Trajectory of Dawn in the World of American Comics

Chapter 254 52. The wind depends on Zhakang, the adversity depends on Mason, and the desperate situa

"Put away your little scare pistol, Landman!"

The small blue motorcycle was chasing a ball of kind light in the dark and rainstorm in the dead and deserted Miller Harbor, and Aquaman's low-pitched warning also sounded in Harley and Mason's ears:

"You should have had enough trouble tonight, get caught! Don't expect to use your evil portals hidden underground, the mages are sealing them.

You have nowhere to escape. "

"You got this message from Charles with a lasso, didn't you?"

Mason's face was pale in the back of the car, but he had no intention of surrendering. Holding the Deluminator in his hand, he strengthened his desire to seek a safe escape so as to guide Harry in the direction of escape.

In the midst of the wind and lightning, he desperately pressed his aching stomach and asked:

"But I'm curious, has my loyal kite man told you about some of the properties of the World Gate, for example, that the door is useless just by sealing it.

It can be opened on both sides.

And with luck or misfortune, the person on the other side of the door also has the key."


Hai Wang, who appeared here with a macho attitude, raised his eyebrows in surprise, and then saw Mason pressing hard on his wrist.

This made him feel that something was wrong, and then he heard the vibrations from the ground and the screams and cries of the mages who were sealing the gate of the world in the earphones.

They are attacked!

Mason Cooper, an evil guy, actually arranged for a backup in such a desperate situation? This feeling of a steady stream of cards in his hand disgusted Arthur very much.

This reminded him of his first contact with Batman.

Those are not fond memories.

"Go! Harry!"

Mason yelled in a hoarse tone, and Harley immediately twisted the handlebar of the motorcycle in a circle and pressed the red button that Mr. K would not allow her to move.

The little motorcycle entered supersonic speed in an instant, and amidst the screams of Harley's twin tails flying in the rain, the car rushed out of the danger zone with a whizz.

And the white ball of light that has been hovering in front is also accelerating synchronously, guiding them to the fringe area bordering Miller Harbor and Gotham City.

Hai Wang, who was here as early as a cat waiting for a little mouse to come to his door, saw that the target was about to run away, so he roared and threw the trident in his hand full of lightning.

The magical weapon forged by the first generation of Neptune broke through the sonic boom at the moment of the shot, and attracted the blessing of thunder from the sky in the cold and heavy rain, and then pierced towards Mason's small motorcycle like a missile.

"I'm going to be hit!"

Harry exclaimed, then closed his eyes as if accepting his fate, and hugged Mason, as if planning to go to hell with Mr. K and become a couple of ghosts.

But Mason squinted his eyes and stared at the rearview mirror of the small motorcycle in front of him.

He had already seen a familiar figure flying over in the rain of the night, which finally made him completely relieved in this critical situation.


The mighty trident had already touched the rear wheel of the scooter, but was pulled in mid-air by the strange spider web that swished out.

The pulling of several spider webs caused the trident to lose its kinetic energy rapidly in the air, and when more spider webs shot this dangerous weapon to the limit, it was forcibly stopped less than ten feet away from Mason's head.

Old Peter, who came to support Mason from Osborne Tower through the Gate of the World, tried his best to shake the spider web in his hand. He stepped on a container and was pulled by a huge force, even causing the box full of goods under his feet to roll forward. Stop dangerous weapons in the ultimate stretch of giant vines that burst from the ground.

Then, as Old Peter and Poison Ivy gritted their teeth and shouted at the same time, they threw the weapon wrapped in spider webs into the sea.

Behind him, the heavily armed Daredevil hit the back of Aquaman's head with a billy stick with a steel wire in his hand. He was punched by the latter and at the same time successfully pulled Aquaman who was chasing him to the ground of Port Miller. .

Behind Mason, the terrifying vines completely sealed off the small half of Miller Harbor and the area where Sea King was located, like a "tree world descending", blocking all possibilities for that dangerous guy to hunt down Mason.

But this level of plant summoning is likely to drain Poison Ivy's strength at once. Fortunately, there are still old spiders and Lawyer Ma who can hold their intestines.

"Thank you, all three."

Mason shouted to Peter Sr. and Lawyer Ma in the communication:

"You entangle him, and then retreat to the city. Don't entangle with them, I will find another way to leave."

"You still have a way to escape?"

The old spider in the rainstorm exclaimed:

"That door is sealed. We just tried to open it from here."

"I've got a way, Peter."

Mason said out of breath:

"I'm sorry to drag you into it in the end, you and Lawyer Ma must not be caught, Ivy can't fight now, you have to take her away too.

