In order to see more clearly, Hu Ming decisively shot a flare over.

The blazing fireball instantly illuminated the area.

It was a huge half-moon-shaped mound hundreds of meters high, and in the sky was a broken wooden ship with an extremely ancient style.

Judging from the style, it should be a merchant ship that once led to the Western Regions.

However, the question is, how on earth did this thing get embedded in the mountainside?

For a moment, everyone looked at the ship in mid-air in astonishment, and couldn't help themselves for a long time, until the flares slowly went out.


"Am I right? Or are you hallucinating from staying in the Devil's City for a long time?"

The surrounding light became dim again, and Aning murmured subconsciously.

"Nothing is impossible."

"Looking at the landforms here, in ancient times, this should have been an ancient river. This ship sank into the mud at the bottom of the river due to some accident."

"It's just that over time, the ancient river has turned into the Gobi Desert, and the bottom of the river surrounding the sunken ship has also risen to where it is today as a result of geological movements."

Hu Ming lit a cigarette and said calmly.

"Ancient river path?" Aning said in surprise.

"...Didn't you study the terrain and geographical location here before coming here?"

"This was once one of China's seventeen Silk Roads, and it was a relatively dangerous one."

"In ancient times, the countries in the Western Regions were distributed on this barren land. This was the middle of the trade between Arabia and China."

Hu Ming was immediately shocked.

"No, what on earth are these people here for?"

When you come to the Mother Kingdom of the West, haven’t you studied the civilization and geographical features of the Western China Region in advance?

"Ahem, you know, we are all crooked, and we really don't know much about the ancient civilization of the Celestial Dynasty."

Aning's embarrassment flashed away and he murmured.

Hu Ming really got it right!

Before they came, they didn’t know much about the Silk Road here.

After all, in their opinion, they are just here to find the Mother Kingdom of the Western Queen. What does it have to do with other civilizations?

"Huh? Now I remember that you are a crooked person? Who told me that she was Chinese before?"


Hu Ming looked at Aning teasingly.

I have to say that this cheeky, ahem, wrong, adapting to circumstances is very spiritual.

Seeing that the situation is not going well, he directly switches camps, which is awesome!

"Hey, look at the ground. There are traces of footprints here! It looks like they should have been left there only in the past few days."

"The terrain here is a natural haven. The Caucasians probably accidentally ran here. As for the people..."

"Maybe the person is in the sunken ship in mid-air?"

"Hu Ming, as expected of you! Your intuition is so effective!"

Aning seemed not to have heard Hu Ming's teasing words, pointing to the footprints in the ground and the sunken ship on the cliff, and shouted exaggeratedly.


"As far as your talent in changing the subject bluntly and awkwardly is concerned, I, Hu Ming, would like to call you the best!"

Hu Ming looked at Aning in admiration.

"What are you still looking at? Why don't you go up and see if our people are hiding from the wind inside the boat!?"

As if he didn't hear Hu Ming's teasing words at all, Aning ordered his men without changing his expression.

From a certain level, Aning is indeed invincible!

"Uh-huh, okay, Ning, let's go right away."

The team doctor and the big white man nodded blankly and gave Aning a thumbs up.

Ning, that’s awesome!

This half-crescent-shaped cliff is extremely steep, with an angle of almost seventy degrees.

Immediately, two of Aning's men took out the paratrooper knives from their waists and used them as mountaineering pickaxes to climb up.

In terms of rock climbing, they are all professionally trained, even the team doctor.

Under the light of Aning's searchlight, it didn't take long for him to successfully climb onto the sunken ship.

Seeing the two figures disappearing into the sunken ship, the atmosphere suddenly became silent.

An Ning was still a little embarrassed.

Hu Ming, on the other hand, looked at the sunken ship with squinted eyes, not knowing what to think about.

About two minutes later, suddenly

"Something happened!"

Hu Ming suddenly pulled out the sword from his waist and said solemnly.

For Hu Ming, with the blessing of his extraordinary five senses, even the slightest movement in the sunken ship could not escape his surveillance.

"What do you mean? My people won't be in danger!"

Aning's heart sank, and he asked quickly regardless of the embarrassment.

"Your people touched something they shouldn't have touched. As for safety issues, the two people who were missing before are already dead."

"As for the two who just entered, it's hard to say...oh no, another one died, and only the team doctor is still alive."

Hu Ming grinned and said indifferently.

Before he finished speaking, a continuous miserable howl came from the sunken ship in mid-air.

"Monster!!! Damn it, get out of here and don't come near me!!!"

"Ning, run! There are monsters in this ship!!!"


This is the voice of the team doctor.

Immediately afterwards, the team doctor was seen running out of the sunken ship in a panic and rolling down the slope of the cliff.

Even from a distance of tens of meters, you can still see the horrified expression on his face.

"Calm down! What happened? Where are the others?"

Aning's heart trembled, and he quickly ran forward to help the team doctor and asked questions again and again.

"Monsters - there are monsters! Man-eating monsters! All eaten. All eaten."

However, in a short period of time, the team doctor seemed to have been frightened out of his courage, and he just said this back and forth.


The team doctor's body was covered in mottled blood, and his face was almost completely stained red. Combined with his horrifying expression and words, it was really scary.

Coincidentally, a gust of night wind blew by, and bursts of howling ghosts and wolves could be heard in the Devil City behind him.

Under the moonlight, a ferocious figure appeared silently on the bow of the sunken ship, quietly watching the people below.

That is a person or was a person.

Judging from the clothes and grooming, he must be one of Aning's men.

However, at this time, this person had changed beyond recognition, and some strange changes had occurred.

The exposed skin seemed to have been corroded by high-concentration sulfuric acid, and the whole body was red with blood dripping from high places.

Especially that face.

The eyelids had long since disappeared, and the blood-red eyes were wide open, full of cruelty and greed.

Even the lips are partially missing, the gums are leaking, and the dark white teeth add a bit of ferocity.

The most terrifying thing is that in its hand, it is still holding a mutilated thigh!!!

Judging from the gap, it must have been torn from the human body!

"It's a bloody corpse," Hu Ming said softly.

Hu Ming has seen this thing too many times and will never admit it!

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