The big corpse cockroach at the top of the cave chewed the ferryman’s head carefully, and the cold animal eyes were still constantly looking at Jiang Nan and the others.

“Little chic is quite something, but it’s a little too greedy.” ”

“That bastard still can’t satisfy your appetite and set his sights on our group?”

“Hmm… Martial Evil, how about you carry forward the fearless spirit of sacrificing yourself and Buddha cutting flesh and feeding eagles, and satisfy the big corpse cockroach with your own flesh, so that we can pass through safely?”

“Not to mention, here is your fine skin and tender meat, you can see that it tastes great.” ”

Jiang Nan shook Wu Xie’s shoulder and couldn’t help but laugh.

The body of the big corpse cockroach was stained with piercing blood, and in this dangerous situation, Wu Xie never expected that Jiang Nan would be interested in making such a bad joke.

Can’t help but roll his eyes, MMP almost didn’t blurt out.

Fine-skinned tender meat?

How do you think Second Uncle, your old man has finer skin and tender meat than me, right?

When the words came to his lips, Wu Xie swallowed alive, because the black gold treasure knife in Wu Xie’s hand was terrifying.

“Black Gold Treasure Saber?”

When Jiang Nan took out the black gold treasure knife from the backpack behind him, Wu San Province and the little brother were suddenly stunned.

This knife is like the one that Wusan Province “sold” to the little brother.

But unlike Wu San Province, the little brother seemed to understand something, and his indifferent eyes flashed like this.


Pitch-black blades streaked through the air, tearing the air and making a hissing sound.

Jiang Nan’s knees were slightly bent, and he was about to jump up and slaughter the big corpse, when suddenly, the little brother spoke up.

“Jiangnan, wait, I’ll come!”


Jiang Nan was stunned, and looked at the little brother who walked slowly to the side, a little unsure.

“The ferryman died, and the guide who had also eaten dead human flesh also ran, and there was something strange in this cave, and there must be something dirty. ”

“Such a large corpse cockroach is similar to a ferryman who grew up eating dead human flesh, and the dead qi can cover our anger and let us pass through here safely, and the corpse cockroach cannot die yet.” ”

The little brother explained concisely.

“Hey, I thought what you said, don’t bother so much, if I’m guessing right, the dead air cover doesn’t work anymore.” ”

“If you think about it, the ferryman has been doing this business here for many years, and he has been in and out so many times without incident, but why did he lose his life this time?”

Jiang Nan said with a dumb smile.

“What do you mean?”

“It’s very simple, I’m afraid that something has happened in the depths of the cave, and it is no longer useful to cover up the anger with dead qi. ”

“Look at the water, those black shadows, it is clear that swarms of corpses are running for their lives!”

“Corpse cockroaches, a single appearance is a dish, but the appearance of groups is a big threat, something that can make thousands of corpse cockroaches escape.” ”

“Do you think the dead qi can cover our breath?”

As he spoke, Jiang Nan had already jumped up and aimed at the big corpse, wielding the black knife in his hand repeatedly.

The harsh light of the knife cut through the dark cave.

In just the blink of an eye, the huge corpse cockroach has long been chopped into eight segments by Jiangnan, and the dead can no longer die.

Jiangnan’s skills have long surpassed the limits of human beings.

This big corpse, even if it is a bean, as long as it has a weapon at hand, it is just a little troublesome.

And even more so Gangnam?

“Something happened…”

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At this time, the little brother and Wu San Province looked solemnly at the black shadow on the surface of the boat.

Just now, they didn’t pay attention, as soon as Jiang Nan said, they reacted.

What passes by underwater at great speed is not a school of fish at all, but thousands of swarms of countless corpses!

Working underground all year round, they naturally know how terrifying the hordes of corpses are.

But now, swarms of corpses are actually fleeing for their lives?

Thinking of this, everyone’s faces suddenly became ugly.

“Third Master, Jiang Ye, trouble!”

“The inside of the cave is so narrow that we can’t turn back, and there are cows in the boat behind us, so we can’t hold up rowing.” ”

“The equipment of that ship and cattle, the waterline is already very deep, if we go up one more person, I am afraid that the ship will sink!”

“And the inside of this hole is too low for the cow to stand up and drive the cow into the water!”

Panzi played the searchlight, glanced at the situation on the boat behind him, cried out, and couldn’t help scolding his mother.

Wu San Province and Wu Xie’s uncle and nephew suddenly became Muggles.

“It’s not a big problem, just keep going, in short, we know that there is a way out at the end of this waterway.” ”

Jiang Nan shrugged, not taking this matter to heart at all.

Some of the corpse of the big corpse cockroach that had just been divided by Jiangnan fell onto the boat.

And coincidentally, it is the tail of the corpse cockroach.

On its tail, there is a fist-sized hexagonal copper sealed wind chime.

I don’t know when it was planted, it was already patina, and the six sides of the wind chime were engraved with dense incantations.

How come someone still has fixed the wind chimes on the corpse cockroach, which is still artificially bred?”

Seeing this thing, Panzi was stunned and subconsciously asked.

“Who knows?”

Jiang Nan chuckled and didn’t mean to answer Panzi.

In fact, the tomb inside the robbery pen is really interesting.

As it is, most of the tombs are surrounded by corpse cockroaches, or the rest of the fierce insects to guard the tomb.

I don’t know if this habit was passed down from King Mu of Zhou and was regarded as a tradition.

The tomb inside the robber pen is the least lacking in these densely packed murderous little things.

Bell bell bell ~

At this moment, the hexagonal wind chime was automatic, and it began to shake strangely out of thin air, making an ethereal sound.


Seeing this, Jiang Nan stepped on this thing without hesitation.

He knew that the sound of this thing had a demagogic effect.

Although the thing is good, but it is too evil, such a thing is too hot, and it is not so easy to shoot.

The bronze shell was actually too old to look good, and the bell crackled, and an extremely unpleasant green water floated out from it.


Seeing this, the corners of Wu Sansheng’s heartache twitched, this Nima is money!

“Save it, there are things in the wind chime, you can’t take out the contents without breaking the wind chime, it’s impossible to bring it back and shoot, no one will take over this kind of thing.” ”

Jiang Nan pointed to the large cyan centipede that had been trampled on inside the bronze fragment and shook his head.

The bronze wind chimes are a symbiotic system of centipedes and large corpse cockroaches cultivated inside.

Jiang Nan is very clear that this is just an experimental product inspired by human-animal symbiosis.

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