In fact, Chen Yulou and Luo Laowai have always maintained a delicate balance.

Normally, it would be Chen Yulou who led the Xiling warriors and Luo Laowai who led the engineers into the tomb gate.

The pistol company stayed outside, as did Miss Hong and some of the Xieling bandits.

Inside and outside the tomb gate, the two groups of people are basically equal in power and trust each other.

But the appearance of Xu Chen, coupled with the limit of one hundred medicine cakes, broke this balance.

Xu Chen's skills are astounding, and Chen Yulou is also a good player.

The fifty or sixty Xiling bandits he brought with him were all masters.

If Luo Laowai brings some engineers in, the weight will obviously be low.

But when they went in with a company of forty or fifty pistols and elite guards, their combat power was obviously higher than that of the Xieling bandits under Chen Yulou.

Chen Yulou and his Xiling group of thieves are not fools either.

Naturally, everyone saw Luo Laowai's little Jiujiu.

Since ancient times, this business has been very sensitive.

When forming a group, one must be very familiar with each other and have a deep sense of loyalty.

What I'm afraid of is that if we encounter danger in an ancient tomb, we won't help each other, but when we see gold, silver and jewelry, we willAnd scramble.

Once something goes wrong, it's totally over.

Even in some tomb robbing schools where father and son brothers go to the tomb, it is the son who goes to the tomb, and the father looks out from above.

It is because there are not many sons who cheat on their fathers, and it is not uncommon for their fathers to take the gold and silver and throw them in the tomb.

On the contrary, there are not many fathers who cheat their sons. If something happens to their son in the tomb, he can often save his life by dying.

The father and son still have concerns.

Not to mention so-called sworn brothers like Chen Yulou and Luo Laowai.

Chen Yulou, Hua Maguai and others were naturally dissatisfied with Luo Laowai.

Xu Chen had a smile on his face.

He immediately stopped Chen Yulou who was about to speak.

"Since we are all brothers, we can naturally trust Luo Shuai."

"Come on, everyone, take the medicine cakes and let's go into the tomb gate and dig the underground palace together."

Soon, more than a hundred people, led by Xu Chen, Chen Yulou and others, entered behind the tomb door. Behind the tomb door was a passage made of stones.

It was much wider than ordinary ancient tomb passages.

Obviously , it was much wider. In more ancient times, carriages and horses once passed through this passage.

It should be the relics left by the emperors who made elixirs and sought immortality during the Tang and Song Dynasties.

Not far from the entrance, the passage was blocked by a large stone.

But everyone quickly They used mules and horses to drag and clear these stones.

The road behind was clear.

There were Huabiao stone pillars at intervals on both sides.

The shapes were gorgeous and the carvings were exquisite. It was not an ordinary work at first glance.

Luo Laowai became even more jealous when he saw it. With my heart beating, I wanted to rush forward, dig into the underground palace and find the treasure.

After walking forward for a hundred or two hundred meters, everyone finally reached the end of the corridor. In front of it was a vermilion brick wall.

It didn't look like an ordinary tomb wall at all, but more like The city wall looks very thick and reaches the top.

It blocks the tomb passage tightly.

There is an arched doorway underneath.

It looks similar to a city gate.

The doorway is also a huge city gate with large copper nails at the mouth of a bowl.

A huge iron lock was hung on the city gate.

At this time, everyone could not wait.

Xu Chen shouted,"Mute!"

Then Kunlun Molle's tall figure appeared, holding a huge mountain-cutting ax in his hand.

Under Xu Chen's instructions, Kunlun Molle swung the giant ax and broke the lock on the city gate in a few strokes.

"Be careful, everyone, there must be a trap at the door"

"Later, you can use centipedes to hang from the top of the mountain ladder to open the city gate."

"Don't worry about what's inside, withdraw it immediately"

"The other Xieling brothers immediately blocked the door with straw shields to prevent the mechanism from hurting anyone."

"Remember, no unauthorized entry is allowed without my order!"

Xu Chen quickly gave the order.

After hearing this, the Xiling warriors all agreed in unison. Chen Yulou next to him nodded repeatedly.

Even though he had been a bandit leader for many years, he could not fault Xu Chen's arrangement.

Soon it was over. A few good hands used centipede ladders to push up to the city gate.

The city gate opened immediately.

A very strange and sharp moan rushed out from the gap in the city gate.

It sounded like a fierce ghost who had been arranged by Xu Chen to unload the mountain. Fortunately, , it is common for strange phenomena to appear in ancient tombs.

Most of them look calm.

The guards around Luo Laowai have never seen such a battle before.

Each of them is pale and has fear on their faces.

But the corridor is narrow, so you have to retreat at this time. Incredible.

Soon another row of Xiling warriors came to the front row holding grass shields.

These grass shields were made of wet straw and tough cowhide rattan, etc.

A layer of soil was added in the middle.

Although it was slightly It was bulky, but its defense was quite good.

At this moment, dozens of water arrows were sprayed out from the dark city gate hole.

There was also an extremely fishy smell.

All these water arrows were sprayed on the front row at once. On top of the grass shield, bursts of black smoke suddenly appeared.

Obviously these ghosts are not only highly poisonous, but also extremely corrosive.

If Xu Chen hadn't prepared in advance, I'm afraid these people would all be killed by the poisonous water..

Luo Laowai, who was standing behind, was already sweating coldly.

He knew in his heart that if he only relied on his own pistol company and engineer battalion, all the people would be dead without even being able to see the treasure.

About a quarter of an hour passed.

Only then did the water dragon mechanism inside the door hole run out of poisonous water.

Xu Chen immediately arranged for a few people to go behind the city door hole to check.

These people all held rattan shields and pigeon cages to detect poison gas, and carefully entered the city gate.

Xu Chen himself walked to the place where the poisonous water was gathered on the ground.

The black dragon-like centipede tattoo on his wrist began to squirm and circle.

After a moment, a thin line of black smoke rose from the poisonous water.

All of it got into Xu Chen's wrist. Among the centipede tattoos.

After Xu Chen absorbed the light from the poisonous water of the water dragon mechanism, the few Xiling warriors who explored the path had returned.

It turned out that there was a city behind the door.

There were city walls and towers.

And there were many stone men and stone beasts in the middle.

There are various human bones and skeletons everywhere.

In the middle, there are several large lacquer coffins.

There is also a stone coffin, surrounded by lacquer coffins.

No other things can be seen.

There seems to be no mechanism.

And the air inside is also The pigeons in the cage were all fine.

At this time, Luo Laowai couldn't stay still.

Especially when he heard the word"coffin", his eyes began to shine.

He immediately shouted loudly,"This time it's time for us to get rich. Since there is no mechanism inside, brothers, come with me and go in to make a fortune!"

After that, he took about forty pistol companies to escort him into the city.

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