Trajectory of Dawn in the World of American Comics

Chapter 275 73. Ghost Story Time! When Superman says: I hate humans! -【20/25】

Chapter 275 73. Ghost Story Time! When Superman says: I hate humans! -【2025】

(Monthly ticket plus update·Happy Lantern Festival~)

"You said his surname was Zod?"

In the underground laboratory of the military base, Damian looked at Mason beside him in astonishment, and said:

"The superman in this world isn't waiting! I'm a bit messy, let me sort it out, it's not right!"

"In a world where your grandpa could be Batman and your grandma is the Joker, why are you still obsessed with whether or not Superman is called Clark Kent?"

Mason glanced at the rice beside him, and said quietly:

"Should I complain about your small brain, or criticize your poor ability to accept? Look at the family crest next to him! Is that the familiar symbol of Superman?"

Damian raised his head and followed Mason's fingers, and sure enough, there was a black Kryptonian text on the edge of the biological experiment cabin.

The outer frame is a shield-shaped outline like Superman's iconic S coat of arms, but the inner text is not an S but a somewhat mutated Kryptonian logo, much like a C written upside down.

"But I read in the database in the Batcave that General Zod is the sworn enemy of the Ayre family."

Damian stared blankly at the frightened skinny man in the experimental cabin, and whispered:

"So the last Kryptonian sent to Earth in this world is a descendant of Zod? His two identities have been changed? This is really incomprehensible."

"Then what if I tell you that the one in front of you is not the last Kryptonian?"

Mason reached out and pressed the control panel next to him, releasing the external blockade of the biological cabin.

He whispered to Damian:

"If I say that Krypton in this parallel world has not been destroyed, but has grown into a super authoritarian civilization invading the universe, wouldn't you jump up in surprise?

I don't think you want to know who is the leader who is currently leading the Kryptonians to destroy and annex, well, don't pay attention to these small details that will not appear in our story.

Come, give me a hand, and bring him out.

Look at him, these fools who imprisoned him have been studying for so many years, haven't they discovered the wonderful connection between the Kryptonians and the sun?

They trapped a god in the world deep in the dark underground, and it would be hell if he could become stronger like this. "

Mason and Damian walked into the biological cabin, and the old man hid in the shadows and guarded the entrance with two guns.

The two approached the weak and downcast Kryptonian who was huddled in a corner and tried to help him up, but the latter screamed in horror when he saw their outstretched hands.

"Why is he so frightened?"

Damian said in surprise:

"What did the people here do to him?"

Mason didn't answer.

He squatted down and clasped the slender wrist of Far Zod who was struggling in front of him, and pulled the white clothes on his arm upwards.

Then he and Damian saw the needle holes on the poor man's arm that could not be healed due to long-term weakness. It was densely packed with needle holes and some kind of surgical marks that left permanent scars.

It should be the injuries caused by the people in the base for drawing blood and taking biological tissue samples from him for a long time.

Even Damian, who was educated in "wolf culture" since he was a child, couldn't stand this scene. The little lunatic is just cold-blooded, but he is not cruel.

Rarely does he deliberately torture his enemies in this way.

He has been educated in science since he was a child, and he knows that leaving this kind of injury has already far exceeded the needs of the experiment. This is entirely because the people at the base are using this Kryptonian to do many inhumane and destructive experiments.

"These bastards!"

Damian cursed, and threw out the Batarang and shattered the red sun energy lamp on the top of the head that would weaken the Kryptonian.

But Mason shook his head.

He took out a bottle of healing potion and a bottle of energy potion and half-forced them to the extremely weak Kryptonian in front of him, and then firmly supported him to walk out, saying as he walked:

"It is impossible to encounter such a rare alien living sample without conducting experiments, and I can understand the necessity of this world for the various experiments he has done.

The only thing I regret is that their research methods are too rough.

Look at the various experimental projects here, all of which are wasting precious Kryptonian blood, time and strength in the most unimaginative way.


This is simply criminal. "

"You are just as cold-blooded!"

Damian retorted, but Mason didn't explain.

He only half-carried the frail wretch out of the lowest level of the laboratory, not forgetting to take some Kryptonian blood samples stored here.

When the old man escorted them to the upper floor of the base, he immediately saw Hal Jordan sitting on a chair talking with Little Flash. She didn't know what method Little Flash used to make the ace pilot not only not sound the alarm, but to sit on the ground instead. Be by his side and listen to his stories calmly.

"What's going on here?"

But when he saw the skinny and skinny Kryptonian being brought out, no matter how good-tempered Barry was, he couldn't suppress the evil fire.

He and Superman are really good friends.

Seeing his buddies from another world being tortured like this, Xiao Shan regretted for a moment that he was a little soft when he knocked out those researchers just now.

He rushed forward to check, but the Kryptonian looked at Hal Jordan who was following him in horror.

