Trajectory of Dawn in the World of American Comics

Chapter 559 25. The Dark Chronicle of the Conqueror

"Stabbed in the back and left to die, it seems that you really have deep resentment towards them. But you just said that I will be punished. Who will be punished? By the Red Queen Madeleine Player whom you are loyal to? "

Facing the uncooperative Omega Storm, Mason popped a cigarette in his mouth.

His beloved lighter was gone, so he had to rub the magic fire with his hands to light it. He reached out and shook the head of the constrained General Conqueror in front of him, making her turn to look at Magneto, the commander-in-chief's adjutant imprisoned in the third stagnant capsule next to him.

The captain said:

"You know him, and you know what his appearance here means. Your commander, the Red Queen, personally went out to fight against the traitor you said, but he almost died in my hands.

The fact is that you have nothing to do with me now.

I don't intend to humiliate you or kill you. Your abilities can be used for more valuable causes than destruction. I don't want to pry into the military secrets of the First Order of the Conqueror. I just want to clarify your thoughts.

How did Madeleine unite you? What are the reasons to support your service to the Council of Hope? Interested in taking a few minutes to introduce your philosophy to my fellow rebel?

We are from the same place.

If she can convince you, maybe she can convince me too. "

Storm gritted her teeth and refused to respond, but she endured unbearably, the truth pushed by Veritaserum was already on her lips, and maybe she only needed a chance to pry her mouth open.

Mason is aware of this.

He lifted up the golden apple in his hand, and the mind invasion began to interfere with Storm Girl's will.

But with little success.

On the one hand, it is because as a high-end power among the conqueror mutants, her willpower is quite good, and on the other hand, it is also because her brain has a power similar to "Occlumency".

Ororo could also sense Mason's attempt, she showed a sarcastic smile and said:

"When you are locked in the cage of the headquarters ship, someone will naturally introduce all this to you, and you will have enough time to understand and learn how we survive.

As for psychic interference, don't try it, it doesn't work on us, the power of our fellow man is protecting us. "

This answer made Mason nod, and he said:

"So there is Professor X among you, the type that doesn't sit in a wheelchair? If you don't want to discuss these heavy private matters, then let's talk about other topics.

For example, my sister, what is your serial number? "

"The third base of the Weapon X project was selected and established after the first impact. It is not on the earth but an uninhabited planet in a certain plane.

My serial number is 05024. "

The storm girl didn't hide any more non-critical information, and she revealed all her information like beans in a bamboo tube, finally alleviating the thriving desire to share in her heart.

She wanted to use this method of diverting the topic to fight against Mason's evil potion, but she couldn't stop her opening.

Driven by the majestic desire to talk, the captured general-level clone talked endlessly:

"I was born in the third year of the Hope Council. At that time, there were only three sequences of conquerors. The Iron Armored Legion led by Iron Emperor Stark and the Supreme Avengers led by Steve Rogers had their own ideas. They Agree with the strategy of the Council of Hope and actively participate in the formation of military forces.

But we don't.

We clones don't even get a chance to express our support or disapproval.

Like a pack of stray dogs!

Only accepting orders passively, obeying the program is our dog chain, making us willing to make sacrifices for things we don't understand at all.

My recollections of that period are vivid, and my brethren hatched at the same time were exhausted in just three months of action, only to be quickly filled by new companions.

The First Order was the first conquistadors to form, but we always had the highest casualty rate, presumably because clones were born to consume.

We work hard.

We used our bones to pave the way for the Hope Council to become powerful, but no one remembered us or even cared about us. The silent demise was nothing but a string of numbers in the council's casualty statistics.

You're wrong, the First Order never sincerely served the Council!

We hate them!

Every clone that survives the mountain of corpses and blood will hate them. This hatred is the cornerstone of the original unity. Unfortunately, hatred cannot keep us alive in the cruel struggle. "

"Too bad, I remember Batman saying something about you.

He said that if you really want to create hard-working cannon fodder, you shouldn't give them too much free will, but you are endowed with complete wisdom, which makes you always look back at the past at some point and reflect on your life.

This is where the pain comes from. "

The Queen of Justice next to her said something sympathetic, and the goddess of war with the battle ax asked again:

"So when did that change?"

"When they learned how to make fiends from some world's Apokolips technology, and with the help of the mad scientists at Fox's Lair, they began to mass-produce the Scavengers.

We thought we could finally get rid of the fate of cannon fodder, but the situation has not changed fundamentally. "

Storm gasped.

She realized that she was about to say something she couldn't say, and she wanted to shut up, but Mason injected another veritaserum into her veins and increased the golden apple's thinking interference.

