Tome of Blood

Chapter 545 44 Time and space travel and chaotic

Charlotte never expected that Rowena also had the 'original' power in her body.

Her first thought was whether the other party was also controlled by that power.

However, this idea was quickly overturned by her.

She could feel the agility and clarity of Rowena's soul.

Although it has the smell that is very familiar to Charlotte, the other party's will is clear and complete, completely different from the two "contaminated" demigods.

Rowena didn't become "that thing."

Rowena... is just tainted with the taste of 'original'.

Charlotte naturally thought of the scene when she rescued the other party from the priest of the old god.

The "crystal ball" in the hands of the old god priest, and the gray-white mist spreading in the "crystal ball" that made her familiar and wary...

It was the same mist as the breath behind the "door".

Charlotte's heart moved slightly, and she faintly realized something:

"I see, was it contaminated at that time..."

As she said that, she looked at the vampire girl in front of her who had her eyes closed, her eyelashes trembling slightly, nervously waiting for her exploration, and sighed slightly in her heart:

"Fortunately, I discovered it early. If I had waited any longer, perhaps this contamination would have become 'contamination' in the true sense."

"'s a little strange, why Rowena? There are many priests in the army of the old gods, but that priest seems to be the only one who can activate the 'original' power."

"The priest... committed suicide soon after."

"Although it was just a fluke when I saved Rowena, but now that I think about it...when I first came here, I had already felt the call of the 'original'."

"The old god priest... did not directly kill Rowena, but seemed to want to control her in some way. That... doesn't seem like a coincidence."

"Not only that, after I rescued Rowena, the two 'demigods' took action. Their target at the beginning was not entirely me, but wanted to capture Rowena. Until they found out You are absolutely no match for me, so you chose to run away..."

"Looking back now...the other party's purpose seems to have been determined from the beginning, and it is very directional."

"Could it be that...the invasion of the Old God Army is not just to start a war while 'Lilith' is weak, but also has a deeper purpose?"

"The other party's to control Rowena?"

"But...why Rowena?"

Charlotte felt that the thoughts in her mind were ridiculous.

It is indeed ridiculous. After all, Rowena is just an ordinary third-generation vampire in this era. Logically speaking, it is impossible to enter the sight of higher beings, let alone become a war target.

But the targeting of the priests of the old gods and the ambush of the two demigods are hard not to make people think of them.

That is to say, Charlotte was fast enough and had good luck. If she hadn't been on a whim, she happened to pass by Blackwater Village when she was assisting and rescued the opponent in time, Rowena would have gone cold.

It can be said that in a sense, it is a kind of "fate"-like luck.

However, there are also many things that don't make sense.

If Rowena is the target, then the Old God's preparations feel too hasty.

This invasion was definitely planned for a long time. Although the target seemed to be Rowena when the two "demigods" ended up, it makes no sense at all if the entire war was to control a third-generation vampire.

how to say……

It felt to Charlotte as if the entire army of the Old Gods had indeed taken advantage of the opportunity to invade the Free City-State Alliance at the beginning, but after the war started, they suddenly changed the goal of the war at a certain moment.

Although the later stage is very directional, the preparation in the early stage seems to be inconsistent with the later stage.

The timing of this change is also very subtle, just like the sudden change after Charlotte entered the war.

Very strange, very strange.

Charlotte felt as if she had overlooked something.

"The priest of the old gods once pulled Rowena into the illusion. Perhaps... he could help her get rid of the 'original' aura she was contaminated with, and find out what she saw in the illusion, which could answer my questions."

Thinking of this, Charlotte used her divine power to once again activate the Blood Scripture deep in her consciousness.

The illusory Blood Sacred Scripture shimmered, and the "original" breath remaining in Rowena's body was quickly drawn out by Charlotte.

However, just as Charlotte forced the bits of gray-white mist out of Rowena's body, the mist suddenly changed and turned into a blurry human face.

The man's face was illusory and uncertain, and his empty eye sockets were staring at Charlotte dimly.

