Tomb Robber: I am Hu Bayi’s cousin

Chapter 345 Memory Recording Officer

Below the corridor is a huge crack in the mountain, like an underground canyon.

This crack is extremely wide, and the other side of the crack is about two hundred meters away.

A flare was fired, and the situation below came into view.

About twenty meters below the gallery, countless bronze chains as thick as bowls ran across both sides, connecting the bottomless rift valley together.

On the edge of the corridor, the little brother has already fixed a rock climbing rope.

The length is just enough to hang down from the nearest bronze chain.

The two of them swung down one after another and stood on the bronze chains.

Obviously, the next journey requires the two of them to swing down like monkeys in dense bronze chains.

This is no easy job.

"I can't remember what these bronze chains are for, but they are definitely not set up by people from Dongxia."

When they were about to fall, the younger brother still had the energy to explain to Hu Ming.

Maybe he has been here many times. Logically speaking, there are no secrets for me here.

But under the influence of ancestral amnesia, the younger brother has already forgotten everything.

Being able to get here quickly relies on the marks left in the past.


"...I just went up to pick you up, and I heard the conversation between you and Wu Sansheng up there."

Suddenly, the silent brother spoke up again.

"You know what I know. With my hearing nowadays, very few movements can be hidden from it. I naturally know the movements you made in the tomb passage below."

Hu Ming nodded.

"Your body... I mean, Hu Ming, have you really found a solution to your physical problems?"

The younger brother looked at Hu Ming with burning eyes.

"That's great... I envy you."

Seeing Hu Ming nod his head affirmatively, the younger brother said softly.

Although the tone was flat, Hu Ming could hear deep envy and sincere blessings.

People who have never experienced it will never understand how much trouble Aphansia causes to me.

This may be the most violent mood swing that Hu Ming has experienced since he met him.

"Brother, why don't we make an agreement?"

Suddenly, Hu Ming spoke up.


"Yes, a promise! You have guessed it. I am not immortal, but I am as long-lived as an immortal. Only after I come out of the Kingdom of the Queen Mother of the West will I be able to truly live forever and have a lot of time."

"In the future, if you realize that you are about to lose your memory, come to me and I will record and store everything you have experienced before."

"Then, I will find you who have lost your memory and tell you everything you have experienced before."

"In short, let me be your memory recorder?"

Hu Ming looked at the younger brother with a sincere smile on his face.

To be honest, Hu Ming really feels sorry for Xiao Wuqing! Believe me, it’s just a concern for a good friend!

The little brother was shocked, his falling movement stopped, he hung himself on the bronze chain with one hand, and looked at Hu Ming in disbelief.

"Forget it, Hu Ming, I understand your kindness, but it will be very troublesome. Whether it is recording it or telling it to me again, it will be very troublesome and will waste a lot of your time."

After a long time, the little brother closed his eyes and whispered.

"Do you think time will still be meaningful to me after I succeed? It's completely useless. As long as I don't seek death, I can have as much time as I want."

“What’s not worth it about paying something worthless for a good friend’s troubles?”

Hu Ming also hung himself next to his little brother and said seriously.

"Friends..are we?"

Hearing this, the younger brother murmured.

"Twenty-three years ago, when we first met deep in the Kunlun Glacier, when you helped me kill that Thunder Mountain, weren't we already friends?"

"Besides, we are both ageless monsters. We must have a lot in common, right? Well. Although you are over one hundred and thirty years old, you are much older than me."

Hu Ming said affirmatively.

"Thank you, Hu Ming"

After a long silence, the younger brother exhaled a long breath and said in a deep voice.

Brother, I have rarely accepted kindness from others.

This time is very long, and he has forgotten the specific time, but in the little brother's memory, the last time someone showed the most sincere kindness to him was when he was a child.

That's Zhang Haike.

The only childhood friend he still remembered in his past life was Zhang Haike, but now his family members of the Zhang family have settled in Hong Kong Province, and they haven't seen him for a long time.

As we went deeper, some dry corpses appeared on these bronze chains.

This is the old nest of the human-faced bird, and those corpses are the food that the human-faced bird once stored.

A thin black hair extended from the back of the corpse's neck and hung on a bronze chain.

After entering the range of the hanging corpse chain, it took about ten minutes for Hu Ming and the younger brother to reach the bottom of the crack.

From the perspective of Hu Ming's night eyes, the ground at the bottom of the crack was filled with uneven black volcanic rocks, as well as bones that had fallen from bronze chains.

On top of it, there is a thick layer of dead bones and feces.

A little disgusting!

Hu Ming curled his lips in disgust.

This ghost place was used as a nest by the human-faced bird, where they ate, drank, and had sex. After thousands of years, one can imagine how bad the environment here was.

On the cliff not far from the two of them, an extremely majestic two-sided bronze door lay across it.

It was a wide and huge door about thirty meters high but sixty meters long. The entire bronze door was cast in one piece.

It's hard to imagine what kind of advanced smelting technology could be used to forge such a giant door as a whole.

However, before that, Hu Ming still needs to complete his goal and obtain the main ingredient of the longevity medicine.

"Brother, before I prepare to go in, can I open the bronze doorkeeper's coffin first?"

"It's time to go to the grave. If I don't open a coffin, I feel a little uncomfortable!"

Looking away from the bronze door, Hu Ming looked at the small pyramid-like stone platform in the middle of the rift valley.

There is a long and narrow stone staircase built on top of the stone platform, and there is a small lamp slave on both sides of each step.

On the stone platform, there is a huge white stone coffin. Nine hundred-legged dragons are wrapped around the bottom of the coffin, in the shape of a blooming lotus. Around it, there are four black figures facing all directions, kneeling.

This is the coffin of King Wannu's last incarnation, also known as the Nine Dragons Carrying Corpse Coffin!

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