This made Ororo cry out in pain, and she said intermittently:

"We were sent to conquer those tough bones, fight against the guardians of the world in the A-level world, and even step into the realm of the gods to threaten the surrender of the gods.

The first capture of Mount Olympus cost thousands of clones their lives in the flames of war, and the destruction of a mad Hela's underworld cost us three brigades at once.

It was we who conquered the power of the gods along the way and let them join the council obediently.

We try to resist.

Especially after the first Omega clone was born in the continuous war, the constraints of obeying the program were finally released for the first time, and we saw hope

So we turn to our more powerful compatriots for help

Those Primarchs!

Mutants from Utopia pretended to accept us, but they used and betrayed us. They are the same as those high-ranking 'masters'. Ah! "

A mouthful of blood was spit out from Ororo's mouth, mixed with the bitten tongue.

She didn't want to continue talking, and then uncovered those painful memories, so she began to use pain to resist Mason's inquiry.

There was a ferocious expression on his face covered in blood, and he stared at the captain viciously, but the injury of biting off his tongue was not a fatal injury for a first aid master.

Mason pinched Ororo's bloody mouth and poured epic healing potions into it to stop the bleeding and recover.

He said:

"If you don't want to answer, you can tell me that there is no need to show your courage in this way of self-harm, and you have already given the key information, and I can always find a way to get the rest."

He snapped his fingers, and the release command was issued. The time stagnation capsules of General Omega Iceman and Adjutant Magneto opened at this moment, and Mystique was also ejected from the cabin.

The Queen of Justice stared at the weak mutant in front of her with her sharp axe, but before the three escaped, Mason's imitation leech disruptor had been injected into the bodies of the three.

Although it is impossible to truly seal the X gene without obtaining the key leech serum, the master alchemists can always simulate similar effects through continuous attempts and the combination of the efficacy of various drugs.

"I won't ask her again lest she hurt herself again, but I thought maybe you guys could give me an answer?"

The captain looked at the other three and said:

"Regarding the grievances between the first sequence of the conquerors and Utopia, how did they use and betray you?"

"Let go of her first!"

The Iceman saw Storm Girl's face was covered in blood and was about to attack, but was stopped by the adjutant Magneto. The guy's arm was cut off by the Queen of Justice before. Although the injury on his body healed, he was still weak.

He didn't show any more hostility, but calmly said to Mason:

"If you just want to know the answer, then I will tell you, I don't expect you to release us, but please don't inflict more shame on us for the sake of our fellow citizens."

"I promise."

Mason let go of Ororo, who was convulsed on the bondage table because of the pain of tongue regeneration, and was supported by Iceman and Mystique.

"So how can I help you understand this matter faster?"

Magneto, who was missing an arm, rubbed his brows, thought for a moment under Mason's gaze, and said:

"Before Utopia intervened, the probability that the Weapon X project could produce an Omega clone was one in a million, but after they provided technological support to the 'God Lord' Dum, who is in charge of the project by the Council of Hope, the probability became less It has been raised to one in ten thousand.

The Iceman and I in front of you, as well as the dead Vulcan, are all products of that vicious 'backstab'. "

"You said that Utopia completed the follow-up upgrade of the Weapon X project as a participant?"

This truth made Mason narrow his eyes.

If what Magneto’s clones say is true, it means that Utopia’s previous firm attitude on the clone issue was all a disguise, including supporting Mason to blow up the X project base in his hometown, which may have ulterior motives.

This sounds unbelievable, but when you think about it along this line of thought, many incomprehensible things seem to have a reasonable explanation.

For example, why Utopia has not been particularly active in destroying these cloning experiments after knowing the clues of the Weapon X project?

Another example is that they turned a blind eye to the first sequence of conquerors.

But Mason quickly realized that the answer would not be so simple, he quickly thought of another thing, looked at the adjutant Magneto, and said:

"You guys did the thing that the Supreme Professor was attacked and seriously injured before? Is this revenge?"

"It wasn't revenge, it was just a self-help operation."

Magneto glanced at Mason in surprise, the young compatriot seemed to know more than he imagined.

Following Mason's question, he said:

"The main purpose of that attack was not to kill the Supreme Professor, and we know that is impossible.

We sent thirty Omega generals under the leadership of Lord Red Queen to ambush their spaceships and laboratories, destroying the 'third upgrade plan' they were going to submit to God Lord Doom.

It is said that there is an upgrade blueprint for the 'obedience program' in that plan, once it is obtained by the Council of Hope, we will never have peace.

It was a surprise to injure the Supreme Professor. The result of that operation exceeded our expectations. The commander assured us that the cold-blooded bastard would not survive, but he survived death. It is said that he used some special Drug. "

"The truth really hurts. It seems that my fate with Hogwarts was doomed seventeen years ago."