Zha Kang and the others probably won't be able to snatch another person from the Justice League in a short time. "

"Don't worry about us, we have a map of Gotham City in our hands, Miss Ivy is also a local, we know how to hide, but your situation looks terrible."

The old spider turned around and fought with Neptune in the rain, and took the time to respond:

"Hurry up and find a place to treat you first, hell, listen to your voice, I'm really afraid that if you take a few more breaths, your lungs will burst."

"Mason, someone from the sky is coming!"

Harley, who had escaped from the encirclement on a motorcycle, exclaimed at this moment. Mason endured a headache and looked up. In the dizzying field of vision, several blacked-out armed helicopters were rapidly encircling them.

Those helicopters were flying in the heavy rain, and they were full of heavily armed soldiers, and there was a strange red, black and white three-color painting on the fuselage to form a strange glasses-like pattern.

"Sky Eye Society?"

Mason immediately recognized this organization under the official jurisdiction that handles superhuman-related affairs and has a rather bad reputation. Even though it was very weak, the captain still sneered at this time.

coughed and said:

"I'm down and out, but it's not like any cat or dog can come and bully me. This Amanda Waller's ghost idea actually hit me."

"I've seen them before, they're a bunch of nasty guys."

Harley Quinn also quickly recognized the guys who were trying to pick up the leak at this time. She had come into contact with these guys when she was working at the Arkham Asylum.

She knew that the organization would take dangerous supervillains out of Arkham every once in a while, and sometimes people would come back, but most of the time being taken away by them meant disappearing.

"Don't be afraid, Mr. K, I will protect you!"

She smiled at Mason, while grabbing the handle of the motorcycle, she took out a clown bomb from her back pocket, and was about to turn around and rely on the speed of the flying motorcycle to blow up these bad guys.

Although the Mason in the car is starting to wobble.

But he still drew out the silver pistol at his waist, resisting the discomfort and turned around to aim in the air.

The helicopter approaching in the air on a rainy night came into range, Death Eye was activated, and the surrounding night rain stopped instantly. Johnny Silverhand's legendary pistol replica version opened a magazine in an instant with Mason's anger.

A hundred meters away behind him, the front windshield of the helicopter exploded completely, and several people including the pilot were headshot by the kinetic energy bullets that ricocheted in the cabin at the same time, causing the armed black eagle to swing out of control and fall into the sky. In the rolling sea below.

This scene immediately aroused the vigilance of several other helicopters, and they seemed to have been ordered to start shooting at targets in the air.

Harley was shot in order to protect Mason, but just as Mason was holding his bag and was about to call Mr. Hunter to save the scene, a strange whistling suddenly shot high into the sky from the tumbling waves below.

Under Mason's amazed gaze, the blasted rocket accurately bombarded the helicopter in the rear, turning the pursuers into a dazzling fireball.

Afterwards, more rockets were launched into the air, and within a few seconds, the team sent by the Sky Eye Society to pick up the leak was completely wiped out.

The white ball of light that had been guiding Mason and Harry under the rainstorm night also flew down to the sea and disappeared at this moment. Amidst the turbulent waves, a black-painted submarine turned on its guiding lights, and several red lights Click on the waves to guide Mason and Harry to the landing position.

Harley, who was shot, endured the pain and drove the flying motorcycle down with one hand. When Mason approached the hatch of the submarine, he vaguely saw a few silent warriors in black waiting.

"This is the League of Assassins?"

Mason already had a splitting headache, and the painful rejection was quickly devouring his last sobriety and sanity.

He couldn't hold on anymore.

Moaning in pain, he stuffed the gun into Harry's hand, and told her:

"Go down. Tell Thalia. Her son. I have it!"

After speaking, Mason tilted his head and passed out completely.

He somewhat underestimated the severity of the rejection reaction of the superhuman enhancer. It seems that it is too reluctant to accept this kind of super enhancement with his current physique.

Harry watched the bleeding from the corner of Mason's mouth in a coma. She was so anxious that she didn't care about anything else, and followed Mason's suggestion and landed towards the strobe light below.

Under the silent gaze of a group of black-clothed warriors, the flying motorcycle quickly landed in the hatch area above the modified submarine.

Mason guessed right, the leader of these black-clothed warriors who suddenly appeared to support was Talia al-Ghul who had met once before.

This fox-like woman looked at Mason, who was in dire condition on the motorcycle, with her arms crossed. She shook her head and waved her hand to Harley, who was like a she-wolf guarding her cubs and was staring at her viciously with a baseball bat and pistol:

"Don't worry, little girl, I'm not trying to hurt you, on the contrary, I'm here to help."