The moment she saw the blurry face, Charlotte's expression changed almost instantly.

Because she recognized it. This face... was the mysterious "one" that possessed the body of the blood descendant of Ness and tested her. After being exposed, he disguised himself as Oceanus, the king of the sea, and persuaded her to cooperate. Gods”.

The other party's demeanor, expression, and aura... were exactly the same as the face in Charlotte's memory.

Charlotte immediately became alert, and the divine power of blood in her body was also activated.

The blurry face looked at Charlotte quietly, and suddenly let out a weird laugh:

"Hahahaha... So that's it, so... Is that so?"

"Is this... the power of history?"

"An Ye, you have escaped this time, but... I already know your secret..."

"I have caught up with you, and we are already on the same starting line."

"Next time, you won't be so 'lucky'..."

"An Ye...continue to struggle with all your strength. Everything you have will be mine sooner or later."


The blurry human face laughed, gradually distorted and expanded, and finally collapsed and disappeared into thin air.

But there seemed to be thunder in Charlotte's mind, and she suddenly became horrified...

Dark night...

He calls me Dark Night!

Charlotte's eyes widened slightly, feeling shocked.

She originally thought she had met the mysterious "god" of this era by mistake, but the other person's title showed that he actually knew her true identity.

The other party's attitude was obviously not the first time he met her, and he knew her.

Obviously, the other party is not a god of this era, but comes from the same era as her!

The other exactly what is behind the "door" deep in her consciousness in the future.

Charlotte thought about a lot in an instant, and then came to a conclusion that made her feel a little numb——

The thing behind the "door"... may have come to this era with her time travel.

This judgment made Charlotte's heart sink.

If the thing behind the "door" could travel through history, it would be troublesome.

Charlotte is almost certain that "Lilith" created the Blood Sacred Book to allow her to travel through history. What she wants her to do is probably to correct history, fill in the broken history, and even replace the existence of the "blood ancestor".

The thing to deal with should be the thing behind the "door".

But now, the thing behind the "door" seems to have the power to travel through time and space.

"So...the disobedience I feel from the old god's army is caused by the thing behind the 'door'?"

"He... also traveled to this era. He changed the goals of the old god's army. That's why the old god's priests targeted Lilith, and the two 'demigods' also ambush nearby..."

"That's why I feel that the Old God's army has inconsistent goals. They did just take advantage of the opportunity to invade the Free City-State Alliance at the beginning, but they changed their war goals midway."

"My time travel was based on the identity of 'Lilith'. Since the thing behind the 'door' has also traveled through, then...does she also have her own 'identity' in this era?"

"His identity in this he the backer of those two 'demigods'?"

At this moment, Charlotte thought of a lot.

Not only that, but recalling the words before the blurred face collapsed, Charlotte thought of more:

"So...the thing behind the 'door' wants to stop me from changing history and stopping 'Lilith's plan?"

"He also traveled to this era...does he want to prevent the changes in history? Is his attack on Rowena also part of the prevention?"

"So...why Rowena? Is there anything special about Rowena? Is it because he is one of the five blood princes in later generations, his existence part of the 'Lilith' plan?"

"The thing behind the 'door' failed in the end, and I saved Rowena when it was about to succeed. Could it be that... is this also the power of 'history'?"

"History cannot be changed, but it can be created. Rowena cannot die in this era, so... did the thing behind the 'door' want to 'change' the history that has already happened?"

"I... seem to be getting closer and closer to the truth about the Vampire Clan. If I can unravel all this, maybe... I can know the real secret of the Mythical Age."

Charlotte thought.

The appearance of the being behind the "door" caught her off guard.

This made Charlotte feel even heavier.

But the good news is that after several time travels, Charlotte already has a relatively in-depth understanding of time travel.

History that has already happened cannot be changed, and there are many constraints to "changing" history.

Not only that, but unlike herself, the thing behind the "door" clearly traveled through time and space for the first time.

The other party came after him, which shows that the other party probably relied on Charlotte's time travel to achieve the time travel.

