Tower of Babel

Chapter 104

The Hermann Empire raised troops and marched south, and the map was fully opened. In addition, robots have no human emotions. The general's commanding ability and charisma are no longer important. For Zhang Cheng, war has completely turned into a big data operation. If war is compared to Go, the map is the chessboard and the people are the chess pieces. Behind the game is big data computing. After all, the capacity of the human brain is limited. Even if you join forces to form a staff, it cannot be as simple as increasing the computing capacity of a computer.

Although Zhang Cheng is not sure whether his computer has the ability to surpass humans, but if it spans several technical levels and cannot win, then it is better to find a piece of tofu and crash to death! Zhang Cheng did not visit the battlefield in person, but entered the supercomputer to direct the war from the computer's perspective and experience.

Satellite drones, robots, tanks and other information terminals collect data, continuously summarize the information, and finally combine it to generate a computer model. The battlefield becomes a game scene. Zhang Cheng can clearly feel it from the perspective of God. Every detail of the battlefield can be seen. It can command at a macro level or interfere at a micro level. It can even descend on any robot to take over control. You can also step on the battlefield like a god, and experience the battlefield in person, feel the gunfire, feel the gunfire, feel the rain of bullets, and feel the mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

The Hermann Empire's 600,000-strong army was divided into three groups, and each group was divided into three parts: the front army, the middle army, and the rear army. The whole looked like a nine-square grid, and each had its scouts to gather information. The Cold Weapon Age not only emphasized the infantry phalanx, but also the coordinated operations of archers, crossbowmen, shield soldiers, spearmen and other arms, as well as the overall layout.

But the enemy never follows the opponent's rhythm. The cavalry is focused on disrupting the enemy's deployment before the enemy is ready, breaking through the enemy's square formation and then starting to massacre. Naturally, the robot army will not wait until the enemy has arranged everything before launching an attack. Tanks are modern cavalry. What's important is to penetrate deeply and disrupt the enemy's deployment. Under the calculation of computers, the robot army has no respect for martial arts. Mobile warfare and guerrilla warfare are everywhere, and the battlefield is unilaterally transparent, making it very easy. Although this is just a game, Zhang Cheng fights it as a real war. , in order to exercise your commanding ability. When you are tired of playing, occasionally you will land on a robot and experience the light and shadow of the sword.

As one of the gods of war under Zhang Cheng, Adola came to the battlefield alone, walking in the air like a god. When he came to the formation of the two armies, he ignored any attacks, no matter arrows, magic or weapons. Passed by, like a phantom, running straight into the central army. It's like entering a deserted place. People with godhood are called gods of war by Zhang Cheng.

However, there was someone who did not believe in evil and faced a young general with a dragon-slaying spear in his hand. He thrust the spear and stabbed it, trying to stop Adola. He was a mid-level officer. Adola felt that he was a worthy target and worthy of taking action. With a sword in his backhand, the opponent immediately fell to the ground with blood spurting out and fell into a pool of blood.

"Hahaha." In the silver bell-like laughter, Adola floated away like a ghost.

"Where can the witch go? Give my nephew his life back!"It is very common in the feudal army to have relatives and friends. A middle-aged warrior chased him with a knife, but Ah Duola didn't want to pay attention to him at all. Along the way, he chopped melons and vegetables, killing four or five mid-level officers in a row. The young warrior pursued him relentlessly. Adola was a little annoyed. He suddenly stopped and turned around. When he saw that the man was a warrior but not an officer, he immediately lost interest and kicked him away. The middle-aged warrior After falling over, I remembered that the other party was a murderous female devil. I was so frightened that I turned around and ran away.

"Hahaha——"Adloa smiled and said:"Aren't you a very good chaser? Don't run away!" Ah Duola didn't want to cause more killings. As long as the other party didn't take the initiative to kill someone, she wouldn't kill anyone. She turned around and rushed into Qianqian again. Among the troops and horses. The light of the sword and the shadow of the sword are not touched at all. If they encounter an officer supervising the battle team, they will show no mercy and kill without mercy.

Adola ignores all physical damage and kills people whenever he wants on the battlefield. If you want to set fire to it, you can set it on fire. Along the way, you will break into the army and kill the generals, attack the camp and burn food, and you will be unstoppable across the world. The one-handed sword blade was criss-crossed, like a long whip. Wherever it went, blood splattered, people screamed, horses neighed, and flames shot into the sky.

Adola burned, killed, looted and killed countless officers along the way. The enemy's leaderlessness soon caused a chain reaction. It is very common for veterans to bully new recruits in the military camp, and there are even more fights for power. Many grievances and grievances are suppressed by the officers. As soon as the officers die, some people start to take revenge unscrupulously. This kind of thing is like a snowball, getting bigger and bigger. Eventually the camp howled. The whole military camp was in chaos. Calling for killing.

Adola, who was in the middle of a killing spree, suddenly knocked someone away. Only the four-protection shield could hit him. The person who was knocked out was at least a false god! The false god was a swordsman. After being knocked away, he panicked and said:"You are not a false god! You are the true god! As a true god, why do you have trouble with ordinary people? Killing innocent people indiscriminately? Is this what the true god did?" The collision was so hard that the swordsman felt that the opponent's strength was at least several times greater than his own, and he immediately realized that this was an existence that surpassed the false gods!

Adola smiled contemptuously and said:"Do you want to take care of it?" Too lazy to talk nonsense with him, he fired a laser beam and killed the swordsman on the spot. Adola completed the first kill and seized a pseudo-godhead. He took the godhead in his hand with one move. Adola discovered Something seemed wrong, so I hurriedly poured out the contents of the godhead, only to find that the contents were already smoking and on fire. It turned out that I had been knocked out of shape. After pocketing the remaining space pearls. Adola is about to join the battle again.

At this time, a black-clothed mage who was chasing after him stopped Adola again with his staff and roared:"Who are you, how dare you make trouble in the military camp? You are so brave!"

Adola looked up and didn't expect it. We actually know each other! It was—Selkesai, who had spent some time with him in the General's Mansion, and was a dark magician. This person has some killer tricks, which are very weird and hard to guard against. Adola said calmly:"Selsk, for the sake of my colleagues, please listen to my advice and surrender! Resisting the Tongtian Empire is meaningless except for death."

Adola was wearing a red swimsuit like a cartoon, which was very revealing. Selsk suppressed the restlessness in his heart and took a closer look. Only then did he recognize that it was Adola and said in surprise:"Adola, why is it you? Weren't you captured in the general's mansion?" It is not a glory for a woman to be captured. Adola said angrily:"Selsk, I was indeed captured, but so what? It's easy for me to kill you now."

Selksei said hurriedly:"Adola, I didn't mean that. We are all Herman Man, how can you help a foreigner?"

Adola said,"Foreigner? What foreigner? Since the day I was captured, I have been prepared to not be a human. Fortunately, I met the master." With one impact, he will Selsk shot away.

Selsk, who fell to the ground, spit out a mouthful of old blood and said:"Adola, I want to ask, how did you obtain the true godhead? Who is your master? Can you tell me what kind of existence he is!?"

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