds of years and has not collapsed. Low temperature is a very important factor."

"If a large number of lamp slaves are ignited and hot air flow is generated, it is likely to change the structure here and cause a small-scale collapse."

Hu Ming quickly spoke up to stop Fatty.


The fat man was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that they were still under an ancient glacier.

"Don't worry, I said before I came down, I had figured out all the structures inside..."

"Anyway, follow me. Don't touch things here easily, and don't light open fires."

"There are a lot of cute little guys sleeping in this spiritual palace. If we wake them up... my little brother and I will definitely be fine, but you?"

“Then I’ll really leave it to fate!”

Looking back and scanning everyone, Hu Ming said quietly.

It's not that he's trying to intimidate these people, that's the truth.

Countless centipedes sleep in this spiritual palace, which is also known as Xue Maozi among the locals.

You know, these little things are carnivorous creatures. In such overwhelming numbers, there is not enough space for them to even fit between their teeth.

"Hmph! Alarmist!"

Hearing this, Chen Pi snorted subconsciously.

Having said that, Chen Pi's movements were a little more cautious.

While on top, Hu Ming even understood the structure below through the ten-meter-thick ice layer.

So here, it is not surprising that Hu Ming can hear things sleeping in the darkness of the spiritual palace.

Moreover, many tombs do use living animals to guard the tombs, which is quite common.

What's more, Chen Pi is an old tomb robber and has been fighting for a lifetime.

He knew very well that inside the tomb, no matter how careful you were, you could never be too careful.

Hu Ming and his brother took the lead, groping forward in the darkness by the light of the searchlight.

Under Hu Ming's warning, everyone closed their mouths and stopped talking. Even their breathing slowed down subconsciously.

Except for the sound of footsteps, the surroundings were eerily quiet. Combined with the current scene environment, it felt like a supernatural horror movie was being filmed.

Of course, what Hu Ming and the others are doing now... is really supernatural in nature!

If every experience of going to the tomb could be made into a movie, Hu Ming can guarantee that it would definitely win the box office!

Step, step, step

After walking forward for about five minutes, everyone had arrived at the center of the hall.

In front of the jade platform is a jade platform surrounded by nine huge bronze statues.

But the strange thing is that these statues are not carved like gods or Buddhas, but like twisted pillars covered with lichen.

"What the hell is this?"

"Does the owner of the tomb have this kind of virtue? Isn't he just a big leech?"

The fat man looked around these statues several times, scratched his head and asked in confusion.

"This may be the alienated Changshengtian in Eastern Xia religion, the main god they believe in."

Monk Hua thought for a while and said.

Before coming here again, he had done his homework and had a certain understanding of Dongxia's civilization.

"Lord God? That's right, but this is not the so-called Immortal Heaven, but... a dragon."

Hu Ming said with a chuckle.

"Dragon? Young Master, what you are saying is a bit wrong, isn't it? Where can there be such a dragon in this world?"

Lang Feng was stunned and subconsciously retorted.

"Shut up, no one will think you are dumb if you don't speak! Just listen to the second master, what are you talking about?"

Monk Hua's expression changed and he slapped Waste on the head.

He remembered that this image was indeed a dragon, but an alienated dragon!

"This is indeed a dragon, but it is not the dragon we worship in the Central Plains."

"This is a dragon that was sublimated by the Eastern Xia civilization based on local customs, beliefs, worship and other cultural factors. This is a hundred-legged dragon!"

"This is a dragon modified from a unique local creature - the centipede."

"Well, to make it simple, you can think of this thing as the Centipede Dragon, and the image is generally not much different."

Hu Ming glanced at the embarrassed Lang Feng and hummed softly.

"But, according to the burial scriptures, shouldn't the seated statue of the tomb owner be placed in the spiritual palace?"

"Why are there nine bronze statues of Centipede Dragon placed here?"

"No matter how much the owner of the tomb worships the centipede dragon, he wouldn't enshrine the dragon in this position, right?"

Wu Xie scratched his head, still a little confused.

The so-called burial forms have been strictly regulated since ancient times.

It all depends on where to put what things.

Under normal circumstances, it would never happen to visit other things in the place where the tomb owner or the sitting statue is.

"This is a spiritual palace, yes, but I didn't say there were people buried here."

"Below this spiritual palace, there is no underground palace at all, and there is no so-called tomb owner."

"Of course, don't worry, there is indeed a secret passage here. If nothing else, it is the secret passage leading to Yunding Heavenly Palace."

Hu Ming laughed dumbly, looked in the direction of the back hall, and explained softly.

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