In fact, everyone who plays antiques in Sijiu City knows that the Xinyue Hotel is the real place where experts stay, and the people who play are really big things.

Compared with here, what Liuli Factory and Panjiayuan are really just stall goods, full of pit people.

The real business is basically carried out in the theater on the third floor of the Xinyue Hotel.

During the Qing Dynasty, this was a place where eunuchs and foreigners traded in the palace, and entry and exit were all formal clothes, which has become an unspoken rule for many years.

Buyers and sellers who come here to trade must wear formal clothes to enter.

No matter how rich you are or how awesome your status is, if you wear big pants, you will be forbidden to enter the wall.

Early that morning, Wu Xie and Fat Man came to the door with invitations in suits.

Although Wu Xie is not that type of man, his figure is also within the range of normal people, and he is even a little thin, and he is quite tasteful in a suit.

But the fat man …

“Which store made this suit for you? I’ll go and burn that shop.” ”

Wu Xie looked at the fat man’s dress and complained.

The fat man’s suit was unusually ill-fitting, the size was significantly smaller by one size, and the fat man was holding his breath from beginning to end in order not to let his general’s belly see people without cover.

The tie was hung around the neck indiscriminately, and it was like fritters.

The whole person is not unusual, especially compared with those people in dog-like suits and shoes at the door, Zhendi is quite embarrassing.

At least, if Wu Xie didn’t have a choice, he really didn’t want to come here with the fat man.

It’s a shame on Gil!

Wu Xie heard the low laughter of the young lady in the dress passing by.

The image was all ruined by the fat man.

It’s none of my business, you fat master I’ve been a little moisturized lately, and this suit was just right a year ago. ”

“How big a suit are we wearing, I want to wear children’s clothes, with us Jiangnan, they are not allowed to let us in?”

The fat man was also uncomfortable being wrapped and muttered.

“Yes, you have reason, then you go ahead. ”

Wu Xie didn’t have the heart to talk nonsense with him, and he had a bad premonition in his heart, and he felt more and more that the reputation of the old martial artist might be destroyed in his hands today.

“Two, please inside, the second master has already arranged seats for the two. ”

The voice wearing a decent cheongsam slowly walked out of the Xinyue Hotel, looking at the two with an impeccable smile.

Slow voice is professionally trained, and under normal circumstances, she will never laugh at distinguished guests who come to the door.

Especially this is a distinguished guest that Jiangnan has instructed.

Even if you really can’t bear it, the slow voice will still hold back the laughter in your heart.

“What about the second uncle? I want to meet him. ”

Wu Xie raised his eyebrows, wanting to dig out some insider information from the slow voice.

“I’m sorry, Little Third Master, Second Master and Miss have things to do now, and there is a very troublesome guest… I’m afraid I won’t have time to receive you. ”

“But rest assured, the second master has already ordered, both of them are distinguished guests of our Xinyue Hotel, and all consumption is hung in the name of the second master. ”

Sheng Sheng slowly led the two into the door, took the elevator to the third floor, and explained softly.

Wu Xie and Ren made an appointment to meet here, but until now, there was still no trace of the mysterious buyer who wanted to buy the pattern thunder structure diagram.

Helpless, he could only follow Jiangnan’s arrangement and follow the voice slowly.

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Wu Xie was still here for the first time, and he couldn’t help but feel a little apprehensive.

After getting on the elevator to the third floor, you can see some gorgeous Chinese-style interiors, full of antique ornaments, carved window and door screens.

Take a closer look, these placed ornaments are all genuine antiques!

Most of them are porcelain from the Ming and Qing dynasties, and even, Wu Xie has seen some old things from the Tang Dynasty!

“… Hey, is the Yin family so rich, along the way, all of them are real goods, and none of them are old fakes!”

Looking at these things, Wu Xie gasped and couldn’t help but sigh.

The value of these things adds up to an astronomical amount!

It’s hard to imagine how rich the assets of the Yin family that have stood in Sijiu City for hundreds of years are.

At least, the martial arts are sure that their old martial artists are definitely not comparable.

“Or is it said that the Xinyue Hotel is the most high-end place in the antiques trading industry in Four Nine Cities?”

“Naive, don’t hide from you, some of your old Jiumen transactions involving large amounts are carried out here, and in the entire Four Nine City, you won’t find a more high-end trading place than here. ”

The fat man smacked his tongue.

In short, the Xinyue Hotel is extremely luxurious, and it is the favorite place of the upper class in the entire Four Nine Cities.

In this regard, he laughed slowly and silently.

In fact, strictly speaking, the Xinyue Hotel has been passed down for a long time, and the change of dynasty cannot affect the transcendent status of Four Nine City.

In the past hundred years of the tree, what wind and waves have you never seen in the Heart Moon Hotel?

Compared to the Crescent Hotel, the entire Jiumen…

If the Xinyue Hotel is an aristocracy with a long heritage, then the entire Jiumen… It’s really a bit of an upstart.

In the Republican period, the nine gates rose quickly, which could be described as a nouveau riche at that time, but they decayed faster!

The entire Nine Gates have only flourished for less than half a century, and at the beginning of the establishment of the New Celestial Empire, for the sake of legal identity, it will not be liquidated because of the identity of the tomb thief, which can be described as a huge price.

And today’s nine doors… Anyway, Jiangnan really doesn’t think much of it.

Until now, there are some so-called fools who stick to the family base, flaunt their might, and hope to carry forward the family business.

What era is this, and you still want to rely on the inverted bucket industry to settle down?

If it’s a lone ranger, it’s just that, but the family unit fights backwards?

Stop making trouble, the twenty-first century dear!

Society is gradually stabilizing, laws are gradually improving, as long as there are big people targeting the nine gates, the nine doors still want to survive?

Dreaming too!

For so many years, although “he” has been persecuting the nine gates, but in a way, “K he” needs the nine gates, and why is it not the umbrella of the nine doors at the top?

Now, “he” has collapsed, and Jiumen still wants to rely on the inverted bucket to settle down?

Take date pills.

Remember, the Celestial Empire is a kingdom, and in front of the state apparatus, the so-called inverted bucket family?

Why did Old Dog Wu wash the white martial artist?

First, forced by the situation, and second, Wu Laogou has seen through the inevitability of social development, and in the new era, there is really no soil for tomb robbers to survive.

Therefore, today’s Nine Gates, if they stick to the inverted bucket and do not change their careers, sooner or later they will have to be completely cool.

At this point, the martial family, the Hong family, the Huo family, and the Xie family did a good job, and began the family transformation early, leaving behind the shady business and running a serious business.

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