Tower Defense Strategy

Chapter 239: The first shot of space-based weapons

The name of the death scepter is very mysterious. To put it in the vernacular, it resembles a revolver.

It seems strange that the revolver and the rifle are put together, but don't worry about these details, anyway, it is not the same thing at all.

The "revolver" of the death scepter does not send warheads/projectiles, but magazines. This is also the most commonly used method of supplying bombs for electromagnetic satellite weapons. It is convenient to switch between different types of "bullets" to achieve various strike purposes.

It has a total of ten magazines. Due to the structure of the bomb supply, two of them can be expanded. Of course, the country C has no capacity expansion, and the basic functions are still unclear.

Now it is equipped with the two projectile models that come with the death scepter data, and the nuclear warhead improved by country C according to its standards.

The most basic projectile is a tungsten core projectile.

Don’t believe it in science fiction films. Space-based tungsten-core bombs cannot create effects similar to nuclear explosions. They are mainly used to strike underground targets and destroy airports.

Tungsten has a very high melting point and will not burn off when it enters the atmosphere when the configuration is appropriate. Hardness is not very useful. At the ballistic speed of space-based weapons, there is no difference whether the target is water or steel. They will explode at the moment of collision, but the direction of kinetic energy diffusion is mainly concentrated in the ballistic direction, and the shock wave is not large, and it will not cause a nuclear explosion. Mushroom cloud.

The tungsten core projectile is the shortest projectile of the death scepter, and its lighter weight means that it saves electricity when launching, and it is easier to achieve continuous delivery.

The second one has a certain level of technology, ray bombs.

The ray bomb is a bit like the chemical vapor laser used in the early days of mankind... It is understood that it will fire laser randomly, but as a space-based weapon, the ray bomb uses pneumatic heating as an energy source to generate a gas cluster to achieve the effect.

The ray bomb has two shortcomings: First, it has a special structure to protect the meteorological group from dispersing quickly, so that it cannot directly touch the ground surface. At most, it can only use rays to sweep the ground; As a result, the ray is excited at a higher position. Since the atmosphere is not conducive to the propagation of the ray, it is equal to white giving.

Country C conducted surface experiments on the trial product and judged that when the warhead exploded, it would randomly select people within tens of kilometers to damage vision. If people speak, there is a risk of blindness within tens of kilometers. And in the area closer to the burst center, a ray cutting effect will be produced.

The nuclear bomb itself has nothing to introduce. The only thing worth mentioning is that it is the only warhead that does not require a space-based kinetic energy bonus.

Not only is it unnecessary, but the ballistic speed of space-based weapons is a burden. Tens of kilometers of the atmosphere passed in a flash, which is not conducive to the explosion of a nuclear warhead at a fixed height. It can be said that the current of the electromagnetic system during launch is reduced. The original thirty-second delay will become longer and it will be more difficult to hit a moving target.

Combining the oral experience of some aliens, the space-based nuclear bomb uses a system that has never been used before in the earth ball: a plasma protective layer.

The plasma protective layer is the basic configuration of electromagnetic weapons in the game. It reduces the friction of the external air flow by vaporizing a part of the surface layer to achieve the purpose of reducing resistance.

It is impossible for country C to do this, but with the basic concepts, it is easy to implement in turn!

With the help of pneumatic heating, a part of the outer skin can be vaporized, which can take away a lot of heat to prevent damage to the internal electrical structure of the nuclear bomb. At the same time, with the help of micro-pneumatic modeling, the pressurization effect of the vaporized skin can be used to achieve rapid braking.

Everything that can be done on the surface is done, and the actual performance depends on the actual measurement results.

It doesn't matter if it fails, the Academy of Sciences has also prepared a backup plan, which is to install a head reverse thruster and perform a braking maneuver before entering the atmosphere. However, after deceleration, the ballistic trajectory will be more affected by the atmospheric airflow. Therefore, a stronger internal computer and additional orbital change capabilities are required, which will ultimately greatly reduce the maximum explosive equivalent of the warhead.

On August 3, all preparations were ready and checked again, the UN was notified of the nuclear explosion experiment, and the death scepter weapon experiment began.

In the face of an orbital strike 36,000 kilometers away, it is impossible to say that everyone is confident that the accuracy will be high. Therefore, the experimental field was finally placed on the west side of the Dazhongyang. "Military exercise" notice 3 It has already been sent out a few days ago, and the sea area is temporarily emptied, but country A's frigate is taking a peek at the edge of the delineated sea is a common practice.

Although there is a risk of encountering small monsters climbing the ship during the sea experiment, there are frigates and submarines following. It is not a big problem to rescue most of the people. If the orbital deviation occurs in the land experiment and hits the city, the factory or something, the official Don't know how to explain.

In addition to sea surface and low-orbit satellites, there is also an observer next to the death scepter. This is a special satellite specially designed to observe the state of the death scepter. It is an ordinary communication satellite and earth ball observation (photographing) satellite when it does not need to be observed.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the death scepter passed the self-examination, and the "revolver" moved to choose ammunition.

What everyone cares about most is the nuclear bomb, and of course the first one was also a nuclear bomb.

The ammunition selection is complete and enter the chamber.

The sight manipulator is released and enters the state of combat readiness. The suspension sight is to avoid the death scepter body from affecting the aiming accuracy.

The sight is aimed through the momentum wheel to change its posture. (Momentum wheel: gyroscope system, the basic equipment of space equipment to change the posture angle in situ, one of the important technical thresholds of the satellite system)

Laser positioning sight, the body activates the RCS system to adjust the posture, and when it reaches a certain range, it turns off the RCS and turns to the momentum wheel for fine adjustment.

