Tower Defense Strategy

Chapter 105: Combining Wings and Shadows on Ships

   The first thing in the super facility was the shadow. This thing has the hope of sending a large number of units at a time. In addition, its flying speed is only slightly slower than the star break. It is placed near the supply station and can escape even if something happens.

   The super facility's own production capacity is limited, and the base capacity must be mobilized to cooperate with production. The base has other things to produce. It took nearly 20 hours before the first shadow was created.

   The shadow structure is relatively compact, with a total length of 130 meters, and a geometric configuration. There are no gaps on the outside when it is not taking off, and no weapons can be seen.

  In fact, it is equipped with three guns, on the top of the head and on the sides of both sides. The three are all extended-range hadron cannons, without the additional entry of "strong magnetism". In the traditional sense, there are two hidden twin missile launchers on the side of the invisible ship island.

   In addition, it has a set of ship shields, similar to construction shields, which can cover the entire ship. This is also the advantage of compact structure, Venus does not have its own shield, and I don't know if it can be modified and added.

  Before shipbuilding, the octopus had already applied for a professional unit to integrate a strategic warship into a combined wing.

   A regular wing has 192 people, and the onboard combined wing has 240 people.

   Of these 240 people, 20 are the navigator, chief mate, second mate, chief engineer, communications officer, three major captains, four ship crews with 160 people, and a united brigade.

  The chief engineer, chief mate, and navigator are all master sergeants.

   There are 13 sergeants in the combined sergeant sergeant on the ship, but there are only two or three sergeants in the general sergeant.

Their organization looks weird. Three captains have four teams, and a ship’s crew is also equipped with copies of navigator, chief mate, second mate, chief engineer, and communications officer, which is a lower rank. For the same duty personnel, one team can complete the ship's rotation.

   is to drive four ships at the same time, one less captain.

   is actually caused by the different ways of rest and reorganization of the ship. Depending on the ship type, they can only drive two to three ships, and the rest of the team stays at the base to eat.

   To apply for this preparation octopus, there is an additional price, two thousand ore plus two thousand crystals, which is called training fee.

  I paid the training fee. The advantage is that only the major captain and the navigator are required to verify... Actually, think about it carefully, there is no condition for a crew to do synthetic training on the ground.

   The main captain’s verification is completely different from that of the combatants. In fact, it is to understand the various values ​​and characteristics of the new ship, so it is very fast. When the shadow is built, the three captains have already obtained the certification.

   The navigator is a little slower, but the ship is mainly stable, and the navigator is also familiar with the function panel, which is a few hours slower than the major captain.

   The octopus met several captains. The three used rock-paper-scissors to decide the outcome. The winner took a team to steer the ship, and the others stayed idle at the base.

   waited for the crew to board the ship, and after nearly two hours of tossing, the first shadow was completed.

During   , the brown-haired major named Bode reported a lot to Octopus, which also gave Octopus a better understanding of the ship, mainly in terms of modification.

  The actual engine output of the shadow is 810 power, which is much lower than the power consumption in flight, but it is not a big problem. When the battery and capacitor are fully charged and not used for other purposes, the shadow can stay in the air continuously for 90 hours.

   In fact, it doesn’t have enough fuel to fly on its own for 90 hours, so it must open the door to replenish it from the hangar.

   Open the door in seconds, the basic power consumption is 100 units per second, and all the engine output of the shadow can only supply 8 seconds in an hour, with ten divisions. This is not to mention, the moment the door is opened and when the unit passes the door, additional power will be consumed.

   Of course, if you are sitting on the ground, sitting on the sea, or garrisoned, you can reduce your own energy consumption and you can make a few minutes to open the door in two days. You can pass many things with a reasonable arrangement.

   Octopus's attention is mainly on the potential of transformation.

  The structure of the shadow is compact, but compared to the ship, if it is compared with the mecha, the space it can be used for transformation is too large.

  The shadow itself has two reserved modified modules, the size of which is consistent with the production tank and power tank standards of the base.

   So at the very least, two space-time generators can be plugged into it to increase its overall power generation to more than one thousand.

From the perspective of space utilization, the space-time generator is far inferior to the space-time engine, but there is no way. The working time of the ship engine determines that its interface mode must be architectural. Use the mecha engine to work continuously for 100 hours. , Players don’t know how much they have played.

   Octopus also specifically asked whether the anti-gravity unit of the second-generation Earth Jiao could be loaded, and by the way built one and sent it to the ship.

   The answer is no, the interface is not correct, and the anti-gravity unit only has a force of 20 kN, even if the ship is equipped with a string, it will not help.

