Trajectory of Dawn in the World of American Comics

Chapter 240 38. A patient who cannot protect Doctor Sweetheart is not worthy of the name Harley Quin

"Hey, did you see that lightning bolt just now? Old Germany? Is that your name?"

On the road to Port Miller, Harley Quinn in the self-driving car stuck her entire face to the window, pointed to the sky and screamed at the old AI driver Delaman :

"First in the direction of Crime Alley, and then outside the city, that must not be normal lightning! Look at the dark clouds rolled up above the head, like the devil's X-eye.

It's Mason, someone must be trying to kill him!


I have to go back and help. "

"With all due respect, passenger, you won't be able to help when you go back."

Delaman said gently:

"Based on the current situation and the analysis of the combat power data of the temporary passengers, you should honestly follow Ms. Ivy to Osborne Tower, which is the most suitable for the current situation. Passengers! Calm down, please don't compete with the autopilot program for driving rights , which will increase the incidence of unnecessary safety accidents!"

"Shut up, you weird little elf hiding in the car!"

Harley, who jumped into the driver's seat, twisted the steering wheel violently, forcing the car to turn, and shouted:

"My doctor in charge is in danger, and I'm a real psycho, the kind who kills people without paying for their lives, do you understand what I mean?

My wife doesn't care about safety or future!

I have lost Mr. J. If Mr. K dies too, my life will be over! Hell, you car ghost, turn the corner! Did you hear that?

Turn the corner back for me! "

"Crash risk! Warning! There is a crash"


When Harley and the automatic driving program competed for the steering wheel, amidst Delaman's sharp warning, the car lost control and crashed into the guardrail on the side of the road.

This is not to blame for the lack of AI functionality of the old driver.

It's just because this car was snatched temporarily, there is no special device inside it that can cooperate with Delaman for emergency braking, and Harley's snatching behavior has indeed increased the risk of accidents.

"Life-support system. This car does not have a life-support system. It is a backward design! Visually inspecting that the temporary passenger is injured and bleeding, the extra protection process of the 'keep improving' service package is activated.

Temporary passengers please stay where they are and do not move around, this program immediately calls the nearest medical department”


A bullet shot out of the twisted and deformed cabin, piercing through the AI's speaker.

Then, amid painful groans, Harley Quinn, whose head was covered in blood between the shattered glass, stretched out her right hand with difficulty to activate the gravity ring on her finger.

She loves this ring.

Take it with you on any occasion, and you won't even take it off when you take a bubble bath.

It was a gift from Mr. K, and now Mr. K is in danger.

"Get up!"

With a scream, the gravity ring erupted into an electric arc, and the gravity ring activated to make the overturned car roll over with a bang, and the deformed car door was kicked away by Harry's kicks.

Afterwards, the blood-stained female psychopath clutched a gun and climbed out of the smoking car panting.

She felt that the long skirt on her body was obstructing her movement, so she tore it open, threw her beautiful high-heeled shoes out, and stood barefoot on the road, forcing a passing car to stop with a pistol.

Pulling the door of the car, he grabbed the driver out and threw him on the side of the road. He stepped on the gas pedal and drove off. There was only one poor car owner who was left on the dark road leading to the pier, hiding by the side of the road. Weeping helplessly.

And Harley, who stepped on the accelerator to the end, wiped the blood on her face in a hurry, and smeared the blood all over her face. Her loose long hair was scattered on her shoulders in a mess. Coupled with her sharp voice and crazy appearance, she was alive and well. The posture of a Harley Quinn is revealed at this moment.

She licked the blood from her lips, the taste made her eyes widen, and then she adjusted the soothing music playing in the car to the rock radio station in disgust, the harsh rhythmic roaring music accompanied by drums made Harley feel like she was at this moment She is as chic and powerful as a heroic and fearless female knight.

"Mr. K., my handsome doctor, your lovely patient is here to save you! But the car elf is right, I can't do anything just by going there.

Ha, he has magic potions hidden in his basement, and Ivy told me where those dangerous 'contraband' are hidden. "

Halle, who was driving, endured the pain and clasped the broken bridge of her nose. She graduated from medical school and did have a doctorate, and she knew exactly what to do in this situation.

She gritted her teeth and straightened the crooked nose bridge with a click.

This action made Harley scream in pain, and the high-speed car almost lost control and hit the pickup truck that was snatched by three fleeing cowboy wizards.

The two sides exchanged middle fingers between each other, and greeted each other's mothers with warm words, in order to show the essence of hospitality of Gotham people.

Then there was a loud bang.

Harry saw in the rearview mirror that the car that had almost hit her was hit by a bolt of lightning and exploded into a fireball, which made her laugh and honk her horn all the way back to the city.

At this moment, Gotham City is already in chaos because of the "indiscriminate fighting contest" between two groups of wizards.

