Trajectory of Dawn in the World of American Comics

Chapter 533: Team 79.K, Transform! ready to go!

A day and a half later, the trade fair in Fort Stars was successfully concluded, and all members of Team K also returned with full rewards.

They sold all kinds of goods from the Mason Manufacturing Group and recovered a wealth of raw materials and various finished products. The bags they brought back for counting were full of twenty bags.

These should be enough for the Mason production team to spend half a month, and promote Mason's intermediate production skills to an advanced level.

However, there wasn't that much time for Team K to rest, and three days of crazy fun in Fort of Stars was equivalent to giving everyone a vacation, especially Harley and Quinn, who were playing crazy.

If it wasn't for the fact that the four tortoises also had their own teams to carry out their pioneering missions, Harley would have brought his new friends back to Osborne Tower to raise them in captivity.

After all, who can resist four big tortoises who are cute, powerful and can tell jokes?


In the lounge on the top floor, Mason clapped his hands and looked at the team members who were sitting in the lounge whispering to each other as if they had returned from a trip.

His actions attracted everyone's attention to him, and then I heard Mason skillfully holding his magic notebook and assigning tasks:

"Because we have been promoted to A-level, we don't need to undertake ordinary development tasks, and everyone has more free time to allocate, then all the members of the Junior K team will return to the Gotham world.

You must obey the arrangement of the master and Zhenglian, and ensure the smooth progress of the main server installation of Mikoshi World while honing your combat skills.

At the same time, I'm going to give you a world patrol mission.

In the one month before the fourth impact, the Aegis World has to complete the integration of forces and the settlement of the villains.

Therefore, starting today, all members of the Junior Team K will be given the status of "S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents", and Agent Brand will serve as your liaison officer. After she sends out the summoning order, you must go there immediately to help fight.

Damian, any questions? "


Wearing a chic black windbreaker and combing his hair to look like an adult, Damian leaned on the sofa, snapped his fingers and replied:

"My team is ready to start at any time and is willing to take on more challenging tasks, and Franklin and Valeria are also very interested in Mister Fantastic and Ms. Susan from the world of S.H.I.E.L.D.

They want to 'recognize their father tactically'.

As the captain who is responsible and cares about the lives of the players, I will arrange all of this. "

As he was talking, Damian looked at Morgan Stark, who was standing next to him, wearing a black and white dress and an obedient girl, with a strange look. The little lunatic had dark thoughts in his heart.

He wanted to leave the trouble of Morgan on the side of SHIELD World!

I heard that there is also a Tony Stark there. If little Morgan can recognize a father there, maybe no one will hold back his strength to compete with him for the captain's position.

Thinking of this, Damian suddenly remembered another thing, he said to Mason:

"My team still needs to recruit a new member. In the Gotham world, I have already contacted her by letter. Do you need to confirm it yourself?"

"No, you recruit people yourself and take responsibility yourself."

Mason waved his hands and said:

"You are already a mature captain, you don't need to ask me about such trivial matters."

"Oh, that's fine."

Damian grinned.

He still has a lot to say about Mason, but the guy is really generous in delegating power.

"The Kryptonian team also has missions."

Mason turned to Zod, Kara and Bizarro standing by the window and said:

"You also return to the world of Gotham to follow Dachao.

I want to place a magnetic field generator in the four entity worlds that are currently united, and that thing must be placed in the center of the earth, and only Kryptonians can move freely in that harsh environment.

You have to complete the installation and debugging of the instruments in the four worlds within 25 days.

In addition, there are four paired instruments to be placed in the target Earths that collide with each other after the impact begins, and at that stage you have less than 24 hours to complete the installation.

That is a very difficult challenge, so you must become as familiar as possible with this delicate instrument.

But you're all super smart, and I don't think it's going to stop you. "

"I'm fine with Kara."

Zod has become more introverted and calm since the World War. No one knows what happened to him in the war, and Mason didn't ask, but Zod's growth is indeed visible to the naked eye.

At this time, he exudes a faint strength, which is very similar to Dachao's temperament but not the same, but still very convincing.

He said to Mason:

"But Bizarro may need some outside help."

"Smart Hat!"

Zombie Superman, who was sitting on the sofa playing with building blocks, raised his head and said to Mason with bright eyes:

"A smart hat made by the stupid green goblin! Wearing it makes me even stupider, as stupid as Kara, and I hate being stupid."

"Ah, it's been so long, I still can't get used to this guy's upside-down talking habits."

Kara, a Kryptonian girl with a beautiful figure outlined in a black miniskirt, held her forehead helplessly and said to Mason:

"But the smart hat that the Green Goblin gave Bizarro last time had very limited effects. To be honest, even if I gave him that thing, I wouldn't feel at ease to let Bizarro act alone."

