Tower Defense Strategy

Chapter 315: Outer Space Governance

With the increase in the number of monsters and nuclear explosions, more and more destroyed and polluted coastal areas, and greater pressure on the surface logistics chain, the aerospace system is seizing the final window and working hard for the space system.

At the beginning of June, all the quotas for the three-station system of country C were released, and all the astronauts who had not yet gone to the sky went to a certain space center of country C for training.

In the few months since the material reserve phase started, a total of 20 electromagnetic rockets have been blown up due to various reasons. However, comparing the overall launch volume, the launch success rate is quite good. Based on the material, the final number of personnel is also sufficient. It's settled.

The number of people in the sky at this moment is 130. According to early plans, this number will be expanded to two hundred.

The number of places released for technical data exchange with major groups is also two hundred.

Finally, based on the smoothness of material reserves and the number of additional personnel required for supplementation, round up to a whole number, one hundred.

There are also 30 top athletes from the background.

Among them, the task of athletes is the simplest, giving birth to children and participating in medical experiments.

There will be this kind of shore row, or everyone is worried about the natural dystocia and surgical risks brought about by giving birth in a low-gravity environment. Compared with the military training system, international-level athletes emphasize the whole body explosive power, which will help the advancement of the space medical system.

It is planned that one hundred and sixty people will be housed in the Moon Palace, one hundred people will be placed in the future space station, and all the rest will be in the Kunpeng Space Station.

Divided by nationality, the proportion of C nationals in the Moon Palace reached 93%, the future space station 71%, and the Kunpeng space station only 65%.

From the perspective of expenditure and income, it is undoubtedly a loss. However, looking at the survival of human genes, this ratio is easily acceptable.

At this stage, an autonomous management system at the space level has also been introduced.

With reference to the C's foreign stellar analysis team, the research results of the world where the octopus is located, the team collecting extraterrestrial resources is responsible for the overall management.

The Jiyue Palace has the highest level, and the other two purely dependent on the input of external resources, take care of themselves.

This is not a casual decision made by patting the head. It has been analyzed and demonstrated by a large number of professionals.

Tuqiu, "Planet Strategy", and the real world where the octopus is located have various governance systems.

The governance system of the soil ball was first eliminated, because most of the systems of the soil ball countries were created to compete with other regions. The materials in space are too precious. If there is additional material loss due to internal friction, it will significantly reduce the speed of further development of space technology.

The system in "Planet Strategy" is relatively close to the normal state of science fiction works, based on the formation of an alien development system based on humans and free exploration.

If there is no monster crisis and human beings continue to develop normally, they are likely to follow this path.

The reason is that the mega-trend of multinational consortia cannot be reversed in the short term, and within a few years, a few groups of this size will have the economic and R&D strength no less than that of large-scale entity countries.

Unlike state entities, the consortium’s eyes are just a series of monetary figures. Through the actual operation of the subsidiary, the reputation of the group will not be impaired. They can assume a greater risk of failure. Once the preliminary exploration shows that a certain planet outside has development value, and the consortium holds hands There happens to be aerospace technology here, and their actions will be even faster.

However, national entities seeking stability, even if they operate on a larger scale, will be one step behind, and it will be difficult to restrict consortium operations in the space environment. In the end, they will inevitably form a compromise situation and develop together.

As it continues to evolve, it will be sooner or later that private planets will appear.

The planets are privatized, is the interstellar world war far away?

The rest is the peculiar world represented by the octopus.

In addition to the keywords that octopus himself occasionally confided in chats, the research team also found many books based on keywords from the game.

After argumentation, it is determined that the star-level civilization is allowed to fend for itself, and the management only takes care of the management structure of extraterrestrial affairs.

It is easy to see that this is a management system specially prepared for "astronauts", excluding the plot of the home planet, which is quite reasonable and feasible.

At this time, the large-scale development was only extended to the moon, and the communication delay was less than three seconds. With the expansion of the outer space, when the development of hyperspace communication appears bottleneck, as the exploration distance increases, the communication delay will reach hundreds of thousands of years.

With that degree of delay, any governance method based on human common sense has no practical meaning. Only the resource classification framework of aliens can truly prevent space wars.

Next, it is based on the defense against extraterrestrial civilization.

Humans began to send electromagnetic signals to extraterrestrials a few decades ago. The original purpose was very simple, to find aliens.

