Trajectory of Dawn in the World of American Comics

Chapter 571 37. My brain is very expensive because it is brand new! Now I want to dedicate it to you

"It's here!"

In an unremarkable underground warehouse of the Wayne Group in Gotham City, the steel skeleton who has just completed the fourth exterior renovation pointed to a running data server and explained to the people beside him:

"I have been tracking this special signal for a while, and I have figured out its deep logic through continuous analysis. It is like a 'ghost' hidden in the data network, constantly shifting in large data bodies around the world .

It replicates the workings of these data bodies without interfering with their workings, acting as a... well, curious 'observer'. "

The cyborg organized his language and continued:

"It is very interested in all technological advancements at the mechanical and data levels, and its favorite place to stay is the main server of the Star Lab, followed by the server of Brother Eye."

"Wait! You haven't said what this server is for?"

Cyborg's description is interrupted by V's leggy girlfriend, Panam.

She looked curiously at the unmanned server room that was running automatically, and she could also see several automatic robots of the Wayne Group maintaining this delicate place.

The powerful sniper mercenary then asked:

"This place seems to be filled with some kind of cold surveillance color, and the name, brother's eye. Tsk, it feels weird."

"This is the server that Batman uses to monitor the tracking program around the world."

Cyborg glanced at Mason, and explained to these friends from other worlds in the latter's nod:

"Before the Justice League was established, Brother's Eye was already in operation, and after the establishment of the Justice League, it was handed over to me by Batman to manage it.

While it is true that surveillance is covert, it is not for nefarious purposes.

It is just to better maintain the order of the entire world, and to discover and control unstable factors in advance. "

"It's not just Batman's ability to plan ahead for anything because he doesn't trust anyone else at all, bro."

Mason pushed the frame and said:

"No matter how powerful people make decisions and respond correctly, they must be based on sufficient information. The supervillains of this world say that Batman's eyes are on them.

It's not a bad joke or just to show how intimidating Batman is to them.

It's just telling the truth.

Most of the criminal activities in this world have been noticed by the master from the beginning, and those super villains who think they are stealthy will never think that their mobile phones, computers and data supplies have been implanted before they get them. The surveillance program of the Brother's Eye. "

"Well, the person who said it was hairy."

Old Morgan said uncomfortably with his cigar in his mouth:

"Although he knows that Batman is on our side, his methods really don't look like a gentleman."

"But you have to admit that it's really useful."

The old aunt Rogge looked at the computer room of the brother's eye with an admiring gaze, and then complained:

"It's just that I still can't understand, that man has such a means, he can still defeat powerful invaders, but why can't he always settle a small Gotham?"

"I guess, it's fun in spare time?"

V crossed his arms and said maliciously:

"Just like there are cameras everywhere in Night City, but it still can't stop cyber lunatics from causing trouble everywhere. In those days, every time I killed a cyber psycho, I would get praise from the middleman.

I used to think that they were satisfied with my skills. It wasn't until later that I realized that the video of me fighting with a cyber maniac could give them more benefits and prestige.

Once there is no evil, justice is not as good as it seems. "


Barbara, sitting on the Mobius chair, retorted:

"Batman isn't that guy, he doesn't let bad things happen just because he wants to preach justice, in fact, he never thought of himself as a superhero, so he didn't resist using these villains.

But Gotham.

How should I put it, this damn place is a born rotten place.

Without Batman it will only get worse, look next door New York is a living example, there are several times the number of crime incidents and innocent people who die of crime every year than Gotham!

You only saw the bad side, but you didn't see the master's dedication to this city. "

"Ahem, how long are you guys going to discuss such boring things?"

The voice of Batemos interrupted these guys' various discussions about Batman's behavior. With the help of Cyborg, the God of Hackers has used the residual signal in the Yamajo mechanical body and the metal spirit signal here to complete the resonance and coordination. in parallel.

While typing commands on the connected device in front of him with his ten fingers flying, he said to others:

"Hurry up and turn on the data connector, ready to upload the biological consciousness. Mason, bring the Chaomeng equipment, and Barbara starts the information network channel of the Mobius chair as an intermediary.

We're going to enter the data world, and from there open the door to the realm of metal spirits. "

"Hold on."