When the relative movement of the two cannot be measured by the laser system, the momentum wheel is also restrained by the magnetic levitation system, and it is out of physical contact with the two, and the aiming is completed.

The electromagnetic acceleration system is energized, pressurized and current, and when the specified value is reached, the magnetic levitation projectile lock is unlocked.

There is only one key point in the entire aiming process. All movable things must be in a magnetic levitation state when they are finally launched, and the weapon system must not be affected by any kinetic energy, even if there is only the slightest possibility.

It's a waste of time, but this system is indeed the system with the highest accuracy guarantee rate that can be made now.

The observation satellite next to it took a hundred photos at this moment, and only a ray of phantom penetrated the dark space.

Just like the results given by the supercomputer, after more than 30 seconds, the Yuanwang observation ship aimed at a hole in the atmosphere.

Almost at the same time, a nuclear explosion occurred in the "military exercise" area!

Soon the command center got the calculation result: the circle error is 320 meters.

The 320-meter circular error is not small, but considering that the attack is from 36,000 kilometers away, and there is no power and no gyro-navigator for the entire launch, such an error is considered to be a direct hit!

Several guys in the command center cried.

In the past few decades, although it is said to be information-based combat and stealth aircraft, the essence of it is not much different from that of the last World War. It is all about land, sea and air combat.

The success of this nuclear explosion is the first time that mankind has introduced a space-based weapon system, and outer space is no longer just an intelligence field.

Someone is about to say that it was not that it could not be made before, but that the development of space weapons was restricted by international conventions.

This kind of person is too young and thinks of the world too well. Do certain hegemonic countries really care about international conventions? For example, a country that has never joined the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea will attack other countries with the law of the sea from time to time; international conventions have been added and retreated, and many have been retreated and added. If these toy gadgets can really make practical space-based weapons, do you think they can't make them?

He can't make it!

Of course, before the death scepter experiment, Earth Ball did have two space weapons, but they were all aimed at attacking satellites. The methods were nothing more than cutting solar panels and sprinkling graphite powder (short circuit), which were very low-end.

The nuclear-powered sky-surveillance nuclear bomb during the R-State Union period is also considered to be one, but that thing is also limited by an orbit of several tens of minutes, and it can be hit immediately when it is not needed.

There is only the death scepter. Regardless of the fact that it is aiming at a lot of things, the whole process of aiming at the nuclear explosion, it has not been seven minutes in total. It is a truly practical space-based weapon. If country C continues to improve its level of attitude control , Its response speed can be faster.

The people at the Test Command Center of Country C were excited and did not say that the test is still going on.

The next test is the ray bomb.

Note that after changing the magazine, the death scepter body needs to be re-aligned with the sight, so it is not possible to fire all kinds of different projectiles in succession.

The results of the ray bomb test are a bit fascinating. According to the results returned by the low-orbit satellites and the Yuanwang observation ship, it seems that a cone-shaped radiation area of ​​120 degrees to the northeast has been formed. In other areas, only a few ray cuts are rare. pass.

The problem is unclear, it is estimated that there are still some technical or production defects, or it may be an unexpected change when penetrating the atmosphere.

It seems that Yazi is not very useful.

The command center temporarily decided to send another ray bomb.

This time the situation is more plausible. Basically, a dead-angle cut of the lower hemisphere has been formed, and the possibility of technical problems has also been ruled out. Should it be atmospheric problems, or the previous one is defective?

In terms of power, according to the observed data, the steel plate can only be cut within one kilometer, and skin burns can be caused at most about five kilometers.

It needs to be explained that the ray of the ray bomb is uncontrollable, and it will not be directed and fired like a laser, that is, it will sweep randomly. If you keep hitting a target, the energy level is an order of magnitude lower than it can kill people.

The test enters the final stage.

The last test is the burst function, using tungsten core bullets. I originally wanted to test nuclear bombs, but many people inside were worried that the international impact would be unfavorable, and they might even hit the observation fleet, so they had to delay looking for opportunities.

Five rounds were fired in this round. Actual tests show that the impact of bursts on accuracy is still difficult to ignore, and the additional impact mainly comes from the action of magazine feeding.

The circle error measured by Wufa ~ the smallest is 200 meters and the largest is 3,000 meters.

Such a burst accuracy, no wonder it is a primary space-based weapon in the eyes of aliens.

Tungsten core bullets are powerful. As mentioned earlier, tungsten core bullets impact at a speed of tens of Mach. The effect of hitting the water is the same as hitting the steel plate, but there is still a difference. Because the outer layer will be heated aerodynamically during the process of penetrating the atmosphere, the interior is too late to change, and it will actually form the effect of soft outside and hard inside. The soft layer will pour kinetic energy in the first time, and at the same time form a buffer for the inside, and the hard layer will later Only a little bit will release the remaining kinetic energy below.

When making observations on the sea surface, it is difficult to calculate an accurate attack equivalent, and only a range can be obtained. Using standard TNT as the value, it is probably between 200 and 300 kg.

At this point, TNT would blow up a basketball court, but the kinetic energy of the space-based tungsten core projectile is more inclined to directional impact, and the actual destructive power is greater than TNT, which is equivalent to burying the weight of TNT in the target body to explode.

In short, the death scepter was successfully tested and failed to hit the nearby island to cause an international accident.

From this moment on, the entire East Central Continent, including the Southeast Peninsula and island countries, has risen to a level of security.

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