   Except for the two reserved modules, the shaded battery and capacitor chambers are all module arrays, and they are open, so it is very safe to transform, even without power off.

  Especially the capacitor, the original shadow does not use the eight-level magnetic capacitor, or the old model, as long as it is replaced, the capacity and power loss rate of the capacitor will be greatly improved.

   In addition, there are some concealed standard power ports on the back of the Shadow Island, which can be connected to solar panels and can only be installed on boards. It cannot drive kinetic energy modules, that is, it can only generate electricity during the day.

   I want to talk about it here, the shadow of the ship island is roughly trapezoidal when viewed from the side.

   The lower side occupies almost two-thirds of the entire deck. The angle between the oblique side of the bow and the deck surface is large, 55 degrees, and the angle of the oblique side near the stern is very small, forming a **** with a length of more than forty meters.

   All solar panels are installed, without additional consumption of kinetic energy modules, the power generation can reach 120 during the day, and of course it is zero at night.

   The last part that can be upgraded is that it is hidden under the deck and can only be packed in a pocket hangar of four mechas at most.

   There are some ports for mechas in the pocket hangar. Here you can use mechas to charge them in reverse, or DIY a radiant thermoelectric battery array.

   Radiant thermoelectric battery has only 2 electricity, and the output is low and there is almost no danger. It is very suitable for messing around, but one string cannot be connected too much.

   Generally speaking, the cost of opening the door in the shadow is slightly higher. Various methods are used to strengthen the power generation capacity and the level of power storage, but the cost of the transformation is not low, let's take it slow.

   The shadows just started are useless at all. When there is a small amount of electricity, they fly out and sit on the newly built hardened ground outside the facility. Don't occupy the construction space of the super open-air processing facility.

   Speaking of sitting on the ground, the shadow spreads the propeller to a certain extent, and its armor can just be used as a supporting structure to let it sit on the ground. Although you can also ride in the sea, because of the design of its ground-mounted propeller, sitting in the sea has a great impact on take-off, and there is even the risk of the propeller stalling and needing to be restarted.

   For the time being, the second Shadow will not be built. Before Venus is built, the octopus advances the expansion of the troops a bit.

   The new unit to be added this time is Artemis Brigade.

Artemis, as a heavy-duty support mecha, has a longer range of 50 kilometers. Its strong magnetron cannon’s curved firing mode is even longer, with a full range of 80 kilometers. It is also the only one that can have a range comparable to that of a large turret. Mecha.

   In order to facilitate daily management, the Artemis Brigade, the two Ruby Brigade, and the Minefield Brigade were merged and expanded into a Mecha Wing. The three mechas on the island are all staking machines.

   In addition, a new mech squad is added, which is used to manage players, three Gaias and several land mechas that have become toys. If there are players joining later, they will be stuffed in.

Gaia is a three-person aircraft. After being separated from the All-In-One Wing, there are more than a dozen pilots who are suitable for pilot certificates. The flying unit must be expanded again.

After consideration, the octopus temporarily expanded the Yutu to 25, and at the same time expanded the dead line to 20. The entire integrated wing has forty-five aircraft, which is not enough for the four battalions, but the fighters often need to take turns. The shortcomings are actually The driver.

   Deadline, this Tier 5 fighter has never been eliminated because of the special mobility brought about by its hovering ability. Entering the platform age, it has come to the time of the new year.

   As an air superior fighter, the Yutu is relatively heavy, and its take-off and landing speeds are relatively high. Venus has an electromagnetic projectile trajectory, but its tonnage determines the runway length is very limited. Even if Yutu throws away all the missiles and excess fuel before landing, it is still very difficult to land. Considering the influence of crosswinds and navigation stability, it is dangerous. It's too big.

   The dead line that can rise and fall vertically is unaffected, and it is very suitable for deployment on platform units.

   A total of fifteen aircraft and fifteen mechas and related modification equipment (weapons, cold fusion modules, magnetic capacitors) were produced. By the way, the two deep dives needed by new players were also built first.

   The new player and the first two female pilots are in the same group. It is estimated that the deep diver will not take too long. The latter must still use the same mecha as the two female pilots.

   This is not a big problem. First of all, the pilots of the Amphibious Wing are enough to visit a few deep divers, but they have to sacrifice more rest time. In addition, there are more tasks for deep divers. Adding two more than 20 deep divers will make it easier to deploy for maintenance and modification.

   And with the emergence of the platform, the tactical aspect has expanded. If there is no better deep-water unit in the next period of time, the octopus can only continue to expand the deep dive.

   It is not a burden to build two ships and lend them to new players for a while.

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