Trajectory of Dawn in the World of American Comics

Chapter 537 3. Baby, you will be born again later, mom will kill a few people to cheer you up

"That's not right, Mason."

The high-speed octant troop carrier is rapidly crossing the Mediterranean Sea, heading towards Paradise Island at several times the speed of sound, but in the control room of the troop carrier, Selina, who took off her mask, is standing opposite Mason, who was playing with a lighter next to him, said:

"These conquerors shouldn't be so reckless in doing things, right? How could they dare to perform such a high-end operation as assassinating Wonder Woman relying on a group of recruits?

Based on my understanding of the power of the X-Men, at least a few Omega-level mutants must be dispatched to succeed in the assassination, right?

And what can these new recruits do?

Not enough to add to the chaos. "

"You have to understand, Selena, that these recruits are here now because of our intervention."

Barbara, who was adjusting the status of the aircraft, responded:

"According to the normal process, they will be wiped out by the regiment as soon as they enter this world, so their mission is actually very simple to create chaos. Didn't the spirit butterfly also say that?

They are not the only ones who came this time. There are similar conquistador recruits dispatched all over the world, and the number is quite considerable.

I just quietly hacked into the lower-level communication network of the justice lords of this world. In addition to these rookies who create chaos, there are also some elite teams that are also causing chaos around the world. Members including Lord Superman have been dispatched.

The whole world is buzzing right now.

From a strategic point of view, their operation this time was quite successful, but of course it appeared to be more cold-blooded on a tactical level. "

"It's not just about diverting the tiger away from the mountain, it's about putting pressure on it."

Mason, who was sitting with Harley in his arms, added:

"We know that the recruits who come here are all recruits that can be consumed at will, but the righteous lords of this world don't know that if I were them, I would regard it as a precursor to a large-scale invasion.

This world has been suppressing the unstable supernatural forces within the past few years. Although this has united the world, it has also caused superheroes to fail.

There are only a few justice lords here, and they all have their own defense areas. When this sign appears, they have no time to rush to help each other.

This created a valid opportunity for the Conqueror to assassinate Diana Prince!

But the information Lingdie said is very likely to be incomplete. She is only the lowest-level commander and has no authority to know the real action plan. "

Mason narrowed his eyes and said:

"So in my opinion, the true purpose of this operation is still open to question. Do you remember the gossip that Emilia shared when we came over?

With that unconfirmed rumor about Wonder Woman's pregnancy, I'm now very skeptical that the rumor is true!

Nor was the tactical purpose of the Conqueror's trip to assassinate her.

They might want to capture her alive and do a big deal of 'buy one get one free', but don't forget that the Wonder Woman in this world is already married to Superman.

With Dachao's character, he will be quite passive when his wife and the child in her womb fall into the hands of others.

And under the premise that the two righteous lords are restrained, the conquerors' invasion of this world is likely to achieve great results in a short period of time!

This is just the first step in a huge strategic plan, and we are lucky or unlucky to be here just as it is being executed. "

Hearing Mason's guess and description, the girls in the control cabin suddenly widened their eyes, and Barbara clenched her fists and scolded:

"This is so disrespectful. Actions against pregnant women are really disrespectful of martial arts."

"Ahem, little Barbara, I want to remind you, that delicate pregnant woman in your mouth can strangle any of us with one hand, including sweetheart!"

Harry rolled his eyes and said:

"It's really bad, but it's really effective for the villain's thinking mode. And don't be angry, aren't we here to help the poor mother?

We are good people!

Least good bad guys!

We can't ignore such bad things! Right, sweetheart? "

She tilted her head at Mason like a kitten, and asked the captain to reach out and pat his forehead to show encouragement.

"But what about the guys in the cabin?"

Master Catwoman grabbed her cat's tail whip and asked Mason in a low voice:

"Now that you have learned about their action plan, is it useless to keep these rookies? Or, are you going to use them as 'action props'?

I think those elite conquerors responsible for kidnapping should not be so easy to deceive. "

"Why do you want to lie?"

Mason stretched out his hand and put the mask of the Constellation Club on his face. He said:

"We pioneers have always been the traditional allies of the conquerors, haven't we? The brothers' organizations are going to do big things, and we must help the place. This is called sharing a grand event.

Barbara, prepare fire support.

After a while, you will rush in from a high altitude, and open a safe zone for our conqueror brothers to go directly to Amazon Island, so that they can land smoothly.

Quinn will stay here to cooperate with you. "

He stood up and said to Catwoman and Harley:

"After you two go around with me, let's visit that 'Wonder Mom' during this time of chaos."


As soon as Mason finished speaking, a dazzling flame suddenly exploded on the empty sea in front of him. It was like a detonation of some kind of force that completely shattered the hidden protection of Paradise Island, completely exposing the reclusive Amazon kingdom to the world. in the material world.

"The conquerors are on the move!"

