"Yes, his gun can only fire two shots at a time!"

"Take advantage of him to load and kill them!" Avenge Brother Qiao!" The

people of the 'Hui Gang' obviously didn't notice that Xiao Ran had changed their guns.

I want to take advantage of the large number of people to kill them in waves.

The bearded fire knife has been slashed out.


blade of the knife burst into flames, and a large fireball burst out in the middle of the field.

The two gangs who bore the brunt of the attack directly broke the defense and were cut in half with a knife.

Even the corpses were burned to ashes.

Wu Banxian's several red-eyed big gray mice were also extremely tyrannical.

With a wide open mouth and a click, he bit off the calf of one of the gangsters.

The guy fell to the ground, and the other rats immediately followed, biting off his trachea.

The 'yellow skin' first let out a stinky fart, which made several people around him dizzy, and their noses and tears flowed.

They also have a 'doctor' in the team and are starting to eliminate the negative effects.

And he saw that the 'yellow skin' was supported by his hind legs, and stood upright like a man.

A pair of black bean-like eyes looked at the doctor, intermittently shimmering.

The doctor's movements came to an abrupt halt, staring straight into the eyes of the 'yellow skin'......

He is also a big man in his early thirties, and his movements are incomparably charming.

This should be the 'Ecstasy Skill' of the 'Yellow Skin'.

No wonder Wu Banxian Flower has a lot of money, and he has to exchange it from Lu Li's hands.

Such a mental attack is really unguardable.

Without the doctor's support, the rest of the gang is even weaker.

Harvested by bearded and red-eyed rats, one side down.

Three or four of them have 'effective equipment', and one or two 'professional skills' are still resisting.

"Get out of the way!" Xiao

Ran didn't have time to continue wasting time with them, and shouted, letting the bearded man, the mouse, and the yellow skin take shelter for the time being.

The hand slightly rushed to open the fire.

The barrel of the gun was filled with tongues of fire, and bullet casings flew everywhere.

Bullets rained down on them.

Including the doctor who lost his soul, several gangsters who had no defense skills and equipment were directly beaten into a sieve.

"Defend! Come and defend!" One

of the minions raised a pile of loess in front of him, blocking the bullets, which was a defensive skill of the 'earth attribute'.

The three remaining gangs also immediately gathered behind the mound.

"A broken mound of earth can stop you Daye?"

"Break it for me!" The

bearded man yelled.

"You save some skills!" Xiao

Ran thought that he was going to come up with the third form of his 'Fuhuo Sword Technique' again, and immediately reminded him.

There will definitely be a larger conflict in a while, and there will be no time to refresh him.

I saw a 'detonator' in his hand thrown out, and when it reached the top of the mound, it exploded just right.

For a while, gunsmoke and debris flew wildly, and two of the four gangs hiding behind the mound were directly killed.

Two others were seriously injured by the explosion, and their tracheas were also bitten off by the big rats that caught up later.

"What's going on, boss, I changed to a 'blasting' ordinary skill with someone the day before yesterday and was promoted to 'advanced', this power is okay, right?"

the bearded man grinned, and he was quite satisfied with his 'masterpiece'.

This skill is really suitable for this Demolition Maniac......

"Kill X23 red players, get the professional skill book 'Shen Da Pang Tong', get the 'Silver Chopping Knife', get the ordinary skill book 'Boxing'...... "


These boys are not a little exploited!

Although there are only a few skill books and equipment, there are still a lot of materials.

It is estimated that for a period of time, there is no need to worry about upgrades.

"This ......"

three people confronted the 'Hui Gang' or sozen, and the battle was resolved in the blink of an eye.

Even Xiao Ran didn't have any 'professional skills', just used firearms to support remotely.

They are too strong!"

"This big brother, I am from the 'Jiazi-991' group, that Peng Hui is super powerful, and he will be revenged, and his personality is fierce.

"During the last mission, they gathered dozens of people in our group, and after arriving here, they expanded to at least two or three hundred, and they were all well-equipped and had no weak hands.

"Your arms can't twist your thighs, if you have a 'digging point', you should find a way to detour there, and you can't take your life because of impulse." "

This 'player' is definitely well-intentioned.

Xiao Ran patted him on the shoulder, stepped on a sandbag and said loudly, "Everyone, please listen to me."

"This game is about survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest, and there is nothing wrong with it.

"But that Peng Hui and the 'Hui Gang' did evil, relying on some of their combat strength to deliberately set up cards to exploit, and if they disobeyed, they would be brutally tortured, and even killed on the spot. "

We must not sit idly by, we must fight against them!"

"Who wants to join me! Get rid of the cancer of the 'Hui Gang'!" Xiao

Ran felt that it was still necessary to launch it.

With only the three of them, it is still a little unsafe in the face of hundreds of people on the other side.

If something happens, he can get out of the way, but the bearded man and Wu Banxian are not 100% sure that they can be saved.

They are all brothers who follow them wholeheartedly, and when they encounter danger, they ignore them and run away first, so isn't it Zhang Ran and run?

"Yes! Left and right are also a death, it's better to fight with them!"

"They are nothing more than that! They are just a group of ruffians and hooligans!"

"This Xiao Shen is the first in our 'Jiazi-998' group! With more than 200 of us, we completed the 'Life and Death Challenge' task of 'Qingben Beauty' together!".

"Fight the 'Princess of Guangchuan' alone and kill her! Unparalleled combat power, heroes are world-beating!"

Finally, the emotions of the other 'players' were also stirred, shouting to find the 'Hui Gang' with Xiao Ran.

"That...... Let's go together!"

"Defense and melee front row, auxiliary middle, remote last!" In

the face of such a group of excited players, Xiao Ran is really a bit big, and can only be deployed simply.

If only Chen Yusheng were here, I don't know what the current situation of that history teacher is.

It is estimated that with the personality of the 'melancholy man' in the same team, if it weren't for the fact that the two people were 'connected by the same fate', they would have been chopped up a long time ago.

In his busy schedule, Xiao Ran signed in here and got a 'Ning Cui Staff', although it was 'Auxiliary Equipment', it looked mediocre, and he didn't have time to take a closer look at the attributes.

"Let's go!"

Xiao Ran took the lead, and the bearded man and Wu Banxian followed left behind, leading the players into the next area.


At this time, the N13 area next door.

Unlike the N8, there are no barricades or fortifications, just a continuous 'camp'.

The 'Hui Gang' gang all gathered together, sat around the bonfire, drank a lot of wine, ate a large piece of meat, and sang and danced to level out the lively scene.

A man in his early thirties wearing soft armor and a small head had two beautiful women in his arms.

This man is the leader of the Hui Gang...... Peng Hui!

"Brother Hui!, someone brought it!" A minion came up to report.

"Bring it here. Peng Hui waved his hand.

It didn't take much effort to see the minions walking over here with a few people, led by two women.

Seeing the stunning looks of the two women, Peng Hui immediately sat up straight, his eyes emitting a greedy essence.

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