"We've got something better."

Mason smiled and said to Bizarro:

"You will go to Professor Stein later, thanks to Firestorm's long-term research, we have been able to produce temporarily stable blue kryptonite.

That stuff, when inhaled, temporarily restores your brain to full function and supposedly makes you smarter. "

"Ha, bad enemy Mason always surprises me!"

When Bizarro heard the word "smart", he immediately regained his energy. He dropped the building blocks in his hand and took Zod and Kara to find Firestorm to get a gift.

Their tasks are also considered completed.

Afterwards, Mason looked at his reunited main players and said to them:

"As for us, we have to start a pioneering operation with a purpose. Get ready, we will set off in an hour. John, call Ms. Emilia, I need her to be our guide."

"Why bother?"

Zha Kang, who looked sleepy as if he had been squeezed dry, pouted and said:

"If you have the coordinates of the target world in your hand, why don't we go directly to the gate of the world or let the Mobius chair transport us there?"

"There is a war there, and the superheroes there have defeated the conqueror's invasion plan several times. I don't believe you when you say that they don't have the ability to detect space-time distortion.

I can't go through the gate of the world, so as not to be massacred by others blocking the door, I don't want to beat up the enhanced version of Zhenglian again. "

Mason shook his head and said:

"So this time we have to maintain a covert operation in the early stage until we find an opportunity to talk to the other party. At the same time, the conqueror's advance base in the world of Emilia is also a problem that needs to be dealt with.

Although her world is not powerful, but we have all come to this point, if we can save one more person, we will receive all the receivables, so don't complain, just call her.

The others get ready and I'm going to have a private talk with Ms. Emilia. "

"Don't do anything bad to my little pet."

Zha Kang grinned, and whispered to Mason while casting the spell:

"Now, who doesn't know that you are the 'Little Prince with a Playful Heart' in the Stars Club, it's not enough to have Harley and Quinn, and you have to learn from other bad men to hook up with your female boss.

Tsk tsk, I was mistaken, little Mason, you do have the potential to become a scumbag, do you want me to teach you a few tricks? In the future, you, me, Ertong, and Jack can form a "scumbag foursome" or something, and we can consider debuting in place. "

"I'm too lazy to explain this to you."

Mason pushed the mirror frame, kicked Zha Kang, and said:

"Hurry up and do something, and then go change your clothes. Look at the mixture of these perfumes on your body. It's almost choking to death. How many women have you slept with in the past few days?"


Zha Kang tilted his head and thought for a while, then said in a familiar way:

"Vampires, Sea Goddesses, angel hybrids, hell succubi, plus a pair of fallen elf sisters and their adoptive mother... Oh, yes, there is also an iron-blooded elder woman.

Don't just think I'm a scumbag just because I don't care about my heart. My lord has dedicated his body and energy to attracting many potential allies for you.

Do you believe that I can summon five ronin squads to help fight? "

"Believe it, how can you not believe it?"

Mason said in a drawn out voice:

"I absolutely approve of your strength in the aspect of slag, remember to say goodbye to Xiao Zha later, remember to be affectionate, the Dark Justice League is now our important ally.

If you dare to make Xiao Zha angry again, I will beat you. "

"Ha, are you using me as a 'Zatana trap'?"

Jarcon doesn't dislike the job, grinning and then summoning a bloodbath, a poker-faced Lady Vampire Countess in a red evening dress, amidst the evil scene of flying little bats.

She cast a disgusted look at Zha Kang who was approaching, and reluctantly pecked him on the face, and then widened her eyes amidst the whisper of the latter winking.

After Zha Kang left, only Mason and Emilia were left in the lounge. Just as Mason was about to ask, he saw the vampire countess lower her head and unbutton her clothes.

"Wait! What are you doing?"

Mason stepped back a few steps and said in a surprised tone:

"I need you to tell me the situation of your base world and the information of the target world, and I don't need you to do other things. Wait! What did Zha Kang tell you just now?"

"He asked me to serve you well, and said that you have been under a lot of pressure recently and urgently need to release it."

The countess also put on the long dress that slipped down the charming body in a little embarrassment. She looked at Mason, brushed her long hair, and said:

"Are you sure you don't need it? Chief Chief, you look really stressed. I don't care about it. If you need it, I can."


Mason crossed his arms and said in a deep voice:

"I don't know how you usually get along with Constantine, and I'm not interested in exploring the twisted relationship between you, now get dressed and sort out your emotions.

We don't have much time, I need you to make a briefing and lead us into your world, and then "smuggle" into the Lord's world.

This is not difficult for you, is it? "

"No, it's not difficult at all."

