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Chapter 912: The First Head-to-Head Confrontation

Hearing Xu You's words, Luo Wenkun smiled helplessly and said:

"Isn't this the first test? We didn't intend to make the test so difficult. We didn't expect that you can adapt to the mecha so well just after you put it on. This is really incredible."

The reason why Xu You was able to adapt to the driving of the mecha so quickly was not only his strong adaptability, but also Xu You's brain simulation skills.

Long before he actually put on the mecha, Xu You had practiced this process countless times in his own brain simulation world, which allowed Xu You to freely control the mecha right after he put on the mecha. control.

Xu You has always insisted that success does not only come from talent, but hard work is also a very important factor.

"Teacher, can my wife and I take the test next?"

Together with Lu Zhiyao, Lin Shi tried to ask Xu You.

"Well, yes, but you need to pay attention to some safety. At the beginning, try not to try those movements that are too difficult..."

What surprised Lin Shi was that Xu You didn't stop them from taking the test right away, which seemed to be somewhat different from Xu You's usual calm personality.

However, Xu You did have a lot of confidence in this technology. As long as the mecha was operated according to the operating specifications, basically there would be no accidents.

Next, Xu You introduced some key points and taboos during the operation of the mecha, and asked everyone to prepare for the test one by one.

"What we have to do now is to adapt to the operating system of the entire mecha as much as possible. We don't need to practice flying and attacking directly like me. If we find that your operation is too risky, we will start immediately The autopilot function of the mecha, so as not to cause any danger."

In the subsequent tests, everyone's overall performance was pretty good.

Although they were not as good as Xu You, at least they were able to more or less complete some mecha actions.

Mecha operators like Lin Shi and Lu Zhiyao, who are both physically and mentally excellent, also completed the flying and attacking movements of the mecha like Xu You, but the system's evaluation score was not so high.


In the following time, the various scientific research project teams of Fulong Technology will continue to conduct research on the projects they are responsible for.

And these genetically modified people are also constantly familiarizing themselves with and training their abilities.

Especially those supernatural beings who have gained strength, after continuous training, they are already very familiar with the control of mechas.

Just a mecha robot is enough to fight against a small military team. This kind of combat power is very terrifying.

On the other hand, one thing that Xu You had been worried about for a long time finally appeared.

After continuous high-speed voyages, the Proxima Centauri civilization's vanguard space fleet is about to reach the edge of the solar system.

The array of death planets arranged by Xu You and others in the solar system is finally about to play their role.

"Sir, according to our detection, there are a lot of defensive weapons on the edge of the solar system. We must be very careful before entering the solar system."

Knowing this situation, the chief of the Vanguard Space Fleet was not particularly surprised.

After all, this is the galaxy where the Blue Star Civilization is located. With the ability of the Blue Star Civilization, it is very normal to deploy a defense system here.

Of course, they did not underestimate these defense systems because of this, but carefully conducted a more in-depth evaluation of these defense systems.

Soon, they discovered that this was exactly the same weapon as the "death planet" they encountered on the way.

"Sure enough, they are using this kind of big guy to defend their planet. With so many big guys, it is not easy for us to break through."

The vanguard space fleet of the Proxima civilization has already witnessed the power of this weapon.

Although they are cumbersome and unable to pursue flexible space fleets, the death planet is a very suitable weapon for positional warfare.

With so many fixed-point arrangements of dead planets, even with the capabilities of the space fleet of the Proxima civilization, it is difficult to break through.

After thinking for a while, they did not decide to make a breakthrough immediately, but first evaluated the capabilities of the death planet array.

"We first send some small unmanned aerial vehicles into it to see if they can make a breakthrough, and then decide on the next strategy based on the situation."

The vanguard space fleet of the Proxima civilization hopes that through this kind of experimentation, it can find the weaknesses of some dead planet arrays.

Although these small unmanned aerial vehicles are far from being as powerful as the space fleet, they are more agile than them.

If even these small aircraft can't complete the breakthrough, it will be really difficult for the entire space fleet to enter smoothly.

Just after these small unmanned aerial vehicles entered the attack range of the death planet array, the death planet immediately launched an attack on them.

The main means of attack on the death planet are all kinds of extremely lethal laser weapons.

Almost instantly, these laser weapons completely destroyed the small unmanned aerial vehicles of the Proxima Centauri civilization without leaving a trace.

Seeing this scene, the entire space fleet felt very unbelievable.

"Too... Destroyed our unmanned aerial vehicle so easily! The fighting power of these cumbersome guys is really terrifying!"

In positional warfare, the death planet can fully display its advantages, which is unmatched by other weapons.

"Sir, are we going to attack these 'planetary weapons'?"

Although the death planet is strong enough, with the ability of the Proxima Centauri civilization, it is not impossible to attack them.

"Don't be in a hurry to attack. There are too many weapons on these planets. Even if we have the ability to destroy them all, the price we pay is really too high."

If most of the energy of the vanguard space fleet is consumed, even if it can successfully break through the defense circle of the death planet, it is not very meaningful.

At this time, some Proxima Centauri came up with some new ideas.

"Sir, the edge of the solar system is very large. It is impossible for them to deploy a complete star array defense system on the entire edge of the solar system. I think we can look around for opportunities to see if we can break through from weak points."

"Okay, let's disperse our space fleet first and look for weak points in the defense circle."

Immediately, the Proxima Centauri civilization dispersed their space fleet and flew in different directions.