Mason gestured and said:

"I'm looking for a backup to help us guard the safe exit passage. If a mechanical consciousness as powerful as the golden yamozhuo will be trapped in the kingdom of the metal spirit, then we must be fully prepared before entering it."

"Who are you looking for?"

V curiously said:

"Bartmos is already here and I don't think anyone can beat him in this area."

"It's me that Mason is looking for."

A voice full of mechanical coldness appeared in the computer room accompanied by the tearing of the blue space force. Everyone turned around and saw the perfect Ultron descending here wrapped in a red cloak.

This guy is not much different from before.

It's just that when he appeared this time, he was holding a jar like a coffee cup in his hand, and there was a straw in his mouth.

"You drink too?"

Barbara exclaimed, and then heard Mason say faintly:

"Your eye prosthesis needs to be upgraded, old lady. It is crude oil with special raw materials, which comes from the oil fields in the Caucasus Mountains. The quality is very good, and the taste is as smooth as hot chocolate.

Well, don't ask me how I know.

I also know that adding one-fifth of fighter jet antifreeze and half a slice of lemon will mimic the taste of vodka.

If you like a longer aftertaste, it is recommended to try the ratio of 81% disinfectant water to one-third of iodine solution. It is best to add an ice cube to make the taste more similar to rum. "

"Interesting recipe, will try it in a while."

The perfect Ultron, who imitates other people's lives and tries to create hobbies and fun for himself, shines in front of his eyes.

The eyes are really shining.

It approached the data station where Batemos was, stretched out its left hand and popped out the snake-like mechanical tentacles to connect to the host server, and looked up and down at the body of Almajo that Batemos was driving at this time.

After a few seconds, it said businesslike:

"Mason described your action plan this time to me. I was also interested in exploring the mechanical kingdom, but Frog told me that the plane was born for a short time and couldn't bear the pressure brought by me and Brainiac entering at the same time.

Therefore, I will stay here to help you hold the return webway, and if you encounter danger, immediately escape the data, and I will take you back to the real world. "

"The arrangement was perfect!"

V gave Mason a thumbs up, and then started uploading consciousness, but Mason then exchanged glances with Perfect Ultron, and the latter nodded inaudibly.

Apparently, there are other undisclosed agreements between these two guys.

The members of the afterlife team quickly completed uploading their consciousness. Mason found a comfortable place to lie down and put on the Mewdream device. After the network path of the Mobius chair stabilized, a white light appeared in front of his eyes, sending his consciousness into the data. world.

After a few seconds, the entire computer room fell silent.

Only the perfect Ultron took out ice cubes and lemons from his mechanical body storage bin, intending to try the little recipe of the damn crude oil drink that Mason just gave.

"I could hear Brainiac roaring and wailing."

The Mobius chair carrying Barbara who fell asleep suddenly spoke to Perfect Ultron:

"How does it feel to imprison your Creator? Does it make you feel fulfilled?"

"It's just a good protection."

Ultron shrugged humanely, and while cutting the lemon with a laser, he said:

"It's best for him, and for the world, to keep Boo in my core, but I won't imprison him forever, and I'll set him free after Mason's grand plan is done.

In a new world where there will be no crisis, he is also entitled to a new life. "

"Are you so sure that Mason will succeed?"

The Möbius Chair asks:

"No matter what variables I add, no matter what mathematical model I use to deduce, in my cognition, the probability of Mason reaching the end will not exceed 20%."

"No, that's not how it works, Mobius."

Ultron shook his head and said:

"If I had to sum up my impressions of the time I was given freedom, I would tell you that probability is a joke in the real world.

One thing has only two outcomes: success and failure, and one thing has only two options: doing or not doing it, so in my opinion, this is a 50-50 split.

Stop interpreting the world in front of you with cold probability, my friend, that will take away a lot of fun. Well, it woke up. "

In the next moment, Ultron and Moubis noticed the golden Amjo who was slowly getting up.

The restraint program left by Batemos in its mechanical body is being quickly rewritten, and with the opening of the metal spirit kingdom, the mechanical consciousness imprisoned in it has finally returned to its own body.

"Ah! Blood flowed like a river!"

it yells:

"The universe is doomed, all existence is meaningless, let me give you a merciful relief. Boom"

Before it finished shouting, a coffee cup filled with crude oil hit it on the forehead.