The captain snapped his fingers and said:

"Let's move too."


"Your Majesty! The intruders are attacking our outer defense line. They are small in number but very elite. They should be a commando composed of Omega-level mutants.

They're clearly here for you!

Please transfer immediately! "

In the royal palace of Amazon Island, the magical communication from the front line of the island unfolded before Queen Diana's eyes. The moment the invasion signal was received, the queen's guards immediately moved to block the royal palace.

A large number of Pegasus knights took off to fight, and magicians joined forces to support the giant barrier that defended the palace.

But Wonder Woman didn't care.

In this world, she was wearing a set of bright red and golden battle armor and a king's cloak. She wore a golden head ring, her face was firm and majestic, and her long black hair was scattered on her shoulders.

But there is a bunch of long white hair embellished on the forehead, which is very conspicuous.

Compared with Wonder Woman in other worlds, the Queen of Justice in this world is much more "mature", full of a kind of royal sister's style, but her round belly destroys the tenacity and fighting spirit that a female warrior should have.

Even the most powerful Valkyrie in the world is unavoidably infected with a touch of fragility when she is pregnant in October and is about to give birth.

However, just about to give birth, this is no reason for the Amazons to avoid fighting.

"I'm not going anywhere!"

Faced with the concerns of her subordinates, the Queen of Justice accepted the golden spear from the maid next to her with a blank expression, and several other female knights in full armor handed her combat weapons.

She said in a low tone:

"Hold the line of defense and wipe out the incoming enemies! There is no need to worry about the palace, I will guard here personally."

"But your body and your soon-to-be-born prince"

The forward general wanted to persuade him again, but was interrupted by Diana forcefully, she scolded:

"That's not something you need to worry about, my general! I am Mistress of the Kingdom of the Amazons, and I will not abandon my sisters and my domain and my people.

as for my son

He who will be born on the night of war is destined to start the legend of his life with this. I believe that my child will not interfere with his mother's battle at this time.

This is the son of the Amazons, and he must learn to fight from birth! "

The queen stood up, reached out and stroked her belly, feeling the rhythm of life in it, a maternal radiance appeared on her resolute face.

She stroked her abdomen as if she was stroking her own child who was about to be born, and said softly:

"Baby, bear with it for a while, and watch your mother fight for you. This may be the best prenatal education you deserve. Never give in like me and your father."

The next moment, the queen raised the spear in her hand, tapped it on the ground, and shouted at her guards:

"Lead the horse! Follow me!"

The battle on the periphery of the palace is now in full swing. The terrifying heat wave calls for meteors to fall on the glorious royal city with a temperature of tens of thousands of degrees. A round of scorching red sun suspended in the air and burned everything that came close.

The heat wave hit people above the head, but the ice on the ground was piercing to the bone.

Another omega-level mutant "Iceman" wreaked havoc on the ground, causing everything to be frozen and shattered in the winter, just like a glacier descending here, bringing half of the paradise island into a polar storm.

This combination of ice and fire is excellent even in the conqueror sequence, but it is not enough for them to fight against the outrageously powerful Lord of Justice in this world.

Therefore, this secret team for carrying out special missions is also equipped with quite capable veterans to charge on the ground, constantly attacking the positions of the Amazon muscle sisters who are determined to die.

Tonight's attack went much smoother than expected.

Because after the attack started, the powerful fire support from nowhere helped these conquerors break through the outermost line of defense smoothly, and dropped a large number of hunting robots to delay the pursuit, allowing them to approach the palace at a faster speed.

Although it seems that the conqueror has the upper hand, in fact, both sides are very clear that the most important factor now is time.

Once Wonder Woman cannot be captured and successfully evacuated in a short period of time, these current advantages will soon collapse with the assistance of other justice lords.

"Target appears!"

Vulcan, the god of fire in the sky, quickly noticed the queen of justice who led a golden cavalry from the palace. After seeing the latter with a big belly, she was still galloping on horseback, and with only one spear, she flew away After the red tank, the omega mutant also had to be impressed by the bravery and toughness of his opponent.

While notifying the iceman on the ground, he complained:

"This woman is so fucking crazy! If my wife went into battle with a big belly, I would definitely be scared to death. Didn't the news we get say that she will give birth today, which is the weakest moment?

Look at this damn spike, is this something a pregnant woman who is about to give birth can do? "

"That's the Queen of Justice, Vulkan."

The Iceman replied helplessly:

"I won't be surprised that this miraculous woman can do anything. The child born to such a tough mother is probably able to hold a weapon and slash and kill as soon as he opens his eyes.

The impact of divine power is coming!

defense! "


The terrifying wall of glaciers stood up from the ground at this moment, forming a defense like the Great Wall to protect the mutant veterans who assaulted on the ground.

But in the next second, in the roar of the Queen of Justice, the divine power of war was released and even overwhelmed the light of Vulcan in the sky in an instant, and the wall of glaciers shattered silently and took away a third of the ground in the next second Mutant elite veterans.