Probably the military uniform on Hal reminded him of some bad memories. He whimpered from his throat, waved his arms and hid beside Mason like a primitive man.

Obviously, the potion that Mason gave him just now made him feel his health returned, and made him realize that Mason was really helping him instead of hurting him.

In this case, it is normal for him to feel threatened and ask Mason for help.

"I didn't know there was one here."

Howl was also bewildered by the miserable state of the poor man before him.

The young man had no bad intentions. He used his bomber jacket to cover up his military uniform, but when he saw the hatred in the Kryptonian's eyes, he could only lower his head and take a step back, and whispered:

"Sorry, I'm sorry for what they did to you."

"You want to express your apology in a more effective way."

Mason stared at Hal Jordan and said:

"Our friend is in dire need of sunlight right now. We need him to regain his strength. Earth's sunlight alone can't do that. If you really want to do something for him, start the aircraft at the base and take him to space .

There must be alien spaceships hidden here, right? "


As a soldier, Mason's request obviously made Hal Jordan very embarrassed, but at this moment, Xiao Shan reached out and held the wrist of this friend from another world.

He said:

"Help him, Hal, and help us.

The world is at stake and you should be doing the right thing instead of helping the bad guys! Serving Amanda Waller is nothing to be proud of.

What you can do in another world, I believe you can do it now.

Didn't you tell me that since you were a kid you've had the feeling that you've been waiting all your life for a big moment? There are really some things in this world that only you can do, not others.

But that's not going to ram the ship of the Seamen in that suicide flying coffin arranged for you by those lunatic soldiers.

it's not like that!

You have to show your courage and fearlessness!

Only in this way can you get the approval of that lantern ring that has gone to nowhere, and only in this way can you become the real Green Lantern. "

"But the Atlanteans are plotting to destroy humanity, Barry! We have plenty of evidence."

Hal retorted:

"Only that hypervehicle is fast enough to pass through their anti-aircraft fire to destroy their doomsday weapon! I only have one chance!

I'm not afraid to die for the world.

I have no fear in my heart of this outcome, yet you are asking me to flee from my duties. "

"Well, gentlemen, stop arguing!"

Mason stopped Xiao Shan and Hal from arguing, he looked at the pilot in front of him, and said:

"You have two choices now, the first is to act according to the orders your superiors told you, and to gamble on the probability that those sea people did not prepare for your attack in advance.

The second is to act with us.

Really try to solve the problem from the source instead of just seeing some waves in front of you.

I don't have time to convince you, Hal.

Even if you don't want to, I have a way to start that aircraft! I want you to recognize the reality that we are giving you a chance to be a hero and you are wasting it. "

"It's useless even if you solve the doomsday weapon, young man."

The old man whose whole body seemed to be shrouded in shadow stared at Hal Jordan, the scarlet eyes under the specially made bat mask, staring at Hal Jordan made him extremely stressed.

He said coldly in a gloomy voice:

"The technology of the Atlanteans crushes human beings, and they can guarantee the destruction of human beings without that weapon, and that weapon is not prepared for human beings at all.

That was used to die with the Amazons.

Sober up, Hal, you can't save humanity by killing yourself.

This is the most meaningless of all the ways you can die, I can't guarantee that what we do will work, but if we succeed"

Hal hesitated.

He looked at the weak Kryptonian being supported by Mason.

The latter is obviously not very good at speaking, but he can definitely understand the language of the people on earth. He will behave very quietly, as if he is listening and trying to think about the current situation.

"That aircraft needs General Lane's permission to open it."

Hal clenched his fists and said:

"It's useless even if I want to help. General Lane went to Washington, and he's not here at all."

"We don't need any bloody clearance, we just need a pilot!"

Mason asked:

"Are you willing to help?"

Seeing that Hal Jordan was still unable to make a decision, Mason no longer wasted time, he turned his head and said to the old man:

"You fly planes too, go to that flying machine! Fly it out!"

"I don't think flying a private jet is the same thing as that kind of alien craft."

The old man complained a little, and then he saw Mason making a "card-inserting" movement, and said to him:

"Use that chip! Ask your old friend to help you, the data thinking of the steel bone can easily crack the authority and activate it, and leave the rest to the feeling.

Anyway, our Kryptonian is made of steel and iron, so even if he encounters an air crash, he will be fine.

As for you, old man, I don't think that among all the ways of death left for Batman in all parallel worlds, one possible option is to fall to death.

He and I are waiting for you outside. "

After speaking, Mason helped the Kryptonian walk quickly outside the base.

It was early morning at this time, and when they walked out of the entrance and entered the coast, the first sunrise was all in sight.

The bright light illuminated the frail Kryptonian's eyes, so harsh that he stretched out his hands to cover his face.