Ms. Emilia quickly entered the working state. Before encountering the "nemesis" Zha Kang, she had been a very famous "lone wolf" in the group of stars.

Without a team, he can flourish in the circle of B-level members with his own ability. Such a person must have great abilities, but it's a pity that he fell into Zha Kang's hands.

She sat on the sofa very ladylikely, and said to Mason very seriously:

"My world is adjacent to the plane of the lord's world. Because of the vigilance and strength of the other party, the conquerors have been unable to use the sonic boom channel to transmit power on a large scale to enter there. They can only set up a front line in my world. The base sends high-end power into it by forcibly breaking the space-time channel with multiple frequencies.

I have assisted the Conquistadors stationed there several times in this smuggling, and the process is familiar.

They will occasionally send cannon fodder collected from various worlds to the lord's world to cause damage, so I also have certain authority to activate their devices.

But with all due respect, Master Mason, the Lord's World is a very dangerous place! "

The vampire countess blinked her scarlet eyes and said to Mason who was listening carefully:

"I participated in the war in the Gotham world, and you may think that it was already cruel, but what I tell you is that the same brutal confrontation happened in the Lord's world, but the scale and intensity were not as good as this time.

They have maintained a state of war for several years, have a set of effective coping strategies and have a powerful assault force under the command of various justice lords.

The conquerors could not take advantage of them at all.

It's a pity that they never had the far-sighted desire to achieve world unity like you, which led them to fall into the dilemma of being surrounded and consumed by conquerors.

Years of consumption have made them exhausted, and their inability to effectively replenish the lost source of troops has made their strength much worse than before. "

"Well, that's exactly what I want to know."

Mason raised his legs, leaned on the chair and picked up his notebook. He asked again:

"Then, is there anything else you can tell me about those justice lords? Such as their number, their social model and power level?"

"I don't know the number of them very well, but it is certain that it is similar to the establishment of the Justice League, but the core members are not as many as yours."

Emilia thought for a moment, then replied:

"There is a strategy of power over there, the justice lords not only suppress super-powered criminals around the world, but also think that uncontrolled heroes are also a threat.

Therefore, they will not absorb too many heroes into their group, but it is precisely because of this strict selection that the Justice League's personal combat power is very strong.

Take Lord Superman as an example, I once saw his fighting posture in a failed smuggling. How should I put it? "

The Countess thought for a while and said to Mason:

"He can definitely defeat your Superman easily, but your Superman is a bit 'weird', his strength always goes up and down.

If it is the extreme explosive state, maybe Lord Superman will be evenly matched or defeated?

But under normal circumstances, his strength is absolutely crushing.

The three Kryptonians of the K team cannot be his opponent together, and he and another justice lord Wonder Woman have been married a year ago.

Although it was a political marriage and I heard that there were some differences of opinion between the two, their relationship as a husband and wife is very good. There have been gossip that Wonder Woman is pregnant.

Her recent inactivity seems to confirm this point. The Conqueror had planned to use this as a breakthrough point. They sent an elite team to attack Wonder Woman, but they were hacked to death one by one.

In addition to this, Batman in Lord of Justice is also a very terrible opponent. He is the brain of the Lord in the true sense, and all military operations and reverse osmosis are presided over by him.

The protected people of Lord's World call Lord Superman the "White King", while Batman is his gray shadow, and some people call him "Superman's Shadow Queen" with malicious scorn.

But this title itself already represents the enemy's fear of their combination. "

"Sounds really tough to deal with."

Mason rubbed his chin and whispered:

"We need a softer breaking point, is there a Flash among Lords of Justice?"

"Yes! But it's not the cute and innocent little fool you are familiar with, who will apologize to me repeatedly because he accidentally saw my bra, what a cute boy.

Well, thinking about it now, he should have been severely 'rewarded' back then. "

Ms. Emilia seemed to have thought of some interesting experience, covered her mouth and laughed a few times, then said seriously:

"Barry Allen of Lordsworld was dead long ago, executed by President Luthor, who was then killed by Superman, and that was the opening moment of Lords of Justice's reign.

Now serving as the Flash is Wally West, who is said to be a faster and more decisive man than Barry Allen. "

"In other words, there is indeed a Lightning family there?"

Mason narrowed his eyes.

Emilia nodded and said:

"There are indeed other speedsters, but the connection between them is very mysterious, so it's not the information I can find out."

"Very well, that's enough."

Mason put away his notebook and said to Emilia:

"You go back to your world now and prepare us to hide your identity and help us go to the Lord's world, don't worry, Emilia, I know what you want.

I will not let your risk be in vain. "


Tomorrow will be released, and 10 chapters will be added on the 20th, the day after tomorrow. I love you guys~

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