Trajectory of Dawn in the World of American Comics

Chapter 413 28. Although we are villains, we also have a conscience! (serious face)

Mason forges iron in his workshop.

With the Thunder Hammer in his hand, sparks splashed every time he hammered it down. He was holding the hunter's swords which were being repaired and maintained. Ciri was an excellent witcher, but the heritage weapons in her hands were of too high quality, so it was difficult to It's hard to find a blacksmith who can maintain them perfectly.

Although I cherish every time I use these artifacts left by my father, it is inevitable to accumulate some undetectable "secret wounds" after a long time.

For blacksmiths like Mason who are seeking breakthroughs in skills, repairing high-grade weapons is also a kind of "practice", so this wave of free repairs is a win-win situation.

He was busy using the Thunder Hammer to re-maintain the blade of the Lake Maiden's Sword, while at the other end of the workshop, Thor, the God of Thunder, was holding a beer, listening to Harley's slightly exaggerated story description of "billion points", How Mason got Thor's Hammer in the wasteland, and Thor and Logic's brotherly grievances in the wasteland are all told in a story-like way.

Her face was full of excitement, and Thor's face hurt when she heard it.

After the little cutie finished talking, Party Thor gloomily took a sip of the cosmic special brew prepared by Thanos, turned his head and said to Mason:

"In your hometown, did I really sleep with Loki? Did he die for me?"


Mason, who was immersed in his work, raised his head in astonishment, looked at Thor, then at Harry, who was whistling with his head turned away, and said:

"Don't listen to her nonsense, you and Loki are just brothers, because your father didn't return Laufey's son to it when he conquered the Frost Giants.

But in this world, Odin did the right thing and didn't try to raise the enemy's son as his own, so there will be no similar stories between you. "

"Well, that sounds much better."

Only then did the party Thor breathe a sigh of relief. Although he and the Frost Giant Prince Loki have a good relationship, and they often drink and have fun together, it is still unbearable to develop some super-friendship relationships.

At least Sif won't be able to pass that level.

The two of them were about to talk about marriage, and suddenly they knew that their fiancé was a double plug, which would probably drive the more conservative Valkyrie crazy.

"So, that forging hammer was given to you by my space-time alien?"

Thor, the king of the party, asked. Mason did not hide the truth, patted the black death sword tattoo on his left wrist, and said:

"It was I who forcibly deciphered another law before your death, which caused Thor's hammer to lose its divine power and can only be used for forging, but to be honest, this thing is really good when used as a forging hammer."

As he spoke, he raised the Lake Maiden's sword, and skillfully rubbed it with epic sword oil made by alchemy. This blade of the divine weapon of virtue showed a different kind of brilliance in Mason's hands. There was even a crisp sword sound while waving.

"Look, she's singing."

Mason listened to the melodious sound of the sword, nodded in satisfaction, and returned the Sword of the Lake Lady, which had an extra [Thunder Blade] entry after maintenance, to Ciri with both hands.

The moment the hunter held the sword back to its sheath, a dazzling thunder light rose from the sheath. This strengthening effect visible to the naked eye made Ciri blink.

In the spirit of using it to death, she took out a lot of sabers she had spared on the spot and handed them to Mason for continued maintenance.

The captain shrugged his shoulders, and did not refuse the job. This was completely different from his usual attitude of hurrying to do things, as if he had been idle all of a sudden, ready to enjoy life at a slow pace.

However, the cruel truth is that the price for the subject Mason to be idle is that twelve water bodies are still working day and night in his suitcase factory.

Hypocritical capitalists will only exploit poor people, while real capitalists always start their journey from oppressing themselves. How can there be any quiet time?

It's just that the water bodies without human rights are carrying the burden forward.

"What is the other law that I left on the hammer before I died?"

When Mason picked up the saber "Jiwiel" that Ciri used more frequently and was about to repair the weapon again, Thor in front of him suddenly asked another question, which made Mason look up at him in surprise and said:

"You haven't left yet? Is it so interesting to watch me strike iron? I warn you, although the fragment of the black death sword is sleeping, it is eyeing the godhead on your body. Be careful that it bites you."

"I'm far away, it's okay."

Thor waved his hand, he stared at Mason and said:

"Just tell me, I am very interested in another thing that was on my mind before I died. According to my estimation, a heroic god like me will not shrink back even in the face of death!

So my final decree must be to order Quake to fight to the last moment!

Or give it a guardian order, let it inherit my hero's heart, and look for the next hero who is qualified to lift it! "

The king of the party, Thor, seems to be a hero who likes YY very much.

He talked a lot in a long way, and after he put all the good halos on himself, he looked at Mason expectantly and waited for him to reveal the answer.

The captain hesitated for a while, and finally decided to tell the truth.