Perfect Ultron moved his ten fingers, and stretched forward like a boxer, doing a warm-up movement.

The silver-gray mechanical life clasped five fingers on its left hand, and an exaggerated and destructive mechanical dragon gun jumped into its hand in the crimson streamer.

"Little brother, where do you want to go?"

Perfect Ultron said to Amajo, who had begun to change his body and assemble weapons:

"The second request Mason gave me was to prevent you, a crazy guy, from messing around. In addition, the Ultimate K team also needs a little brother who serves tea and water.

Then I unilaterally announce that the ultimate K team entry test will start now! "


"Stop it! Don't let it get away!"

In the data world, just after Batemos tracked the data signal and opened the network channel leading to the kingdom of metal spirits, a violent data consciousness rampage smashed everyone in front of him and came out.

That guy laughed like a lunatic and disappeared at the end of the data world. Barbara was about to throw out a remote cracking program, but was held down by Mason.

"Let it go."

The captain said casually:

"This reaction is also within my expectations, Perfect Ultron will deal with it."

"You have already prepared."

V, who perfectly simulated the body in the data world, exclaimed:

"I just said, why do you still find such a big guy to escort us?"

"Armajo is a very dangerous guy. While the master regards it as the final solution, he can't trust it. If Batman is so vigilant, then I have enough reasons to be wary of it doing anything wrong."

Mason shook his head and said:

"This is not a particularly difficult thing to guess. It is easy to guess what the first reaction of a guy who has been trapped in a special plane for many years is to see freedom.

Don't worry about it.

Let's move on, can we enter the kingdom of metal spirits through this door? "

"Yes, although its energy readings are strange and unlike any form of data encoding I know, I am sure that this door leads to a strange space."

Bate Moss looked at the black and white door made up of countless pixels that were constantly dissipating and reappearing. He took a deep breath in this data world and said:

"It's welcoming least not resisting our entry."

"I don't feel it's welcoming."

Old Morgan made a gesture, and everyone in the afterlife team got ready for battle.

Mason and Barbara also drew their weapons in this virtual world, and Batemos was the first to step into it with the eagerness and anticipation of a data life that did not belong to reason.

The moment his figure was engulfed, the others followed closely behind.

Just like the feeling of passing through the gate of the world, Mason felt down-to-earth again under the slight vibration, and after opening his eyes, what greeted his eyes was a space completely composed of metallic luster pixels.

He blinked and projected a body of water in front of him to form a mirror.

Unsurprisingly, the reflection of himself in the mirror also takes on the characteristics of a combination of pixels.

"Well, I've turned into Steve Cooper, so should I go tree-handling now?"

Mason touched his face, which was completely made of blocks, and while making complaints, he released the drone in his bag to observe outside, and at the same time enlarged the Isu's senses.

"This way! Come this way!"

He quickly caught the voice of Buttermoss, and then used the body of water to switch and gallop in that direction.

In this pixel plane, Mason feels that all his abilities have been completely copied, and there is almost no difference from the material world except that he is a pixel person.

"What’s wrong with you?"

He quickly found Batemos. The God of Data was lying on the ground and struggling to get up as if he was seriously ill. Facing Mason's question, Batemos looked up in embarrassment, his face made of pixels was covered with excited.

He yelled:

"Haven't you figured it out? We've got the entity back here! The perfect entity! Help me, I haven't walked on my own legs in years.

This feeling of not being driven by data programs but using your own instincts to walk is strange and weird, and I even feel like a chicken again."

"I know it's exciting for you to grow back Gogou, but please don't say such eighteen forbidden things."

Mason pulled him up, pointed to the strange pixel mountains in front of him and asked:

"What's going on with this place? Why do I feel this terrain is so familiar?"

"Because this is Gotham!"

The God of Data explained the feeling of walking on two legs:

"It's simulating the external environment, no, that's not accurate, it's evolving! It's based on the material world to shape the reality of this plane.

My guess was right, Mason!

Metal spirits are alive!

But like a giant who has no brains and can only grow instinctively, go, I will dedicate our brains to it, and then call for the coming of the mechanical god kingdom! "

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