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Chapter 751 Extreme Simulation

After Lou Song returned home yesterday, he did not take a rest immediately, but continued to work for a period of time, making his own plan for the programming of the quantum analog chip.

After Xu You saw Lou Song's plan, he felt that it was indeed possible to follow Lou Song's direction.

"Okay, then let's solve the problem of quantum simulation programming first. After the programming is completed, I will simulate the entire process and test the feasibility and safety of the entire program."

In the following time, the three of them worked hard on the problem of programming the sixth-level quantum simulation.

The actual research was not as smooth as imagined. In the initial research and testing, the sixth-level super quantum showed many properties that the three of them did not expect, which made the research fail many times.

However, the three of Xu You had already prepared for this, and they were not discouraged by the temporary failure, and they kept on researching with full energy.

After days of work, the three difficult problems were solved one by one.

"There shouldn't be any major problems this time. I'll run a simulation tonight to see if there are any other problems I haven't found. If it goes well, we can start the formal renovation work." Xu You Said.

"Well, Xu You, it's hard work for you. After all, there is no way to conduct a rigorous test for this kind of subject, and you have to rely on your special ability, Xu You." Lou Song smiled.

Although Lou Song has contributed very important ideas and research results in the programming of quantum simulation chips, he does not have such powerful brain simulation capabilities as Xu You. Xu You still has to complete this important work.

"Teacher, thinking about it now, this ability is really terrifying. No matter how complicated things are, the teacher can successfully simulate them directly in the brain, which is even more powerful than the simulation model of a quantum computer."

Lin Shi sincerely expressed her admiration for this ability to Xu You. After all these years, Xu You's simulation has not had any major flaws.

In the research work these days, although Lin Shi did not make too many important contributions to the subject like Xu You and Lou Song, she still played an indispensable role.

Without Lin Shi, it is impossible to complete so much work now, and the progress of the experiment will be greatly affected.

In the evening, Xu You returned to his house in the family courtyard of Jijing University.

Just like the previous few times, after telling Lu Zhiyao that he was about to carry out the work of brain simulation, Xu You entered the study alone and adjusted his state.

This time the brain simulation is a big challenge for Xu You.

Because so far, Xu You has not fully reproduced the ability to reproduce the sixth-level super quantum. For this magical particle that can exist in the nine-dimensional world, Xu You is just a creature in the low-dimensional world.

But the reason why Xu You is confident that he can accurately complete this simulation has a lot to do with the recent increase in his understanding of the sixth-level super quantum.

Of course, the most important thing is that Lou Song can understand this high-dimensional mysterious space without being able to see the nine-dimensional space.

Through the technology of "brain-brain connection", Xu You also has a great understanding of the nine-dimensional space.

Although this does not have the same effect as being in the nine-dimensional space, Xu You is already confident that he can accurately complete the simulation of the sixth-level super quantum.

"Turn on the quantum simulation state!"

After adjusting his state, Xu You meditated in his mind, and in an instant that infinite space appeared in Xu You's brain.

Because the research object this time is a quantum, Xu You must open a quantum simulation state that consumes more brain power.

"Four-dimensional space, five-dimensional space..."

Due to the limitation of brainpower, Xu You can only open up to the fifth-dimensional space at the moment, and cannot directly open to the nine-dimensional space required by the sixth-level super quantum.

However, in other dimensions, Xu You also used some obtained properties to simulate the sixth-level super quantum in a virtual dimension.

"Huh~ It's almost here at last."

After detailed drawing, Xu You finally simulated a six-level super quantum completely in his brain.

Compared with the previous first-level super quantum, this far higher level super quantum is much more complicated, which puts Xu You's brain in a state of high load very quickly.

Fortunately, all these sacrifices are meaningful.

Immediately, Xu You discovered that in the simulated space of his brain, this sixth-level super quantum was constantly moving randomly, and sometimes performed some special behaviors.

These special behaviors are completely consistent with what Xu You observed in the experiment, that is, in the high-dimensional space, the behavior of creating the materials required for the formation of wormholes.

Xu You gritted his teeth and maintained this state, continuing to test other properties of the sixth-level super quantum.

After some detailed tests, Xu You has confirmed that the sixth-level super quantum in the simulation space of his brain is indeed the same as the sixth-level super quantum in the real world.

After confirming this point, Xu You can proceed to the next work.

Next, Xu You modified this super quantum according to the procedures that everyone had set before.

This is the quantum analog chip technology created by Lou Song, through the transformation of data, to realize the control of super quantum.

"If it goes well, I will be able to control this super quantum in the future." Xu Youxin said.

Although it is only in the simulated space now, Xu You also knows that this is exactly the same as everything in the real world.

What's more, this is a simulation space tailored for quantum, and it will not dissatisfy various laws in the microscopic world.

After some complex transformations, Xu You finally succeeded in changing the data inside the Super Quantum.

The amount of data involved is huge. Fortunately, Xu You's memory is very strong, and he can guarantee that there will be no mistakes in any number or letter.

After the completion of the transformation, the super quantum did not change immediately, and was still performing various irregular movements in the state just now.

But Xu You knew that everything had changed.

At this time, Xu You has formed a connection channel with this sixth-level super quantum, and can control this super quantum in various ways.

Without too much hesitation, Xu You directly issued the first order to this super quantum.

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