The private room of the old lady of the Huo family is “Caihe Hall”.

Taken from Liu Xiao’s “Beauty from a Distance”.

When the stem is wrapped, water or makeup.

Do not give red sleeves wet, only pity the green leaf fragrance.

Through the door, all kinds of sounds in the room did not enter Jiangnan’s ears, so that the situation in the room was clearly controlled.

“Second Uncle, what are you laughing at?”

Anning looked at Jiangnan’s sudden smile and asked suspiciously.

“Nothing… Slow voice, you go busy, I remember, this auction still needs you to host, right?”

Jiang Nan narrowed the smile at the corner of his mouth, waved his hand, and said slowly to the voice.

“Yes, Second Master, then I will quit first. ”

The voice nodded slowly, turned and left.

Jiang Nan was right, because of her unique ear power, the auction of the Xinyue Hotel had always been handed over to her to preside.

Anyone who has participated in the auction of the Xinyue Hotel knows that bidding for items here, separated by tens of meters, does not need to shout loudly.

As long as you gently quote your price, the host’s slow voice is enough to hear clearly.

The name of the slave in the Xinyue Hotel has long spread throughout the upper-class social circles of the Four Nine Cities, and everyone knows and knows about it.

With an impeccable smile on his face again, Jiang Nan pushed open the door.

After all, the old lady of the Huo family is an elder.

When I opened the three or four layers of coral bead curtains, I immediately smelled a smell of Tibetan incense.

This is a Tibetan Buddhist product, and it is said that it has a certain health preservation effect, and the upper class old people in Sijiu City still like this Tao.

The room is fresh and elegant, luxurious and does not fall into the stereotypical environment, this is the standard of Xinyue Hotel, and it is also where the pressure lies.

At the large round table in the center of the room, seven or eight people were already sitting together.

Among them, an old man wearing a purple Tang suit, silver hair, and white skin like snow sat at the first expressionless face drinking tea, surrounded by several women of different ages.

These women have one thing in common, slender figures, water-like eyes mixed with charm, so that people subconsciously ignore their appearance.

Of course, compared with Yao Xiuxiu, there is still some gap.

“Second Master!”

These women nodded and greeted as soon as they saw Jiang Nan push the door in.

“Second Uncle, you are here. ”

On Huo Xiangu’s left, Xiaohua in a pink shirt showed a gentle smile.

Although, seeing Jiang Nan appear here, his heart was full of thoughts, and no one could guess what he was thinking.

This time he and the Huo family’s cooperation, I am afraid that there will be an accident…

The moment she saw Jiangnan, Xiaohua realized something.

Once Jiang Nan decides to intervene, the result is afraid that it will become unpredictable.

The recent activities of him and the old lady of the Huo family could not be concealed from the probes of people with intentions, and Jiang Nan was not a good person to get along with.

Jiang Nan’s appearance here is undoubtedly showing his attitude.

Looking at the little brother who didn’t know when he stood behind Jiangnan, Xiaohua smiled slightly, took a sip of tea, and her eyes flickered.

Opposite it, Wu Xie sat upright, and behind him, was the fat man and the little brother in a suit.

As early as a few minutes ago, Wu Xie and the fat man were invited here by the old lady of the Huo family.

And the little brother also met with the martial arts evil at about that time.

“Oh, old lady, speaking of which, this should be the first time we have met, right?”

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Meeting everyone’s different gazes, Jiang Nan’s face remained unchanged, calmly walked up, pulled away the chair, and sat down peacefully.

“Hmph, Xiuxiu, come, come to grandma!”

Huo Xiangu sneered, took a sip of tea, and did not pay attention to Jiang Nan at all, but shouted at Yu Xiuxiu.

In this regard, Jiang Nan smiled and said nothing.

After all… During the previous period, the old lady of the Huo family wanted to meet him many times, but Jiang Nan had always avoided seeing him.

Can’t make the old lady a little tempered yet?

“Grandma, little flower!”

At this time, Xiuxiu let Jiang Nan go, and came to the right side of Huo Xiangu to sit down with a smile.

Curiously glanced at Wu Xie, a childhood friend, under the signal of Xiaohua, he stopped talking much, quietly drinking tea and watching the play.

Discerning people could see that Huo Xiangu had some intentions for martial arts, but with the arrival of Jiangnan, the scene had undergone some subtle changes.

Of all the people present, only Jiang Nan was qualified to communicate with the old lady of the Huo family on an equal footing.

Although, in terms of generation, Jiangnan is a little lower than the old lady of the Huo family.

For a while, the atmosphere became a little strange, and the air seemed to be filled with the smell of calculation.

“Granny Huo, I’m a martial evil, hello, didn’t disturb your rest?”

His brows furrowed, and Wu Xie instinctively sensed the taste of conspiracy, but there were too few clues to get any useful inferences.

After thinking about it, Wu Xie came forward and wanted to shake hands with Huo Xiangu…

This was Wu Xie’s habit of talking about business when he ran his own small shop, and he felt a little inappropriate as soon as he stretched out his hand.

After all, Huo Xiangu was too deeply entangled with his grandfather, and as a junior, this way of greeting was really inappropriate.

Immediately, he withdrew his hand and brushed the hairstyle on the side of his ear.

How to say it… It’s kind of embarrassing.

Wu Xie himself knew that this action must be extremely stupid.

Sure enough, the fat girl’s face changed, obviously holding back a smile.


Yao Xiuxiu didn’t care so much, and laughed out loud decisively.

“Ahem, Xiuxiu, as a girl, be reserved!”

Jiang Nan took a sip of tea, his eyelids drooping.

It’s just that the corners of Jiang Nan’s mouth turned up a little without a trace.

“Second uncle, don’t blame me, who knew that brother Wuxie was still the same as when he was a child… No, I haven’t seen it for so many years, and I’m a little more stupid now than when I was a child!”

Yan Xiuxiu retracted her smile, her beautiful eyes looked at Wu Xie, and said disapprovingly.

“Okay, Xiuxiu, if you want to reminisce, there will be time after that. ”

“As for you, Wu Xie… Sure enough, it is a little similar to Wu Lao dog, and others told me that I still don’t believe it, it turns out that this stinky dog is really endless. ”

Huo Xiangu glared at Xiuxiu slightly, roughly looked at the martial arts, and commented indifferently.

This tone…

Like a very snarky grudge…

Wu Xie smiled bitterly, not caring about the inexplicable familiarity in Xiuxiu’s tone.

Any fool can hear a strong sour smell.

It turns out that the rumors are not fake, and the old lady in front of him and his grandfather really have a leg when they were young!

“It’s even more like laughing, just like your grandfather, it doesn’t look like a good thing.” ”

Old Mrs. Huo looked at the embarrassed smirk and sighed slightly, as if she remembered something in the past, and her expression was a little complicated.

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