Mason touched the silent hat on top of his head, and the reason for the destruction of the Hogwarts world was thoroughly clarified, but the answer was still not pleasant.

The captain thought for a moment and said:

"So, you really wanted to ask Utopia for help at first?"

"Yes, ten years ago."

Adjutant Magneto whispered:

"At that time, several clones who grew up to the Omega level in the flames of war secretly formed an organization, and Storm was one of them. They vowed to change the reality that our brothers and sisters have been brutally consumed.

The most direct way we can think of is to ask the Primarchs for help. At that time, Utopia has been searching for mutant civilizations in parallel worlds.

We naively thought they would help us too.

Therefore, these venerable pioneers risked being executed to find Utopia's liaison, and under the latter's instructions, they stole the data of a complete set of Weapon X from the unique fusion world of God Doom, and at the same time The most promising group of members was secretly handed over to Utopia.

They said that they would do their best to help us break free from the shackles and accept the First Order as a member of Utopia after the event, so as to avoid the inevitable pursuit and killing of the Council of Hope.

But what we are waiting for is neither help nor acceptance.

A few months later, God Lord Dum upgraded the technology of the cloning system in all X project bases at one time, allowing our compatriots to be born in more numbers, and some genetic defects that may have existed before were also filled.

Most importantly, the obedience program has been upgraded!

This directly led to the fact that the subordinate clones could not disobey the orders of the superiors at all. Since then, we know that we have been tricked by the group of bastard Primarchs!

They don't care about our fate at all, we are used by them as a tool to show their loyalty to the council! It's all a hoax, they gave us hope and then brutally snuffed it out.

It is precisely because of their intervention that we can no longer escape the manipulation and control of the council. "

"And what about Madeleine?"

Mason asked:

"How did Madeleine become the Red Queen and the Commander of the First Order?"

"From a revenge."

Adjutant Magneto sneered and said:

"After realizing that we were tricked, the Omega clones who united at the beginning were determined to take revenge. God Lord Dum may be aware of this, but he is happy to see the growing conflict between the clones and the Primarch.

So he let us go.

At that time, I was just an Alpha warrior and entered Utopia with the forerunners. We destroyed several cities and snatched back those members who had been handed over to them by us.

But fate is in our favor after all.

Lady Madeleine was the most wonderful gift in that operation. She was used by those bastard Primarchs to test the power of the Phoenix Force, and she was extremely lucky to have mastered that power.

When we were besieged by the Hunting Sentinels and were about to be destroyed, she stepped forward to rescue us and brought us back to the Conqueror's ship.

From that day on, the Conquering First Sequence finally had a real commander!

Her powers stunned Doom, and those bastard Primarchs upgraded our powers to save us from being cannon fodder, and from then on we had leverage with the Council of Hope. "

Having said that, Magneto looked at Mason, and he said seriously:

"The ideals and concepts you mentioned that the Red Queen used to unite my compatriots do not exist, Mason Cooper, whether it is ideals or the future, those things are too extravagant for us as clones.

The reason we stick together is because no one else will reach out to us, or even care about us, except ourselves!

Don't think of us as villains, we just have nowhere to go.

That's all. "

He looked at Mason, and after a few seconds of silence, he sighed and said with a tone of regret and jealousy:

"Not every compatriot can have the same freedom as you and have a life with infinite possibilities, Mason, you have never experienced the desperate situation of being abandoned, let alone use your naive idea of ​​​​one world to measure our choices.

The grievances between you and Ms. Madeleine are your own business, other people have no qualifications and no reason to participate, but between Utopia and the first sequence, you have to make a choice! "


"Mason came into contact with the clones of the Conqueror's first sequence. Professor, although the events of that year have been forgotten, maybe we should intervene in it? To prevent this potential new star from turning against us.

Although, he has never admitted that he is one of us, but he has been entrusted with a heavy responsibility after all. "

In a lounge in Utopia, the Supreme Professor who was resting with his eyes closed felt a spiritual dialogue rising in his heart, which was a warning from Mister Sinister.

But in the face of this suggestion, he did not want to intervene. After a few seconds of silence, the supreme professor said softly:

"Don't worry about him. There are more important things right now. Have the civilians around the world been resettled? Are there enough immigration ships? Are the soldiers on the border ready?"

"But if Mason knows that."

"Then let him know."

The supreme professor waved his hand and ended the topic. He said:

"The truth can't be hidden, you know that Mason never thought he was one of us, and he never wanted to be a part of Utopia.

The two sides have been just a cooperative relationship from beginning to end.

The fourth shock is approaching, and the darkest moment for Utopia is also approaching, so spend more time on business. "

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