But no matter what you think, a civilization that can receive the signal and quickly return to Tuqiu is not something Tuqiu can deal with. Over time, active search has become more passive electronic telescopes to search for signs of extraterrestrial civilization.

Is there any, I don’t know.

Will it happen that a few hundred years later, an alien team suddenly receives the electromagnetic wave signal sent before and visits it along the launch path? do not know either.

After research and judgment, astronauts are more appropriate to guard against attacks from extraterrestrial civilizations.

With today's electromagnetic launch scale, the amount of materials delivered to outer space barely exceeds 1,000 tons in a month. Even if the technology develops a little bit, the 10,000-ton class may be over.

Is it enough to fight a space war?

This material is not even enough to deploy surveillance and detection points in the solar system.

As for the development of asteroids, as the spacecraft and equipment mature, it is not difficult to imagine that the monthly production capacity will exceed 100,000 or even million tons.

Therefore, the resistance of aliens still depends on the astronauts' ability to collect and process space resources. People in the atmosphere are only responsible for shouting 666.

Based on the above basic viewpoints and the prediction of the future evolution of astronauts, the final decision is made to separate the internal and external management systems of the atmosphere, using resource determinism outside the atmosphere, and those who control the resources will have the command.

This management system is easy for trial implementation starting in June.

In the trial process, it is actually the ground command. The relevant personnel of the Moon Palace will repeat the study and accumulate experience in the standard process. However, the Moon Palace also has the right to coordinate materials to determine the distribution ratio of the reserve materials at each site, and the adjustment range shall not exceed 5% of the total.

The reason for the limitation of the adjustment range is determined by the distance between the earth ball and the moon. Even if there are two nuclear-powered cargo units of the drought type B and C, the nuclear power unit itself still needs traditional delivery of cargo from low orbit to orbit around the moon. With nearly 40% of the fuel used by the engine, the quality of the materials lost is equivalent to one-fourth to one-third of the total weight of the materials on the surface of the moon, depending on the relative position of the earth and the moon.

Starting in June, a new set of things has entered the delivery stage.

As early as nearly two years ago, aerospace system experts have realized that the general parts of the entire system in industrial production can bring a leap in design and production efficiency, and have initiated a sub-program.

This kind of major project related to hundreds of industrial sectors is extremely difficult. Even the design of one of the components requires the project leader to have an in-depth understanding of multiple industrial production devices.

The total number of teachers, students, and technicians used in this plan is about 600,000, of which about 80,000 belong to the special group.

After twenty months of overtime work, a small part of the results have been applied to the new equipment sent to space since the end of last year.

As of June of this year, with the significant decline in social stability, certain difficulties in human input have occurred, and the upper management has decided to deliver some of the results.

The so-called partial deliverables include several sets of complete machines in addition to data transmission at the data level.

Take one set of hydrogen-oxygen generator production equipment as an example.

This is a device specializing in the production of emergency generators for space use. Through simple program switching, three models and sizes of 20 kilowatts, 50 kilowatts, and 200 kilowatts can be produced.

Note that the generator produced by this device is not a low-temperature reaction hydrogen fuel cell, but a mode of direct combustion to drive the rotor to generate electricity.

It can use low-efficiency mode to upgrade the casting unit (supporting device part-time production of gasoline (light oil) engine, but there is no source of petroleum in space, even if it is built, it can only burn alcohol, can only say it There is the possibility of making other things.

What is more important is not what the equipment can produce, because it adopts a fully universal design, and the parts of the equipment itself strictly follow the universal target design, which can be disassembled to reassemble other target production devices.

Due to the time, manpower, and financial resources invested in the project, the equipment reorganization is not well done. Even with an eight-level fitter, the processing accuracy of the reorganized device is only 0.1 mm, and additional steps are needed to correct the accuracy. The astronauts will conduct follow-up in-depth research.

There are more than 3,200 types of first-level parts (for production equipment) delivered in this period, and more than 20,000 kinds of finished parts can be produced. With the subsequent software development, the number will be more than ten times.

The current production and launch plan, which is scheduled to September, will occupy half of the domestic delivery volume in the following months.

As for foreign countries, we still send some ordinary supplies.

In fact, at this time period, a lot of the capacity of foreign electromagnetic silos has been diverted to the doomsday space station of country A.

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