Judging from this, the other party himself...may not be able to take the initiative to travel.

"Is it because... of the stone door deep in my consciousness? That stone door is connected to my consciousness, so... can the existence behind the door follow me through time when I use the Blood Sacred Scripture? "

"His primary target is not me, but Rowena. Does this mean... is there any secret about Rowena that I don't know about?"

Charlotte thought.

Thinking of this, Charlotte looked at the vampire girl in front of her again.

"Perhaps... seeing what illusions she has experienced deep in her consciousness can help me find the answer I want..."

With this thought, Charlotte once again activated the divine power of blood.

Inspired by her talent for detecting illusions, Charlotte quickly entered Rowena's consciousness and read the illusions she had experienced before...

The scene changed and Charlotte saw a sea of ​​fire.

In the sea of ​​fire, Rowena knelt under the crimson waning moon, looking desperate.

He was covered in blood, wearing the divine skirt and armor that Charlotte later saw in the afterimage of the soul, and the divine power on his body was almost broken.

Gray-white tentacles surged out from the ground, gradually devouring Him...

The next moment, the vision fell into darkness, and the picture changed again.

This time, it's the battlefield.

On top of the mountains of corpses, Rowena stood with difficulty, leaning on the divine sword.

The divine armor on his body had long been broken. He looked up at the broken blood moon in the sky, with despair still in his eyes.

The dazzling brilliance descended, and His body burned with pale flames. The flames swallowed up His body, the corpse, and everything...

The vision was dark again.

The next moment, the scene changed again.

This time, it's the Broken Castle.

The throne collapsed and blood flowed into a river. Rowena was covered in blood and stood among the piles of bones.

Above the sky, the broken blood moon hung high.

The moonlight gradually turned silver, and then turned from silver to pure white. Under the radiance, Rowena's body gradually stiffened and finally broke...

The vision... was dark again.

Charlotte didn't know how many images she had seen.

several hundred?

several thousand?

Or... tens of thousands?

Charlotte lost count.

Every picture is a short scene.

The scene of the fall of Rowena, the Scarlet Queen, the Prince of Blood.

Those scenes were all different, and the only similarities were the broken blood moon hanging high in the sky, and Rowena's face of despair before her death.

Until...the last similar scene appeared.

That's another castle.

The black castle is majestic and majestic, and the blood moon outside the sky window emits crimson light.

On the simple and thick Throne of Blood, the silver-haired god sat on it. His face was covered with crimson mist, making it difficult to see his appearance.

Rowena, who was wearing divine armor, raised the divine sword high, and together with several other vague figures, pierced the divine sword in her hand into the chest of the silver-haired god.

The crimson moonlight entered the hall, reflecting the vague reliefs on the walls and the delicate face of the Scarlet Queen.

She looked sad, with crystal tears slipping from the corners of her eyes, and her scarlet pupils were filled with grief.

The crimson moonlight fell, and the mist that shrouded the silver-haired god dissipated.

Golden-red pupils, a stunningly beautiful face.

That's exactly what Charlotte looks like.

The silver-haired god smiled, stretched out his right hand to wipe away the tears on Rowena's face, and whispered something.

The radiance spread from His body, and an illusory crimson book slowly emerged from His chest.

The book suddenly collapsed, and the scattered pages flew in all directions, and the remaining back cover fell into Rowena's hands...

Crimson light spreads.

The body of the silver-haired god suddenly collapsed.

The whole world... fell into darkness again.

Charlotte sees Rowena running in the dark.

This time, she was wearing the silver armor used to fight against the old god's army, still looking like a vampire girl who had not yet become a god, and holding an illusory book in her arms.

The darkness continued to spread, and countless gray-white arms attacked from all directions, chasing Rowena.

The arm grabbed her ankle, climbed up her body, and finally dragged her into the endless abyss.

In the abyss, gray-white mist spread, and a pair of pure white pupils slowly appeared, like cold poisonous snakes, staring at the struggling vampire girl.

A cold, detached, and condescending voice sounded:

"I found you, chaotic node."

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