Top Student

Chapter 275 This is provoking us

Hearing this news, Xu You was also very happy.

Xu You can finally have an independent laboratory, no need to depend on others.

However, here in Qiao Sen's laboratory, Xu You also has very good memories, and he is a little bit reluctant to leave this laboratory.

"Mr. Qiao, I'm really reluctant to leave."

"Yeah, I'm also reluctant to let you go. But it's a matter of time. A researcher like you must have his own laboratory. But you don't have to worry, we are still in a large group. If there are some experiments that cannot be done in your laboratory, you can still come to us to do experiments at any time."

Because Xu You is a teacher of condensed matter physics, in terms of relationship, he still belongs to the large group of condensed matter physics.

This made Xu You feel relieved a lot.

After a while, a female teacher came over.

This female teacher, about thirty years old, looks very energetic.

"Ms. Xu, let me introduce you. This is Cui Ying. Her undergraduate and master's degrees are from the Physics Department of Ji University. She studied abroad in Berkeley during her doctoral period. She is very good. She will be your assistant in the future."

"Hi Teacher Xu, I'm Cui Ying, please give me your advice in the future."

"Hello, Teacher Cui."

Xu You smiled and shook hands with Cui Ying.

Listening to Qiao Sen's introduction to Cui Ying and Xu You's first impression of Cui Ying, Xu You can feel that this is a very good teacher.

Xu You also felt a little unaccustomed to having this teacher, who was several years older than him, as Xu You's assistant.

Of course, this is not a problem for Cui Ying.

After all, Xu You is the winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics.

It is Cui Ying's honor to be an assistant to such a world-class scientist.

Next, Cui Ying brought Xu You to Xu Youxin's laboratory.

This laboratory is very large, and there are all kinds of experimental equipment in it, which is completely enough for Xu You to handle most of the experiments.

All the equipment is newly purchased, and it can be seen that the school specially prepared it for Xu You.

For such an environment, Xu You can only say that he is impeccable.

"Mr. Xu, here is your class schedule for this semester."

After receiving the schedule, Xu You found that the subject he was going to teach this semester was college physics.

Xu You was very satisfied with the assignment of this course.

College physics is a compulsory basic course for all students studying science and engineering.

On the whole, it is relatively simple, and it can be said that it is just an upgraded version of high school physics.

But it will be of great help to the later study of professional courses.

When Xu You started teaching, he also wanted to start with such basic subjects.

After all, Xu You is still a newcomer in teaching, and although the basic subjects are simple, they are very important.

Such an arrangement was exactly in Xu You's arms.

"Teacher Cui, what is your work content?"

"As your assistant, I can handle all your trivial affairs. In addition, I will also carry out normal scientific research work. No matter what it is, you can just find me."

"Then you have worked really hard."

Hearing what Cui Ying said, Xu You felt a little embarrassed, and gave Cui Ying too many tasks.

But it must be very convenient to have such an assistant by your side.

Otherwise, Xu You would have to ask Lin Shi to help with the matter of distributing money to the students.

After that, several teachers and students from the experimental group also came to Xu You's laboratory to report.

These newly joined teachers are relatively young on the whole, none over forty years old.

Xu You prefers such a young teacher, it will be easier to communicate and manage.

Teachers like those who are older are indeed more prone to unmanageable situations.

But these teachers are only young, but they are all very capable.

It can be seen that the school also hopes to form a new force in the experimental group newly established by Xu You.

While everyone was here, Xu You held a small meeting for everyone to get acquainted with each other first.

Immediately afterwards, Xu You met with everyone again to learn about the progress of these scientific research projects and the latest situation.

These days at the Academy of Aerospace Sciences, Xu You didn't pay much attention to these subjects, and these students were basically doing experiments.

At this time, it's time for Xu You to spare some time to study these topics carefully.

In addition, Xu You has another job to deal with.

That is the preparation before class.

Even the subject of college physics is already very familiar to Xu You, and he can give lectures on stage without any preparation at all.

But Xu You still needs to memorize the get out of class well so that the class can show better results.

Scientific research is very important, and teaching work must not be ignored.

The development of Huaxia's scientific research cannot be solved by Xu You alone, but requires the joint efforts of everyone.

Xu You hopes to do his best to cultivate more scientific research talents for Huaxia.


On this day, something happened on Twitter in the United States.

An American military officer named Blanchard posted a picture on his personal Twitter.

and appended above:

"Friends from the East, you have worked hard. In your new year, you are still working hard. If you have time, please go home and reunite with your family more often."

This passage alone seems to be fine.

But with this picture, Blanchard's meaning becomes completely different.

Because this kind of picture is the Jiangnan Shipyard taken by the satellite of the United States.

In the center of the picture is an aircraft carrier under construction in our country.

This picture is very clear. It not only captures the Jiangnan Shipyard and the aircraft carrier clearly.

Even the houses and parked cars on the surrounding roads can be clearly seen.

Not only that, but the cables on the aircraft carrier are also clearly visible.

Even the slogan on the top of the aircraft carrier catapult shed can be seen roughly.

This behavior of Blanchard aroused strong opposition from the Chinese people.

"Using satellites to secretly take pictures of us? Are there still few aircraft carriers built in your country?"

"I don't know what he's so angry about on Twitter. They wouldn't have worked so hard if you didn't pick things up everywhere."

"Why does it seem like you have satellites? Our satellites can also take pictures very clearly!"

In addition to the public's opposition, some domestic professionals are also analyzing this incident.

Compared with ordinary people, the analysis of professionals will be more rational and objective.

"This matter is not Blanchard's personal behavior, he is just a spokesperson. This is Mifang showing us and the world its muscles."

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