Tomb Robber: I am Hu Bayi’s cousin

Chapter 413 Queen Mother of the West!

The situation here is simply like hell, with a large number of stone pillars hanging down from above and turning into a large, weird and huge stone waterfall.

The slope is gentle enough to be hiked up, and it's ridiculously big, almost like a hill.

There are simple stone steps on one of the widest and largest stone waterfalls.

Bronze everlasting lamps that have been burning for five thousand years are placed on both sides. At the top of the stone steps is an artificially trimmed platform.

This is a place similar to a sacrifice.

When the light shines on, there is a simple stone throne in the center of the sacrificial altar.

On the throne, a dark figure was sitting there quietly.

At this time, everyone could clearly see the huge shadow above their heads.

At the junction of the stone waterfall and the top of the cavity, embedded in the rock on the cave roof overhead, is a huge, speechless object.

This thing is huge, and the part that protrudes from the roof of the cave is spherical.

Its diameter is completely inestimable, covering almost the entire field of view.

The texture is a strange rock, but the color is completely different from the surrounding surroundings and the roof of the cave.

The strange thing is that the surface of this stone is full of holes the size of tar barrels, thousands of them, densely packed, and looks extremely ugly, like lotus roots stuck in the air.

Everyone looked above the head along the light, and the air suddenly became quiet.

Everyone was stunned, and the atmosphere solidified.

"What the hell is this?" Fatty muttered in a low voice.

"Oh my god, this is a sky stone. Yes, this is the key to the Queen Mother of the West's immortality."

"It is also my last hope and life-saving straw!"

Chen Wenjin murmured in a low voice.

Sky stones are what the ancients called meteorites.

Vivid and vivid, it comes from the stone in the sky.

And this huge meteorite is the so-called magical meteorite.

It is not made of jade, but its luster and feel are very similar to jade, so it has been called meteorite since ancient times.

The Queen Mother of the West also researched a new way to immortality based on this thing.

At this time, everyone had come to their senses, looking away from the meteor jade and looking at the surrounding environment.

When I got closer, I saw that the figure sitting on the throne of the altar was a female corpse.

The female corpse is dressed in extremely complicated clothes, with a gold crown on her head, a gold silk skirt and robe, and is covered with jade pieces.

The female corpse sits upright as if in concentration, lifelike. The female corpse's face turned blue. When she got closer, she saw that it was a layer of cyan gel similar to lime that was close to the skin.

This is an ancient and primitive corpse embalming technology.

Behind the female corpse, there were two Yin soldiers, whose entire bodies were wrapped in armor made of black meteorite, quietly guarding there.

"That's not right, Hu Ming. Look at the clothes on her body and the throne. This female corpse should be the most powerful woman in the Kingdom of the Queen Mother of the West. She must be the Queen Mother of the West."

"But, you said before that Queen Mother Xi is still alive, and that cold female voice we just heard..."

After observing carefully for a while, the fat man frowned and asked in confusion.

It's impossible that the female corpse sitting on the throne in front of me suddenly turned out to be a corpse, right?

"The Queen Mother of the West? Strictly speaking, this is really the body of that old woman."

Feeling the sight behind his head, a strange smile appeared on Hu Ming's lips.

"The previous body?"

Everyone was stunned and didn't understand.

"A long time ago, Queen Mother Xi used another method of immortality. This was her past body."

"It's just that she later developed a new method of immortality based on the huge piece of meteorite in front of her. She abandoned her past body and transformed into a new body."

"No, this is the evidence!"

Saying that, Hu Ming lifted up the skirt of the female corpse in front of him without being particular.

"Damn it, uncle, what the hell is this? Is it a snake demon?"

Seeing what was happening under their skirts, Fatty, Wu Xie, Aning and others all had their pupils shrink sharply and couldn't help but exclaim in surprise.

Under the hem of the skirt, there is not a pair of ordinary legs, but a crimson coiled snake tail!

"The symbiosis of humans and snakes is the earliest and most primitive method of immortality. Just like the Wannu King we saw in Yunding Heavenly Palace before."

"Oh, sorry, I forgot, what you see is the remains of King Wannu who was chopped up by me."

Hu Ming explained calmly.

This method of immortality has many drawbacks, but the Queen Mother of the West accidentally found this magical meteorite from the sky and successively developed a new method of immortality.

Although one can gain near-eternal life by borrowing the Corpse Turtle Pill, there is no need to change the body structure, and the temperament will not be affected by the symbiotic snake in the body.

However, Corpse Turtle Pill has a fatal flaw!

If you want to maintain eternal life and maintain the appearance of a human being, you must never leave Meteor Jade!

Of course, Hu Ming had no interest in educating everyone about this.

"As for where the Queen Mother of the West is now..."

"By the way, you've been staring at the back of my head for most of the day. What on earth do you want to do?"

"Which of us doesn't know who? Are you playing a mystery? Are you bored?"

"If you really want to scare me, you might as well get out of the TV screen!"

Ignoring everyone's curious eyes, Hu Ming said softly without looking back.

"Although it's just the remains of my discarded body, and the lower body is a snake body, but you do this. Hu Ming, your character is indeed very bad."

"After all, I am also a queen. In the terms of your era, I am at least a lady, right? Well, a lady!"

"Also, don't call me an old woman. Do I look old? Call me Her Majesty the Queen!"

A cold voice sounded from behind everyone, with a hint of dissatisfaction in the voice.

This voice is the one I heard before.

Everyone had already turned around quickly.

I saw a pale woman sitting there quietly in a hole in the meteorite jade in front of me.

Regardless of her clothing, face or figure, except for her excessively fair skin, the woman looking at Hu Ming dissatisfiedly was exactly the same as the female corpse on the throne!

"Long time no see, Hu Ming, the Zhang family is in trouble!"

"Hu Ming, thank you very much for King Zhou Mu's matter. For thousands of years, I have been trapped here and can hardly do anything. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid he and I would never meet again."

Seeing everyone turning to look at her, Queen Mother Xi raised the corners of her mouth slightly and greeted Hu Ming and Zhang Qiling familiarly.

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