Harry screamed:

"Do you want to help out sooner? You have to pick this time. Judging by the speed of your actions, you know that you are already prepared. You just want to catch a leak!

You are as much chops as Amanda Waller! "

"Yeah, we just want to catch a leak."

Thalia graciously admitted what Harry said, she brushed her long black hair, and said calmly:

"The icing on the cake is what idiots do. Smart people know that friendships come when they are needed. Come on, bring Mason and follow me. He's in a bad situation and can't wait any longer.

I have a cure for him.

Lo and behold, he started vomiting blood.

It's a sign of severe damage to the internal organs, his heart rate has slowed down, Harley Quinn, you were an M.D., you know what that means, right?

Do you want me to go on? "

Harley was anxious and angry. Of course she knew that her beloved Mason was in a bad situation, but Quinn yelled in her heart to tell her not to trust these bastard assassins.

If Mason was handed over, she and Mr. K would be completely under the control of the bad woman in front of her.

This is definitely not the situation that Mr. K wants to see.

Just when Harley was protecting Mason and took out another bomb with clown gas and was about to fight to the death, a low sonic boom exploded from the high-altitude clouds.

Everyone looked up at this moment and saw a ghost-like bat-fighter quietly appearing, skimming the disturbing sea on autopilot, and then a tall figure jumped down from the sky.

She descended from the sky like a stretched black cat, then slid down hundreds of meters in a completely unscientific manner, and finally landed lightly beside Harley and Mason surrounded by assassin warriors.

"Go on! I'm listening."

A standard superhero-style black monster that landed here popped out its biological claws. This terrifying image made the surrounding assassins draw their weapons one after another. Thalia also stepped back vigilantly and held the pistol at his waist.

"Huh, a group of cowards who want to pick peaches but have no skills, you dare to threaten my little Mason?"

Lord Selena in the form of the venom suit moved her neck, and under the ferocious "battle helmet" covered with white eye spots, her mouth full of sharp teeth made everyone around her fearful.

But in the next moment, the symbiont was very gently recycled into Catwoman's body, revealing the chic and handsome figure of the big sister wearing a windbreaker and boots.

She leaned down and reached out to touch Mason's hot cheeks. She raised her head and glanced at Thalia whose complexion changed slightly, and said sarcastically:

"The defeated stinky fox! Didn't you say it? Tell you not to appear in my territory! What? You can't grab a man from me and you're going after my little brother?

You have a good idea! "

"Selena Kyle, you lingering bitch!"

Thalia stretched out her hand to stop the hostility of the surrounding assassins,

She glanced over the disturbing catwoman and glanced at Miller Harbor in the distance. There were thunder and roars, and it was obvious that Aquaman was fighting to the death with Mason's friends from another world.

She brushed her long black hair and said to Catwoman who was protecting Mason and Harley:

"When Arthur Curry makes a move, we don't even think about leaving. The Land of the Seven Seas is his domain. Your brother Mason can't hold it anymore, Selena who turned into a monster.

Are you sure you want to continue to confront me here to waste time? "

"whispering sound."

Lady Catwoman snorted, and put her hand on the shoulder of Harley, who was ready to activate the bomb at any time and die with the warriors. She said to Talia:

"Can you save Mason?"

"We have treasures in our hands that can bring people back from the dead."

Thalia folded her arms and said:

"But it needs to cross half the world to South Darbat. I arranged a plane at Gotham Airport and it takes off in fifteen minutes."

"Then let's go."

Lady Catwoman waved her hand, bent down and carried Mason out of the cabin, and followed Thalia into the submarine. When she entered the cabin, she suddenly asked in a low voice:

"Who told you to come here?"

"Hehe, guess what?"

Talia let out a weird laugh, glanced at Catwoman, and said in a drawn out voice:

"That man knows who can help him at critical moments, and he knows that the entire League of Assassins will operate according to his will as long as he needs it.

He always has a lot of plans, a lot of cards.

And we are one of them.

Selena, he knows the difference between a pet and a companion.

But you are worse. "

"Some people who are used as tools really don't have self-knowledge!"

Catwoman's face changed slightly, but then she retorted:

"You don't even think about how I accurately locked your submarine. Yes, that man has a lot of cards, but obviously, in his heart, he knows very well who is the truly reliable person."

In the next moment, the eyes of the two powerful women met, and the collision of their eyes almost sparked fire.

"You two are enough!"

Harry couldn't stand it anymore, she screamed:

"Isn't Mr. K more important now? If you want to be jealous, can you pick a good time? My lovely Mr. K is vomiting blood again!


Both of you must be angry! "

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