Just like the unlucky ones who were hit by a nuclear explosion, there were no bones left, leaving only a black mark on the spot.

Among the people who were hit head-on by this blast of divine power, only Wolverine survived with difficulty, but a small half of the Adamantium alloy skeleton on his body was destroyed.

"This lunatic! Such a large-scale explosion of divine power! Isn't she afraid of killing her child?"

Vulcan cursed, and gathered the disturbed energy with difficulty and smashed down his body. Iceman received the shock of divine power head-on and temporarily went offline.

Now he has to go up and fight the line.


Her Majesty the Queen, who had just completed the exhilarating battlefield break, was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue, but unexpectedly, the severe pain in her abdomen made her unable to even hold the weapon, and she swayed and fell off the horse.

This frightened the surrounding guards.

They hurried forward to rescue their queen, and started an extremely bloody battle with the conquerors who rushed up at the place where Diana fell.

"Baby, you are not good"

The Queen of Justice stretched out her hand to cover her belly covered by the battle armor. The violent fetal movement seemed to represent the baby's dissatisfaction and made his mother extremely helpless.

She knew it was not her child's fault.

After all, he should have been born fifteen minutes ago, and this strong baby has done a good job to his reckless mother until now.

"Your Majesty! Retreat! Hurry up! Your water is broken, and His Royal Highness is about to be born!"

The Chief Guard of the Queen of Justice picked up the Vulcan Sword and Bladebreaker Buckler dropped by the Queen, and she shouted to the loyal guards beside her:

"Take Your Majesty back to the palace! Let the midwife pass immediately! We will hold here until the little prince is born safely. Amazon warriors, for the glory of the Queen and Lord Justice!

Charge with me! "

The chief guard gave an order, and more guards rushed forward with red eyes. In this world, not only the justice lords are far superior to the same kind, but these superhumans are also quite strong.

They insisted on facing the ravages of Vulcan and launched a wave of counter-charges against the conquerors in front of them. Even with the support of air firepower, these veterans of the conquerors were killed and retreated steadily.

Seeing this scene, Barbara, who was manipulating various unmanned aerial vehicles overhead to provide support, shook her head.

There is no way to fight at all!

The defender's strength is powerful and willpower is added, and the combat intensity is full. The conquerors are very elite but still unable to defeat the enemy in a short time. The most important thing is that the reinforcements from the Lord of Justice have already set off.

Batgirl knows that this operation will end in failure, but it doesn't matter, the stubborn resistance of the conquerors will make the K team's operation smoother.

"Your Majesty! Hold on! The midwife is coming soon. Breathe! Take a deep breath! Don't stop."

Diana, who was sent back to the palace, was pale, and beads of sweat kept running down her cheeks.

Under the guidance of the guards who gave birth next to her, she kept panting, leaning on her throne and enduring the pain coming from her body.

What's more terrible is that maybe the burst of divine power just now was too violent, she could feel the aura of her child weakening, for a mother, this is more uncomfortable than killing her.

"The midwife is here! If you haven't given birth, get out of the way! Hurry up!"

Ten seconds later, dragged by the palace guards, several midwives were brought into the chaotic throne room. Seeing the arrival of the savior, Her Majesty felt relieved, but the cramping in her abdomen was so severe that she almost fell into a coma.

This is not an encounter that can be resisted by relying on divine power, and it is also the first time for her to have a child.

A few midwives quickly took over the situation, and they asked the guards to leave the palace in need of silence, leaving only a few confidants to guard the queen.

At the moment when the defensive strength dropped to the lowest level in history, when everyone's attention was drawn to Diana who was about to give birth, a black-haired midwife looked around and suddenly pulled out two sharp blades, one on the left and the other on the right. Stabbed into the neck of the guard next to him, and then quickly knocked down the people around him under the dazzling assassination technique.

The weak Diana was brave even in this situation.

She grabbed the crown at hand and threw it at it, but the latter easily dodged it. When she got close, a heavy blow hit the Queen's stomach, making Diana scream in pain.

"Be quiet! For your child's sake, this proud mother doesn't want her little baby to die before it's born, does she?"

The skin of the assassin in front of him changed rapidly and quickly revealed his original shape. His blue skin was dotted with black spots, and his big eyes were full of cunning and viciousness.

It is the most powerful of all Mystique clones in the No. 1 Conqueror sequence. According to Utopia, she should be called "Supreme Mystique".

And being able to quietly infiltrate Diana's side to carry out assassination and kidnapping, her disguise ability is obviously better than the A-level member "Thousand Faces" in the Gathering of Stars.

She pressed the dagger against the pale-faced Queen's neck, and whispered:

"I know you can still strangle me like this, but my suggestion is, think about your child, huh? Why don't you speak? Are you scared? Her Majesty the Queen."

"No! You. There is someone behind you"


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