Top Student

Chapter 293 Give up is not in my dictionary

In people's usual impression, the chief designer of an aircraft carrier should be very experienced and relatively old.

But in fact, in many fields, age does not necessarily mean the problem.

When he first started working, Fan Haisheng was often looked down upon by others because of his young age.

However, Fan Haisheng still withstood these pressures. He started to participate in the design of aircraft carriers from the age of 24, overcame many problems in the world's aircraft carrier industry, and became the deputy chief designer of aircraft carriers when he was 30 years old. Chief designer of aircraft carrier.

Fan Haisheng has proved through his own ability time and time again that he is the most suitable person to appear as the chief designer.

"Professor Xu, next, you should take a look at the relevant information first. After you understand the plan of code-named Wu, we will study the subsequent task arrangements."

In today's meeting, Fan Haisheng just wanted to briefly introduce the project to Xu You, and after Xu You read the information, he would make a specific task arrangement.

But the next few questions that Xu You asked surprised Fan Haisheng.

"Professor Xu, haven't you never touched an aircraft carrier before?"

"Yes, but after reading some materials yesterday, I already know a little about aircraft carriers."

Fan Haisheng was taken aback when he heard this.

I don't know a little bit about this, if I don't know, I think Xu You is doing aircraft carrier design.

It was obvious that Fan Haisheng had already prepared for Xu You's learning ability, but unexpectedly, Xu You's learning ability was actually even stronger.

"Mr. Fan, yesterday I picked up Professor Xu. Professor Xu didn't have time to rest, so he just went to the reference room for a whole day. This kind of spirit is really admirable." Zhao Pingyang said.

"Time is tight, and everything should be done. Then Mr. Fan, Mr. Zhao, I will go back to the reference room first. After I finish reading all these materials, we will discuss specific plans."

"Okay, if you have any questions, please contact us at any time."

Speaking of which, Fan Haisheng thought that it would take at least a month for Xu You to finish reading these materials.

However, according to Xu You's progress on the first day, perhaps Xu You's actual time required will be much less than expected.

Every day that followed, Xu You put all his energy into learning about aircraft carriers.

This kind of life seems a bit monotonous and boring.

But Xu You knew that if he hadn't had such an opportunity, he might never have come into contact with such internal knowledge.

Xu You cherishes this opportunity very much and enjoys the whole learning process.

Ten days later.

Xu You has read all the materials and has a relatively in-depth understanding of the design of the entire aircraft carrier.

Even Xu You has not been exposed to the knowledge of aircraft carrier construction.

But only in theory, Xu You already has the basic ability of an aircraft carrier designer.

This is not only due to Xu You's incredible learning ability, but also because the information here is very complete.

If he only relied on the information he searched online, it would take Xu You a long time to reach his current level.

After completing the study of these materials, Xu You contacted Zhao Pingyang to prepare for the next meeting.

This time, except for Xu You, Fan Haisheng, and Zhao Pingyang.

In several code-named Wu projects, the core designers and engineers also appeared in the meeting.

After everyone talked about some key points in the project, it was Xu You's turn to speak.

"I think the most urgent problem to be solved in building a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is the problem of the nuclear reactor."

Everyone agreed with Xu You's point of view.

In the construction of our aircraft carrier, the two biggest problems are the power system and electromagnetic ejection technology.

We have solved the problem of electromagnetic ejection technology in Code 3.

The rest is a question of the power system.

Conventional power system, we have been relatively mature.

But if we really want our aircraft carrier to compete with the world's top aircraft carriers.

Nuclear-powered aircraft carriers must be developed.

Nuclear aircraft carriers must have stronger advantages in terms of endurance, fuel, supply, concealment, and comprehensive combat capabilities.

No matter how much money is invested, this is a must-have project.

But nuclear power is easy to say, but it is very difficult to actually build a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

So far, there are only two countries in the world that have nuclear-powered aircraft carriers.

Among them, France, which owns the Charles de Gaulle, is also included.

Because many technologies of the Charles de Gaulle are not mature enough, in terms of actual combat capability, it is not necessarily stronger than conventional aircraft carriers.

The rest is the beautiful country with eleven nuclear aircraft carriers.

Such naval strength is unique in the world.

In order to maintain peace in the surrounding area, defend our rights and protect our safety.

We must build a nuclear carrier as soon as possible.

"Professor Xu, the construction of nuclear reactors is indeed our top priority now. Do you have any thoughts on this?"

In fact, we are relatively mature in the nuclear power plant of nuclear submarines.

But compared to a nuclear submarine with a displacement of 10,000 tons, the displacement of an aircraft carrier can reach tens of thousands of tons.

Directly copying the nuclear reactor of a nuclear submarine to an aircraft carrier cannot meet the power requirements of an aircraft carrier.

At this point, the Charles de Gaulle in France is a typical example.

"My current idea is to first establish a mathematical model of nuclear power equipment, and through dynamic simulation, to study the way nuclear reactors are built."

"That's right, the mathematical model of nuclear power is indeed a difficulty we must overcome. I heard that Professor Xu is very good at simulation modeling. I will trouble you with this work."

Fan Haisheng knew that Xu You was very good at theory.

In addition to physics, mathematics, computer and other knowledge are also Xu You's strengths.

Such interdisciplinary talents are very suitable for work related to nuclear power mathematical models.

After assigning the tasks, Xu You returned to his office and started preparations for modeling.

The modeling this time was the most complicated that Xu You had ever encountered.

A nuclear power device, which includes several important parts.

For example, the primary circuit side, heat transfer tube, and secondary circuit side of the steam generator, the high and low pressure steam turbines of the main steam turbine unit, the steam-water separator, etc.

The mathematical formulas involved in it are estimated to fill several notebooks.

But Xu You didn't retreat in spite of the difficulties.

The more difficult the challenge, the more it aroused Xu You's fighting spirit.

In Xu You's dictionary, there has never been the word "give up".

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