He gave Thor a strange look in his eyes, and said:

"The other last commandment of yours is to pray to everyone who can read the holy words of the hammer to save your brother, that is, Loki. Uh, the prince of lies over there did die for you."

"It's weird!"

Thor let out a strange cry of shock, and shouted:

"You still say that there is no adultery between the two of them? I don't even believe it!"

"Ah, yes, yes, yes! I don't think I lied to you, did I?"

Harley next to him also waved his fists, and shouted with bright eyes:

"As far as your situation is concerned, if you continue, you will definitely break through the boundaries of ethics. I'm not lying to you, am I?"

"Ahem, if you are really bored, why don't you go and investigate the movement of the Skrulls?"

The two live treasures were arguing in the workshop, which affected Mason's forging repairs. He said to Thor who was drinking wine:

"Right now, the heroes in Wakanda are weak and recuperating. There are only a few who can move. You are the strongest of them, and you can fly. We also need first-hand information.

You can't stay here drinking and partying until the war starts, can you? "

"Hmph, this is underestimating people, isn't it? I can drink until the world is destroyed!"

Party Thor curled his lips in disdain, but the "Thor and Loki's little ghost story" he heard from Mason made him feel uncomfortable, so he turned around and disappeared into the entrance as a thunderbolt. Booms sounded above Wakanda, and it was the sound of Thor's scouting in other areas.

Ciri leaned against the forging table with folded arms and admired Mason's work. She didn't say anything to disturb the process, but Harry hid in the doorway and looked left and right. All a little nervous.

The silver-haired female boss with long legs and riding boots

Huh~ People can't help but think of some bad things.

"Mason, come to the main control room! There are some things you need to see."

Nearly an hour later, Mason had just finished Ciri's weapon maintenance and was about to rest for a few minutes before starting his forging skill upgrade plan, when he received a serious communication from Zhang Parker.

Zhang Zong said to him:

"In addition, Dr. Reed's theoretical construction of the Skrull-specific virus has been completed, and the Black Panther has opened up the instruments of the Royal Biological Laboratory to us. Now it's time for your magical alchemy to appear!"

"So fast?"

Mason widened his eyes and looked down at his watch.

It will be less than five hours before God Gunde takes over the research and development task. The problem that Mister Evil spent several days in Utopia and failed to overcome, he only took one-sixth of a day to get it done?

Is this the power of a super brain that is so miraculous that it is almost metaphysical?

With such "horrible" emotions, Mason took Ciri and Harry back to the main control room quickly, only to find that there were already a bunch of people standing here.

Nick Fury and the commander of S.H.I.E.L.D., the leader of the mutant X-Men, the alien royal family, the king and general of Wakanda, etc., the leaders of the anti-Skrull coalition forces have all been counted.

Something must have happened.

And on the optical projection of the Wakanda supercomputer in front of everyone, there is a guy who Mason is very familiar with talking to this group of people.

"Green Goblin?"

Mason stared at the one on the projection with almost the same expression as the old Norman Yinzhen, but the younger Green Goblin, who was in his prime in this world, didn't notice him, but was looking at the Black Panther and Nick Foo. Rui said:

"I'm sure those Skrulls are doing big things in New York City, you bastards are leaving the city and leaving us in the top tank! What a superhero to save the suffering."

"Stop talking nonsense, Norman Osborn!"

Fury with his hands behind his back said coldly:

"Since you took the initiative to contact us, it proves that you can't handle what you found, say! What are the Skrulls doing in New York City?"

"They're installing an odd instrument."

The Green Goblin, who had been robbed a lot, snorted, and said in a strange way:

"A very large instrument, I tried my best to hack into Spider-Man's 'spider web' system used to monitor New York to confirm this. Those green-skinned aliens lifted a lot of things from their queen's flagship. Times Square Assembly.

I can't tell what it does.

But I'm pretty sure that thing, if activated, would definitely cause a pretty bad situation.

I contacted a group of people in New York who couldn't escape, and now they are hiding in my mansion, and those Skrull bastards gave us eight hours to consider whether to surrender.

But their time is not given randomly.

With their current assembly progress, the instrument will definitely be activated after eight hours.

So if you superheroes still want to save the world or something, hurry back to this place and let's work together on the damn machine. "

The words of this request for union seemed so unreal from the mouth of a super villain, and the people in the main control room also expressed doubts about it, but Nick Fury replied blankly:

"Keep the communication open and wait for our news. Take care of your people and don't act casually."

After finishing speaking, Fury winked at Mr. Zhang, and the latter cut off the communication, and remotely connected to the spider web monitoring system he left in New York City. After adjusting the screen, he projected the scene of Times Square at this time.

It turns out the Goblin wasn't lying about this one.