But even without Mason's reminder, this poor man who has been trapped underground for several years can feel every cell in his body jumping for joy because of the sunshine.

The energy from the yellow sun was continuously absorbed by him, and in just a dozen seconds, he went from being unable to take care of himself to walking to standing up on his own.

As Mason let go of his fingers, the skinny, skeletal Kryptonian looked at him gratefully.

Then he stretched his body facing the sun, and he opened his arms to bathe in the rising sun, and for the first time, a peaceful light appeared on his face full of pain.

He could feel the sun calling to him.

"Their destructive tests did something so bad to your tongue and vocal cords that I would have given you a minor surgery."

Mason whispered behind Far Zod:

"But I think with Kryptonian self-healing powers, you can solve those little troubles on your own. You can understand, you are learning, in this world without Batman assisting you as an 'external brain', you His superintelligence finally came into play.

Go ahead, Zod.

Tell me what is in your heart and what you want to say to the world. "

"I hate you."

Like a child trying to speak for the first time, and like a murky voice caused by damage to the vocal cords, in the slight movement of the Kryptonian's lips in the sun, he said to Mason:

"You're in trouble, you need me, but why should I help you? Why should I help a bunch of villains who have tortured me like a beast for so many years?

This world has never given me a little kindness, why should I give back to you for assistance? "

"First of all, I am not from this world. Secondly, you asked a good question, and I will give you the answer later."

Mason looked down at his watch, then looked back at the flight channel slowly opening on the rock behind him.

A strangely shaped alien aircraft flew out roaringly, but it obviously couldn't get a good control and rolled around in the air, and finally hit the rock in front of Mason at the speed of pulling out an afterimage.

Fortunately, it was strong enough, otherwise this one impact would have been enough to destroy it entirely.


The cockpit bounced open, and the old man jumped out clutching his bruised forehead.

He shook his head and said:

"No, the speed of this thing is too fast. I can't drive it. Maybe it's because I'm too old to keep up with the reaction. Even with Victor's assistance, I can't help it."

"This aircraft was left behind by the alien named Abin Su, it was made for space travel, and its minimum cruising speed in the atmosphere is Mach 5.

The overload that needs to be endured when driving it can break an adult's neck in an instant, so special training is required to drive it.

Old man, although your body is strong, it is really not suitable for this kind of 'extreme sports'.

Let's give young people a chance. "

When the old man was trying to explain to Mason why he hit the mountain, a familiar voice sounded from behind the crowd, and Hal Jordan, wearing a full set of special flight suits, came out holding a green flying helmet.

He looked at the aircraft that had been hit by the rock in front of him, put on his helmet while sighing, and said to Mason and the smiling little flash:

"Let me do it!

They needed the best pilots and that's why they recruited me, and I've been training for months for that. I will send our alien friend into space, so that he can better bathe in the sun.

Although I doubt it will cure him. "

He looked at the emaciated Kryptonian standing beside Mason, watching him with a wary eye.

Hal said very seriously and seriously:

"If that's any indication of my apologies... I just want to tell you that not all humans are brutes who only hurt others."

"Very well, Hal and Zod are going to space, I will stay here and use the professional equipment of this base to repair some things that may be useful later."

Mason handed an Isu communicator to Barry and the old man, and pointed to the distant harbor and said to them:

"Barry, you escort the old man and Damian to sneak into Luthor's research ship and hide, waiting for Zod's 'superman transformation' to complete, destroying the doomsday weapon of the Atlanteans is also one of our goals.

But don't act recklessly, let alone be discovered by them. "


Barry made a "come on" gesture to Hal, then put his hands on the shoulders of the old man and Damian, and disappeared with a whoosh.

In the bright sunlight, Hal Jordan had helped the Kryptonian who was still weak into the cockpit. At the moment when the cabin door was closed, the Kryptonian who was looking at the sky suddenly turned back and said to Mason:

"You just said 'Superman'."

"Well, that's your future code name."

Mason watched as Hal Jordan skillfully piloted the aircraft to take off, and easily broke through the encirclement of several base escort fighter planes and fled into the sky.

When he turned and walked back to the base, he said to the Kryptonians in the aircraft through the aircraft's communicator:

"Whether your surname is Zod or Al, there is no one in this world who is more suitable to be a 'Superman' than you, maybe you can't be a symbol of hope in this world.

But trust me.

You can do more than save a world caught in a war.

Next, please allow me to take a moment of your time to introduce you to the 'K team'. I believe that you can become our like-minded friends and companions.

Uh, that's all for now.

Hal, after entering the orbit around the earth, hand over the aircraft to Victor to operate it. I think young people of your age should take some time to think about their future career plans. "

Mason looked at the alien fighter that took off, he said:

"You have courage, but you don't seem to have found the right way to use it. It's like living in the shadow of your own greatness. Try it, Hal, and try to be who the world really needs."

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