"Academician Xu You, our death planet defense array, has successfully resisted the first wave of attacks from the Proxima Centauri civilization. They are now dispersing the space fleet, trying to find our defense weaknesses."

Hearing this news, Xu You nodded slightly.

Xu You had already expected everything that happened just now.

Even the Proxima civilization hopes to find the defense weakness of the death star array, which is something Xu You predicted before.

Through his own understanding of the Proxima Centauri civilization over the years, as well as various information provided by Severly, Xu You is very familiar with the various behaviors of the Proxima Centauri civilization.

In the defensive circle of the solar system, the most heavily defended position is on the straight line where the Blue Star and Proxima Centauri civilizations are located.

Just as the Proxima Centauri Civilization thought, the surrounding area of ​​the solar system is too large, and it is impossible for the Blue Star Civilization to protect all locations tightly.

However, this does not mean that the Proxima Centauri civilization can find loopholes in the death planet's defense array.

"Judging from the combat power of these space fleets, no matter how they distribute their combat power, they will never be able to break through our defense array. The super quantum we have deployed around the solar system can provide the most detailed information in real time, and through The calculation of artificial intelligence intelligently allocates the position of the death planet, so that the defense level is always maintained at the highest level." Xu You said.

Just as Xu You was speaking, the array of death planets had begun to move according to the real-time situation.

Although compared with the space fleet of the Proxima civilization, the limit speed of the death planet will be slower, but with the advantage of location, this speed disadvantage is completely negligible.

The space fleet of the Proxima civilization quickly noticed this and immediately reported the situation to the chief.

"Sir, the planetary weapons of the Blue Star civilization are moving! It seems that they are adjusting the defense array according to our ideas."

Hearing this news, the head of the space fleet was a little bit mixed.

To his delight, this proved that their previous thinking was indeed correct.

The array of dead planets arranged by the Blue Star civilization around the solar system is indeed not a perfect defense array.

However, this kind of movable defense array has indeed caused great difficulty for the breakthrough of the Proxima Centauri civilization.

Faced with this dilemma, Proxima Centauri civilization made an immediate decision.

"Continue to maintain the fastest speed, find the weakness of the Blue Star Civilization's defense array, and make a breakthrough at the right time!" said the chief of the space fleet.

Forcibly breaking through the defense array may cause certain damage to the space fleet of the neighboring star civilization, but compared to the damage to most of the overall combat power, this loss is relatively acceptable.

After receiving the order, these space fleets began to run at full speed, constantly looking for the weak point of the defense array.

But these dead planets can always make up for these defense weaknesses by moving between them, so that the space fleet of the Proxima civilization has no chance to invade it.

At this time, an astronaut of the Proxima Centauri civilization felt as if he had gotten rid of the attack range of the dead planet, turned around and sprinted towards the interior of the solar system.

It was too late, but soon, the death planet closest to this space fighter has already launched an attack on this space fighter.

The speed and intensity of the death planet's attack far exceeded the expectations of the Proxima Centauri astronaut.

Through emergency avoidance operations, he barely escaped the catastrophe, but this also caused the space fighter to suffer relatively serious damage, and completely lost the opportunity to enter the inner solar system again.

"Sir, Space Fighter 038 was attacked by a planetary weapon and was seriously damaged. It has already returned to the mothership."

After receiving this news, the chief of the space fleet also felt a little worried.

Compared with the threat to the life of this astronaut, what he is more concerned about is that the entire space fleet of the Proxima civilization may not be able to break through the death planet defense array of the Blue Star civilization.

"According to our calculations just now, the planetary weapons of the Blue Star Civilization are far more powerful than we estimated before. They may have deliberately hidden the true strength of this planetary weapon..."

Listening to the non-commissioned officer's report, the chief of the space fleet also felt even more melancholy.

Judging from the current situation, even if a few motherships used in space battles are used, it may not be able to completely destroy the death planet array, but it will cause devastating losses to the mothership.

In this case, even if they use all their abilities, they may not be able to complete the final task.

"If we fail to complete the task, then we will be executed by the Proxima Centauri civilization..."

Thinking of this, the chief of the space fleet decided that he must do everything possible to break through the defense array of the Blue Star Civilization.

At this time, another non-commissioned officer stepped forward and suggested:

"Sir, if it really doesn't work, we can only use our super-dimensional mode."

"Ultra-dimensional... mode?"

Hearing this word, the chief of the space fleet also felt abnormal fear.

After using the ultra-dimensional mode, including all the astronauts, the entire space fleet of the Proxima Centauri civilization will be hyper-dimensionalized and enter a higher-dimensional space than the three-dimensional space.

But this also means that they will no longer be creatures in the three-dimensional space, and will be imprisoned in the high-dimensional space forever.

Different from matter, creatures entering high-dimensional space will lose the conventional nature of three-dimensional space creatures and become terrifying existences similar to ghosts.

They can still control these space weapons in a high-dimensional form, but in the three-dimensional space, there is no longer any substantial form.

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but feel some fear in their hearts.

However, compared to the failure of the mission, going back to be executed by the Proxima Centauri civilization, such a result is also a better result.

"Okay, then prepare to execute the instructions of the super-dimensional mode. All our space fleets are super-dimensional, and they can definitely easily break through the defense array of the Blue Star civilization."

After making this decision, the entire space fleet of the Proxima Centauri civilization seemed to disappear suddenly.

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