The extremely cold blizzard blows everywhere, the dazzling fireballs fly across the sky, and the released magical creatures scream and scream across the city.

It's like a chaotic but vibrant show.

And because of the traffic jam, Harley kept honking the horn and scolding these wizards for being irrelevant, but she was sure that these bastards would be punished soon.

Look what they're doing in Gotham!

At first glance, it looks like a brainless outsider, but this is Batman's cesspit!

Ha, this is looking for a beating.

It took almost thirty minutes for Harley to rush back to Crime Lane after turning into an old driver with road rage and yelling and cursing all the way, and jumped out of the tattered car that had been hit.

Although there is a moment of silence for the owner, this is actually not a big problem.

The Bat Foundation would pay him for the damage, and maybe get him a new car.

But what really saddened Harley was that the Cooper shop in front of her eyes had become a pile of ruins. This place where she lived for almost a month and carried many good memories was destroyed.

"Mr. K is in danger, Ivy is not here, the home is gone, gone again"

Harry squatted on the ground with red eyes and picked up the shop sign that had been distorted by magic.

She was so uncomfortable that she was about to cry, but soon a surge of anger welled up in her heart, causing her to grit her teeth and walk barefoot into the ruins in front of her eyes, use the gravity ring to clear the road, and push open the basement door with difficulty.

According to Ivy's previous description, she quickly found the place where Mason hid the potion, and dragged the alchemy box out of the ground, but it was locked and required a seven-digit password to open it.

Harry blinked, then tilted his head to think for a while, and then entered a line of numbers into it.

With a "click", the box bounced outward.

"Cool! This is it! The day Mr. K said he got rid of the past and came back to life, he only said it once, but I remembered it, and I kept all the information about Mr. K in my heart."

The neurotic girl squatted next to the box full of various medicines. First, she obediently took out a bottle of palliative and poured it down. It is very important to take medicine on time!

Then she threw the bottle aside, and found a healing potion in it to heal herself.

Finally, she picked up a bottle of dark green potion.

Unlike other gadgets, this thing is not packed in a crystal bottle, but is placed in a sealed syringe, as long as you find a syringe, you can use it.

Mason put a label on it saying, "Unvalidated Temporary Reinforcement, Confused, Dangerous."

"Huh? Confusion?"

Harry blinked, touched his head, then shrugged and found a syringe and injected the thing into his veins without any hesitation or pressure.

After less than ten seconds, she felt a burst of power in her body.

It seems that I have become omnipotent all of a sudden!

She hummed happily, touched her protruding biceps, found a bag to pack the medicine in the box, and took it away. This is Mr. K's treasure, and she will never leave it to anyone else.

She dug out a set of red leather clothes from her shattered wardrobe and put them on. This was the "clown costume" she bought for herself at the suggestion of Mr. J last Halloween.

Although the label of the store is "sexy item".

"Okay, now I'm strong! It's time to save Mr. K!"

She was about to leave valiantly, but as soon as she walked out of the ruins, a sharp voice sounded in her mind, screaming towards her:

"No, stupid Harley, you are unarmed, you have to go to Mr. J's secret base in the city remember? Mr. J told us the exact location when he played a nasty guessing game with us.

There are a lot of Mr. J's weird explosive gadgets, I need them to save our lovely Mason"

"That's my Mason! Not yours! Not 'ours' either!"

Harry took out a bottle of medicine and twisted off the cap, then hugged his head and screamed:

"And who are you? Get out of my mind! Otherwise, I'll drink this bottle of poison and everyone will die together. I won't let anyone control my brain anymore."

"Fool! I am you, the second you! That magical potion finally freed me from your restraint and suppression, stupid Harley."

The sharp voice echoed in Harry's mind, and she cheered:

"It was Mr. J who conceived me, but that guy is dead, and Mason Cooper, who fascinates you, is nothing more than that in my opinion, but he is also qualified as a cutie.

Harry, you need my help.

I am smarter than you! More cunning than you! more evil than you! If you want to help him, you have to accept me first. "

"My God!"

Harry squatted on the ground covering his face, and said with a look of despair:

"When Mason said that I might have schizophrenia, I thought he was joking. I should have given myself psychological intervention early on. I knew that it would be of no benefit to delay this matter for a long time.

But you are right.

Cute little Mason needs help urgently, and cute Harley needs to save him, but first I have to give you a name. I'm Harley and you're Quinn, okay? "

"Barely okay, get in the car now!"

Quinn shouted in Harry's mind like a commander in chief:

"Go to Zhou Ke'er's secret base and arm yourself first, we need bombs! Lots and lots of bombs! Get moving, Harley, grab your baseball bat, and knock the heads off every idiot that gets in your way.

We're going to make Mr. K our personal property, preferably with a small tag. If you can't do it, I don't mind coming in person. "


"Uh, what's with this sudden chill? It's like being targeted by something terrible."

