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Chapter 229 We are like two entangled quanta

When it comes to the development of humans and animals, Xu You suddenly became interested.

"After all, the average life span of human beings is much longer. And there is another reason, in fact, all human beings are premature babies. Normally, human fetuses need 21 months to be considered full-term. But because human beings walk upright, The pelvis narrows little by little, and if the fetus grows too large, it is particularly likely to cause dystocia. So in the end it turned into a pregnancy in October."

Lu Zhiyao did not expect that Xu You would be able to talk about the evolution of human beings little by little since the cat was born at one year old.

Lu Zhiyao felt a little helpless, this must be the occupational disease of Xueba.

"Since you like thinking about these questions so much, let me test you with a few questions."

After all, Lu Zhiyao was also a former academic master.

Seriously, Lu Zhiyao is not a vegetarian either.

"Okay, all ears."

Xu You wished to discuss issues with Lu Zhiyao, and even Xu You felt it was a loss for Lu Zhiyao not to study Neo Confucianism.

"How did the universe originate?"

Xu You: "..."

For a while, Xu You was directly confused by Lu Zhiyao's question.

But Lu Zhiyao had no intention of stopping at all.

"Is the theory of evolution correct? What is the essence of life evolution?"

"Is there an equation for a grand unified theory? If so, please write it down. If not, please explain why."

"What is the meaning of life?"


Facing Lu Zhiyao's series of tortures, Xu You once again realized how shallow his knowledge was.

If you spend your life, you can explain one of the problems clearly.

Then this life is definitely worth it.

It was rare for Lu Zhiyao to see Xu You deflated, and she was also very happy.

"Your questions are very good, but I have to think about it before I can give you an answer. Before that, let's feed the cat first."

"That's right, let's relax first, don't keep thinking about unreasonable problems."

With cat food, the two came to the gathering place of cats.

After the family of cats has expanded, there is more felineness here.

Fortunately, Xu You is very generous in cat food funds, and can fully afford the rations for these cats.


Amidst the lovely cat meows, Xu You's fatigue level decreased at a very impressive rate.

"Meow meow meow~"


At this time, Xu You heard several different meows.

Xu You followed the sound and found that it was from Lu Zhiyao.

Before, Lu Zhiyao only communicated with these cats through gestures and human language.

But this time, Lu Zhiyao actually used cat language directly to talk to the cats.

"Can they...understand?"

"It should be understandable. The language between animals is different from human language, and it is more abstract. It's like putting several human babies together, and they can also communicate through a certain language."

Xu You looked at the interaction between Lu Zhiyao and the cats, and found that those cats seemed to understand Lu Zhiyao's meaning, doing various actions according to Lu Zhiyao's password.

Xu You emptied his mind and immersed himself in it, feeling very comfortable in his body and mind.

After feeding the cat, Lu Zhiyao went back and changed into sportswear, and the two walked to the playground together.

After not running for a long time, Xu You's physical strength has declined a bit, but it can be seen that Lu Zhiyao has indeed been insisting on running, and her physical strength still maintains the previous level.

This time, after the two ran ten laps together, Xu You didn't run any more by himself.

"You really have lost your physical strength. I thought you could run two more laps." Lu Zhiyao gasped.

"Give me a few more days, and I will definitely be able to practice back."

Xu You was also panting heavily. Sure enough, after not practicing for a long time, his physical strength would decline.

But after this run, the whole body is sweating, and it really feels very comfortable.

The two continued to walk on the playground, recovering from strenuous exercise.

At this time, Xu You remembered the thought in his heart before meeting Lu Zhiyao, and said to Lu Zhiyao:

"Every time I look for you, you can come out. When you look for me, I always don't have time. Am I not doing well?"

Hearing Xu You's words, Lu Zhiyao froze for a moment, then smiled and said:

"I didn't expect you to be quite self-aware. That's right, normally speaking, this is really not good."

After being told by Lu Zhiyao, Xu You blamed himself even more.

"Sorry, I……"

Lu Zhiyao suddenly changed the topic:

"However, it depends on the reason. I know that you are doing something very meaningful. This is not only a cause you like and love, but also a major cause related to the country and even all mankind. For heroes, That’s what it should be like.”

"What kind of hero am I? How can I be so great?" Xu You shook his head and said.

"Hmph, of course you forget it. You can rest assured to do your scientific research project. When you are tired, you can think of feeding the cat with me and running. That's fine. I will also do my philosophical project well. , no matter where we are, we must work hard and keep improving."

Xu You recalled that in the past few years, although he and Lu Zhiyao would not stay together all the time, both of them have indeed been making progress.

This feeling is a bit like two entangled quanta, and the distance between time and space will not affect the connection between them.

"Lu Zhiyao, thank you."

"It's too alien to say thank you between us! Without your guidance, I might not be in Jida now."

After sending Lu Zhiyao back to the dormitory, Xu You felt a little unfulfilled.

That night, Xu You felt really relaxed.

In addition to the decrease in fatigue in the system panel.

Xu You felt very comfortable physically and mentally.

Sometimes, it is necessary to temporarily put aside the scientific research work and change the mind.

In the past few days, Xu You did not do any scientific research work, but spent his time on activities such as class, reading, exercising, and feeding cats.

In fact, if Xu You hadn't done scientific research so early, he would have lived like this every day.

This is also the daily life of most college students, which is full and colorful.

After a few days, Xu You's fatigue level has been completely cleared, and his condition is surprisingly good.

In the evening, after returning to the room, Xu You sat on the sofa, reading a philosophy book.

This way of thinking, which is different from pure science, has broadened Xu You's thinking.

At this time, Xu You suddenly felt that there were many indescribable things floating around in his mind.

Xu You put the book aside, closed his eyes, and leaned on the sofa.

Let these ideas collide.

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