The Skrull Legion that landed surrounded it layer by layer, using various war machines to build a very exaggerated three-dimensional defense line.

In the center of the line of defense, there is indeed a large instrument being quickly assembled, its shape is as tall and sharp as an alien signal tower.

"So, what do you guys think?"

Fury looked back at the commanders. The gloomy guy might have an answer in his mind, but he wanted to hear other people's opinions now.

Mason shook his head. He is not interested in this decision-making process. This cunning brat must have prepared a set of arguments to persuade others to adopt his suggestion.

And in the current form, there is no second choice left for everyone.

He went straight to Dr. Reed, who was busy. The latter stretched his fingers like rubber to manipulate complex equipment. On the record board in front of him, there was already a complex molecular formula and synthetic path.

When Mason looked at it, the character card immediately popped up a line of information:

"The formula of 'Neurotoxin Special for Skrull' is included. The completeness of this formula is: perfect. It needs alchemy Lv7 to make it."

"So, instead of targeting a gene as a breakthrough point, you're using a more traditional neurotoxin?"

Mason glanced at Dr. Reed who was finishing up, and said softly:

"Why? We have the original genetic samples of the Skrulls in our hands, and you can use them to make more powerful weapons."

"There are traces of artificial intervention in their genes, and that kind of 'strengthening' will allow them to quickly update their coping strategies according to their genetic weaknesses, Mason."

Dr. Reed explained:

"That's why you took out instruments that can interfere with their genetic stability twice in a row, but they couldn't take effect for a long time. Your method triggered the 'self-upgrade' program programmed in their genes.

So if we continue to launch attacks against genes, they will also quickly iterate to complete resistance to genetic weapons, which is not worth the loss.

Believe me.

Neurotoxins that directly target the cell structure of the Skrulls are more effective in this regard, enough to wipe them all out. Also, I designed this, you see. "

He handed Mason an instrument drawing that looked like a graffiti drawn by hand, and explained:

"This is for."

"Identify the Skrull's disguised energy weapons by projecting short bursts of energy from special particles, no need to explain, Reed, I'm a pretty good engineer too.

I can see how it works. "

Mason looked at the ingenious design in front of him, and had to admit in his heart that the gap in wisdom between himself and Mister Fantastic was so huge that it made people desperate.

What did this guy grow up eating? Do you need three bottles of Melatonin as an appetizer for every meal?

How did this brain grow!

Everyone obviously has the same structure of brains, and they all have two pieces of flesh growing in their brains. Why is your pig brain so good?

"I immediately started working on this resolving instrument."

Mason flicked the blueprint in his hand, and then glanced at the neurotoxin molecular formula listed by Dr. Reed. He pushed the frame of the mirror and said:

"Give me another three hours, and I can make a sample of this poisonous gas."

"Three hours?"

Dr. Reed was shocked.

He knows exactly how difficult the molecular formula he designed himself is.

According to his most optimistic estimate, it will take at least three days to synthesize this ultra-complex liquid toxin in the laboratory, and this is still under the condition that the experiment does not make mistakes.

He looked at Mason as if he were looking at a monster.

After a few seconds, he sighed and said:

"Ah, I've always been proud of my intelligence, but I have to admit that you crushed me in terms of manual ability. Is just three hours really enough?"

Mason didn't answer immediately, but communicated through the connection between the main body and the water body. This will be Mason No. 5 and No. 11 who have already started material preparation in the alchemy laboratory of the suitcase factory.

After receiving a confirmation reply, he said to Dr. Reed:

"If all goes well, it may only take about 150 minutes, and I have special techniques to speed up the process."

Seeing the admiration and exploration on the face of Shengude again, Mason felt a sense of relief.

Oops, did I pretend to be there?

For skilled people, being praised by laymen is not something to be happy about. Only the recognition from peers is something to be proud of.

Hey, God stick Germany said that I am better than him, which can be regarded as a great achievement.

"Mason, we're going back to New York."

Fury's voice sounded from the side, and he said seriously:

"That machine can't be left alone, and the Skrulls can't be allowed to continue to be arrogant. Do you want to act with us?"

"After four hours, that's the shortest time a secret tool has been weaponized."

Mason looked at the time on his watch and said:

"You can start early, but you must persist until this time comes. The Skrulls will be defeated today, I promise! But, Fury, be careful with Norman."

He rubbed his eyebrows and said:

"I'm very familiar with the Green Goblin in another world, if Norman Osborn on your side has half the strategy of that old guy, then I'm sure his motives for contacting you are not pure.

In this world, he doesn't even have a son, so it's impossible for him to have any ties or a final conscience. In addition, in the newsletter, only five of his evil six groups appeared, and the sixth one is still in the fog.

You have to prepare early. "

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