Tower of Babel

Chapter 122

Zhang Cheng smiled slightly and said:"Comrade Vladimir, you should understand more about the truth of talking nonsense to others. If some people believe in materialism, then talk about materialism. If some people believe in myths, then talk with others. They tell myths. No matter what method is used, the top priority is to calm down the situation quickly, and we will talk about the future."

Vladimir nodded and said:"Okay, I hope you are right, don't hurt the bear. The foundation."

Vladimir compromised, and Zhang Cheng smiled and said:"I have no ill intentions. Blocking is better than sparing. If you don't recognize religion, religion will go underground. The ghost will not leave. And out of control, no one knows about them. Whatever you are doing, it is better to put it out in the open. The state will control the general direction."

Vladimir nodded. This miraculous performance allowed Mao Xiong to gain recognition of his"divine authority" in a very short period of time. , which was unprecedented in history and brought great convenience to Mao Xiong. Depends on spreading the message in many places. Compared to the miracle, another piece of even more explosive news spread. The furry bear received assistance from the Northern Galaxy Federation!!! If God is the god of idealists, then aliens are the immortals of materialists. They can span the vast interstellar space. Science and technology have surpassed the earth for who knows how many years. They are also invincible in the eyes of materialists.

Of course, there are those who believe in everything and those who don’t. In the eyes of those who don’t believe, everything is just a pretense. If there are really any aliens, lower a starship and let me take a look! The more backward a country is, the more evil things tend to be, just like the Qing Dynasty: today a great immortal appears, tomorrow a heavenly father comes to the world, and the latter is invulnerable. Who among the great powers would care about these things? The world is unmoved by these strange rumors. These news leave Russia as rumors. The war was still going on, and the Allies knew nothing about the real situation in Russia. No one thought that Russia had quietly become an invincible monster.

In fact, regardless of whether there is aid or not, the victory of the October Revolution is inevitable. With aid, everything is just faster. Mao Xiong stabilized the overall situation around Moscow in a very short period of time, and the whole country is just around the corner..

The difficulty is not to conquer the country, but to sit on it. How to build the country after the revolution is successful, and how to establish a successful planned economic system. These things have already been placed in front of Mao Xiong. Mao Xiong is now divided into two groups. One group advocates maintaining the capitalist economy, developing productivity first, and building the system. Everything should be done slowly and not in a hurry.

The other group decided to first borrow Zhang Cheng's help to introduce fully automated industrial and agricultural systems and directly enter communism. As long as automation is achieved, communism will be at hand, but Zhang Cheng knows that things may not be that simple. The Seven-Chapter Law of the White Queen of the Alien World is completely opportunistic. It uses robots and Skynet systems to completely replace humans and eliminates the human factor. It is impossible for Russia to hand over the management of the country to a computer or artificial intelligence, and it is impossible to grow flowers like this.! Even if Vladimir and others are sacrificed alive, it is not impossible to become the soul core of artificial intelligence.!

If the aid to the furry bears is just for the sake of the homeland of Siberia, then it would be too small to look down on Zhang Cheng. There are planets without owners. Do you really care about the little land in Siberia? It's just that there has to be an explanation for everything. If you put something in someone's mouth for no reason, it will definitely be with bad intentions.

This is an experiment. Why not do it more scientifically and rigorously? Why leave so many regrets? It goes without saying much about the ending of the Soviet Union, but there are still different opinions on why it disintegrated.

Mao Xiong himself said that it was caused by the excessive power of the federation founded by Vladimir. The flower-growing school of thought mostly believes that it started when Kh*v denied Uncle Gang*, but this may not be true. It has been decrypted so far, and why the feud is still unclear To put it bluntly,

Mao Xiong’s historical heritage is not rich. It is a country that entered a semi-capitalist society from feudal serfdom and man-made reforms. Why is it semi-capitalist? Because this reform has not yet been completed, Russia still has many features of a feudal serf society.

Mao Xiong has not experienced centralization, and does not have much management experience as an official, nor has it established a civil service system. Every country has its own historical heritage and its own characteristics. Mao Xiong’s characteristics are basically inherited The state system of the old period, also known as the Soviet system, can basically be summarized as lifelong tenure of cadres, father-son succession system, and there is no regular rotation system. In fact, it is a feudal hereditary system. A disguised extension, the fiefdom is gone but the enfeoffment still exists! Cadres serve as leaders in a certain place and can work until they die.

There is no official evaluation system and inspection system, and Russia's rough task management system is adopted. There is no promotion system for officials, and they usually stay in place for a long time! Of course, there are also those who make helicopters! As long as you win the appreciation of the leader, you can even make a political amateur directly serve as the leader of the country. Such is the case with Gove.

Fourthly, there is no retirement system for the top leader, nor is there a system for the posthumous handover of the top leader. Most of them are left to fate after death. During the Tsarist period, there was a clear successor, but Mao Xiong did not, even for the ghostly Vlad. Kimil Joseph did not see anything wrong. Such a system is actually very naive when it is placed in front of the Chinese people.

Mr. Long Shuai could tell at a glance that Mao Xiong was unsustainable. There was a lot of controversy over the Soviet political system back then. If Zhan Hua really wanted to join the pirate ship, why would he have to leave a window for corruption? The Soviet Union assisted in flower planting and brought industrial technology to flower planting. At the same time, he also wanted to put a Soviet brand on flower planting. This was definitely not something Long Shuai could accept! Removing the experts was not only something that Long Shuai expected, but he also did it secretly and deliberately. If there was no stalemate, what kind of situation would the Zhonghua family face after the demon he cultivated disintegrated and the Dafa backfired? It’s hard to tell that many things were done deliberately by Long Shuai. As for why? In fact, it is a prediction. If you say a prediction that no one believes, it is better not to say it at all. In fact, it means jumping back.

If the Soviet system is not changed in time, any panacea will be in vain. But if you want to change all this, I am afraid no one can do it except Uncle Gang. But even if it is done, it is not a matter of peace of mind. Zhang Cheng also wants to see how to solve the problems of large-scale population undertakings caused by high automation. Many people think that high automation is the ultimate magic weapon to solve all problems, but in Zhang Cheng's view, this may not be the case. , a comfortable life is likely to lead to racial degeneration. Wouldn't it be good to have a country that was twenty years ahead of you as a reference? I said you can't be the first for the world, but I didn't say you can't encourage someone who is the first for the world and go through thunder for yourself.

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