"Uncle Ming, Uncle Ming, wake up!"

"Damn it, I didn't expect Uncle Ming to be tricked. Mad, don't let the fat man know what is attacking us from behind. You have to kill those turtles!"

"There are no external injuries. In fact, Uncle Ming's clothes are very neat, it seems."

"It seems that there is no trace of resistance? You two will not say it. Even I can sense the danger temporarily. How could he be knocked unconscious without any resistance?"

The conversation between Wu Xie and the three of them could be heard in his ears. Hu Ming still had his hands crossed on his chest, his eyes were closed, his breathing was slow, and he was extremely peaceful.

At this time, the lake water that surrounded him all the time had disappeared.

Under Hu Ming's body was a hard and moist rock formation.

The diving facilities above have been removed. There is a huge cavity with enough air for several people to breathe.

"There is no external injury. Apart from physical means, are there any other incomprehensible attacks?"

The slightly confused voice of the younger brother sounded again.

Although I haven't played against Hu Ming directly, I have a clear understanding of the situation.

Whether it was the faint sense of danger brought by the sixth sense, or the fact that he had witnessed Hu Ming's methods in the past, Hu Ming would probably be stronger than him if he started fighting.

And there is an existence that can make Hu Ming be attacked and knocked unconscious without any precautions.

In my mind, those little things who held him hostage and knocked him unconscious were not qualified at all!

However, at this time, Hu Ming was lying upright in front of them, unable to call out.

I can't help but think of some weird and insidious methods that are difficult to guard against.

If this is really the case, then the danger level of those little things will skyrocket.


It's too late to say this now.

The little brother looked at the 360-degree closed space with no blind spots around him and sighed slightly.

Who knows how those things brought them to such a complete secret room?

Magic? Magic?

Or are those things really able to travel through space, a method that only exists in fantasy?

For a time, the mood of several people became depressed, and a vague atmosphere of despair enveloped several people.

"Made, can't you just stay here and let me sleep peacefully?"

At this moment, the "unconscious" Hu Ming suddenly sighed softly and complained as if complaining.

"Uncle Ming/Hu Ming! You didn't pass out?"

Hearing this, the three of them looked happy and looked at Hu Ming who sat up in surprise.

Not knowing what happened, the three of them subconsciously believed that Hu Ming was pretending to be unconscious rather than being knocked unconscious!

However, this is indeed the case.

"Ah, if I hadn't been looking for you guys, I'd have torn those ghosts into pieces long ago."

"Sneak attack on me? With all due respect, there may be people who can have anal sex with me in this world, but sneak attack... I'm sorry, the thing that can sneak attack me hasn't been born yet!"

Standing up, Hu Ming stretched.

I have to say that Hu Ming is not afraid of being proud of his acting skills just now, it was a perfect score!

It’s over!

This is a dark underground cave.

There are wet rock walls all around, and water seeps out from the rock walls from time to time, condensing into water droplets and dripping down.

This is similar to a gourd style, with two annular spaces nested together. Other than that, this is a completely airtight enclosed space.

There is no passage or anything like that at all around.

At the foot, there is a small pool of crystal clear water.

It is only about half a meter deep, and you can see the bottom at a glance.

After just a few cursory glances, Hu Ming knew that there was no possible secret passage under the water.

In the rock formations above my head, there are some two-finger-wide gaps visible to the naked eye, and I don't know where they lead.

But the airflow blowing out of it is enough to prove that this place is no longer a lake, and the gap leads to the outside world.

Thanks to this, several people have enough fresh air here to prevent them from suffocating to death in a short period of time.

In short, this is an absolutely closed space with absolutely no passage for a human body to pass through!

It seems that just as Wu Xie and others guessed, the guy who attacked them has incredible power to travel through space!

Hu Ming smiled and said nothing.

"..Uncle Ming, can you still laugh?"

"We are in a desperate situation now! I won't tell you how we got in. The question now is, how do we get out?

"When we came, we didn't bring many supplies with us, and food was extremely scarce. I looked at it and found that the food we brought with us was barely enough for one meal."

Wu Xie felt a headache when he saw the smile on Hu Ming's lips.

Before that, they hadn't thought about digging a passage out.

But just think about it. Judging from the sound of knocking on the rock wall, this thickness is enough to make people despair!

Based on a rough judgment, by the time they dig through the rock wall, they will probably be starved to a withered skeleton!

Worst of all, the things that brought them here...

God knows what those things are paying attention to, but there is one thing that Wu Xie and others are sure of: those things are absolutely 100% malicious towards these people.

"As for food... you have everything you need! Feel free to eat and drink. As long as I'm here, you will never be hungry!"

Hu Ming smiled mysteriously, rolled up his sleeves, and in the eyes of several people who seemed to understand, his hands traced mysterious trajectories in the air.

"I seem to have thought of something..."

Fatty Wu Xie looked at each other with joy on his face.

“Next, it’s time to witness the miracle!”

Hu Ming smiled mysteriously and grabbed his hands in the air... the next moment!

A large amount of plastic-packaged food fell from the sky out of thin air and piled up into a small mountain!

Wu Xie and Fatty even saw steaming rice bowls!!!

"Never underestimate a mage's abilities!"

Looking at the dull eyes of several people, Hu Ming smiled slightly.

Although it is a bit superficial, I just like to see the shocked and unbelievable expressions on their faces.

It’s all good!

There is a portable space, and I don’t know how much food and drink has been stored in it. Hu Ming is really never short of supplies!

Food, water, as much as you want!

Eat and drink with what you have now...

It is not a problem to persist here for several years.

And the problem is trapped here.

Hu Ming wasn't worried at all. Those things didn't throw them in just for fun.

Just wait quietly.

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