Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 315 The Fall of Malta

The first landing craft washed up on the beach.

"Put down the gangplank!" The pilot of the landing craft pressed the lever hard, and with a heart-wrenching sound of metal friction, the thick steel gangplank door quickly fell forward, and then hit the beach hard.

The MG3 machine gun set up on the landing craft fired wildly at the British position on the opposite side. The long bullet chain continuously supplied bullets to the machine gun. The shell casings fell into the landing craft, making a crisp sound like a ping-pong ball.

"Quick! Quick! Quick! If you stay here, you are waiting to die! Hurry up and find a bunker!" The platoon leader loudly urged his soldiers to get down quickly. After the baffle of the landing craft was lowered, the inside of the landing craft became the most dangerous place. Many people are crowded into a small space, and once enemy fire comes over, they will suffer a lot of casualties.

The veterans who knew this well rushed out instantly, while the recruits stumbled behind.

The hidden British firepower opened fire, and the bullets that were not very dense swept over and hit a few unlucky people. Most of the Marines successfully rushed to the beach, lay down in craters of varying depths, and fought back with all their weapons.

"Boom!" A shell hit the landing craft, and the wooden landing craft was instantly blown to pieces. The squad machine gun that had been firing on the landing craft was also blown back to parts.

The attack aircraft hovering in the sky immediately swooped down and dropped a 250-kilogram bomb towards the hidden fire point. With a loud noise, the firepower point was blown into the sky.

More and more landing craft rushed onto the beach, and various light and heavy weapons fired wildly at the British positions.

All-round firepower from the sea, land and air suppressed the British positions, making them unable to lift their heads. The Marines seized the opportunity and began to advance.

"Boom!" An amphibious tank drove onto the beach, the turret rotated, and fired a shell at a target in the distance.

Dang Dang Dang! Several bullets hit the armor of this amphibious tank, but apart from sparks shooting out, they had no impact.

"Boom!" Before he could rotate the turret, the second amphibious tank that followed hit the machine gun fire point that was firing, blowing it up.

After more and more amphibious tanks landed, the pressure on the British positions immediately increased. In the absence of anti-tank weapons, it was difficult for them to withstand the tank attack.

Finally, the first line of defense was breached, and the British army had no choice but to withdraw to the second line of defense.

But before they had time to gain a foothold on the second line of defense, overwhelming rockets directly covered the entire line of defense. The British troops suffered heavy casualties. Facing the hot pursuit of the German troops, they were forced to withdraw to the third line of defense.

The battle lasted for more than four hours, and the remaining British troops were compressed into an area of ​​less than ten square kilometers. The British troops in other places were either captured or annihilated.

The German army's surrender announcement came from the loudspeaker. "This is the last notice to persuade you to surrender. Stop making unnecessary resistance. You are given ten minutes to put down your weapons and surrender!"

"Everyone, we have tried our best..." The Maltese army commander looked at his colleagues around him and sighed helplessly. "Does anyone think we can keep fighting?"

"..." How can we continue to fight if no one speaks? They were squeezed into such a small area, and maybe the next German heavy artillery bombardment could wipe them all out.

"So, since no one is willing to insist, then I order the surrender... No one objects, right?" the army commander asked again, and everyone nodded in agreement dejectedly.

Soon, the remaining British troops raised the white flag.

The island of Malta has completely fallen!

German radio immediately announced a decisive victory in the Battle of the Mediterranean. The imperial "amplifier" Goebbels trumpeted that the seizure of Gibraltar and the island of Malta was another victory for Germany and its allies to defeat Britain in the Mediterranean and completely shatter British maritime hegemony. This victory would also enable the German people to fight back against British oppression. Go further up.

Occupying this "unsinkable aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean" has almost cut off the British Mediterranean route. There are no longer any obstacles to the route between the European continent and North Africa, and a safe supply line to North Africa has been established.

Countless free ships began to ply the Mediterranean Sea, transporting various weapons, building materials, personnel, machinery and other goods from France and Italy to the desert city in Libya.

France and Italy each sent a hundred anti-aircraft guns and a division of soldiers to go, although they didn't know exactly what they wanted to protect.

Yannick even brought out the latest radar, 50 FW190 fighter jets, 100 attack aircraft, and an armored division.

A Liberty Ship docked slowly at the Port of Sirte. Rommel, wearing a desert camouflage uniform, stepped down the ship's hanging ladder, looked around, and sighed. "What a beautiful day."

More than 95% of Libya is desert or semi-desert. The northern coast has a subtropical Mediterranean climate, with warm and rainy winters and hot and dry summers. The current average temperature in August is only about 26°C.

Two soldiers, also wearing desert camouflage uniforms, walked over. Their clothes were filled with yellow sand and dust, and they looked a little embarrassed. However, it can be seen that they have just returned from the desert far away, and they are not defeated. After all, Mussolini burped before he had time to stir up trouble in North Africa. North Africa is relatively peaceful now.

The officer with the rank of colonel saluted him. "Welcome to Africa, General Rommel, the person in charge of P City, Edman, is at your disposal."

Rommel returned the gesture. "Colonel Edman, let's go to P City first." He had never been here before, but he heard that His Highness rented the Sirte Basin from Italy a few years ago and said it was going to be built into a desert city.

"General, please." Several people got on the desert jeep and drove onto the road leading to the depths of the desert.

Looking at the vast plains and endless desert all around, Rommel had an excited look on his face. "This is such a good place, it's a paradise for armored forces! With 1,000 tanks, I can sweep everything! Haha!" While laughing, a gust of wind and sand blew up and hit the windshield of the car, making a crackling sound. .

"Bah!" Rommel spat out the sand he blew into his mouth in embarrassment. He only felt that his mouth was astringent, and he could even feel the squeaking sound of sand rubbing against his teeth. He took the kettle handed over by the adjutant and rinsed his mouth before he felt better and couldn't help but complain. "It's an engine hell here."

Colonel Edelman explained. "Don't worry, General, engines in the desert are equipped with special air filters to adapt to the climate here, so the engine failure rate here is not much higher than in other places."

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