At this time, Mason, who appeared under the Iceberg Bar, suddenly shuddered. Unscathed, he moved his body uncomfortably, looked around suspiciously, and then walked into the dark building in front of him.

Ten seconds after the wizard war started, Mason ran out of the battle zone.

Wearing an invisibility cloak, he used golden apples to interfere with the wizards' thinking, and at the same time poured himself a bottle of acceleration potion, and crossed the crime alley in a hurry.

When Dr. Fate launched the reality rewriting, he had already rushed three blocks away and was completely unaffected.

You can't say that Mason's behavior is not about martial arts, mainly because he is facing the group of Dr. Fate's people plus the two rebellious elites of the Magic Academy. Hey, he is indeed at a slight disadvantage.

Besides, Mason wasn't just trying to escape.

He still has to attract attention in Gotham to buy time for Team K's "smuggling" operation. If he is caught after a face-to-face meeting, how can there be time for him to delay?

As for instigating the wizard war, Mason didn't feel too much guilt.

After all, he's already "paid," and that tiny shard of the Sorcerer's Stone that landed in Dr. Fate's hands is worth a fortune, enough to hire these heroes for a long time in Gotham.

Moreover, this is a just cause of "expelling foreign enemies and defending the country". It is reasonable for them to fight head-on even if they don't give money?

But Mason's escape didn't last long.

To be precise, he was discovered as soon as he entered the Iceberg Bar. The Justice League obviously entered Gotham with the wizards and took action. They made arrangements in advance in Mason's stronghold.

As soon as the young man stepped into it, he felt a strange vibration. Some kind of slight resonance energy surrounded the bar like an invisible "spider web".

"It's a sound! Should it be some kind of shock field?"

The sorting hat on his head immediately reminded:

"The invisibility cloak can't hide for a long time in this high-tech environment, it will interfere with the magic power. Be prepared, Mason, there are at least three life breaths active here, all of which surpass ordinary people."

"I guessed it would not go so smoothly."

The young man breathed a sigh of relief.

He drew his precision rifle from the back and attached an engineered silencer to the muzzle, and trotted up the stairs while continuously releasing small griffin drones to disrupt the invisible shock field.

When approaching the top floor, still no one appeared, Mason winked his eyes.

He simply and neatly activated the EMP impact of the Griffin military drones scattered around. The simultaneous activation of more than thirty drones instantly shredded the energy field used for reconnaissance.

Just as he was attacking, there was a shrill scream from above his head.

It's as if a strange guy is cooperating with him.

Almost instantly, Mason raised the muzzle and pulled the trigger. The aiming frame appeared in front of him and locked on. The buzzing charging sound echoed in the chamber of the Widowmaker. A second later, the two bullets that were fully charged The guns were shot back and forth, easily piercing through the first floor, making two holes and hitting the fast-moving guy above.

For the combination of technological rifles and kinetic energy bullets, all normal walls in this world are as brittle as paper within their effective range.

This is not to mention that Wude's kinetic energy bullets also have the ability to "ricochet". In the triggering of special shooting methods, bullets carrying huge impact can change direction after the first impact to achieve precise sniping.

Normally special eye and hand prosthetics are required to calculate and capture ballistics in advance.

But for Mason, who has combat assistance, he does not need to implant special components in his eyes and palms to accurately calculate ballistics.

"Shock hurts! Repeat! Shock hurts!"

The area above Mason's head was in the gunpowder time, a dashing blond heroine in a black leather jacket with a strange "collar decoration" on her neck dragged a young man with a pencil in his chest as he retreated further away while enduring The attack of the black shadow in front of him shouted in his communication again:

"The target appeared in the Iceberg Bar, holding a dangerous weapon! The target has two people! Here"


Another energy bullet shot through the floor and grazed the woman's body to the ceiling above where it bounced off and bounced back to hit her on the wrist.

However, for these superheroes, a bulletproof suit is almost standard. This kinetic energy decaying bullet did not hurt the woman but made her aware of the danger.

She quickly backed away with her wounded companion on her back, calling out at the same time:

"Oliver! We need support here! Quick!"

"Oliver? Green Arrow?"

Mason, who has the super sense of the Isu, accurately captured the other party's whispered call in the chaos, and he immediately realized who was lying in ambush above his head.

This is a model couple working together, huh?

"The eighth giant of Zhenglian and his cutie black canary."

Mason licked his lips, moved silently in the dark and replaced the magazine with a non-lethal bullet.

He is a little eager to try, his archery has been stuck at Lv4 for a long time, maybe he can learn something from Green Arrow tonight? But who's that guy upstairs beating up Black Canary?

John Wick?

Why did the guy who disappeared mysteriously since he came to Gotham take this muddy water? Could it be that these guys hurt his dog? Well, then we can only mourn for them.

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