Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 319 Supporting North Africa

If you want to hold the Suez Canal, you can only defeat the German army in North Africa. But it is simply a fantasy to rely on the colonial troops in those colonies to defeat the German army. "I recommend the immediate formation of a corps to support North Africa and protect our colonies."

There was an uproar in the audience. The domestic troops were already stretched thin just to deal with the possible cross-sea landing of the Germans. How about organizing a legion to support North Africa? Where to get enough troops to defend?

Someone below shouted dissatisfied. "How dare you guarantee that you can defeat the Germans in North Africa? I think it would be better to sign a peace agreement with Germany."

The biggest reason why Britain in the original time and space resolutely resisted Germany was the 80,000 coalition troops that had withdrawn from Dunkirk and its powerful navy.

Some people say that the hundreds of thousands of troops in the Dunkirk evacuation were actually nothing at all. In World War II, there were hundreds of thousands of casualties and hundreds of thousands of prisoners.

But in subsequent battles, these veterans who had experienced the German Blitzkrieg played a decisive role because of their rich experience. For example, General Tennant, who later organized the "Normandy Invasion", was also a member of the Dunkirk evacuation. One member.

What is even more worth emphasizing is that the escape of troops from different countries to the UK is extremely important in a sense, because they represent a country and symbolize a cohesion. The focus was undoubtedly de Gaulle, who was unwilling to surrender in France. After he fled to Britain, he was responsible for commanding the group of French troops that retreated from Dunkirk.

But this time, except for less than 10,000 people who managed to escape back to the mainland, the remaining hundreds of thousands of coalition soldiers became prisoners of the German army; and the British Empire's proud navy also suffered heavy losses. If we continue to fight under this situation, there seems to be no hope of victory.

It's better to sign a peace agreement with Germany while there is still room for a fight!

The prevalence of British pacifism after World War I was no weaker than the isolationism of the United States. From top to bottom, no one wanted to be involved in another world war.

For ordinary people, as long as they don't fight and don't die, that's better than anything else. Therefore, those who advocate war are unpopular. This is why Britain allowed Germany's fleet tonnage to reach 30% of Britain's. This is why Britain was not even willing to compete for air superiority during Prime Minister Baldwin's tenure.

Many people who are accused of being appeasers can actually be said to be forced to appease. If Britain wants to intervene in Europe with its 300,000 expeditionary force, it must have the support of its allies, but what can the allies help when it comes to Munich? Woolen cloth? Daladier said that without the help of Poland, only the Czech Republic and France could not deal with Germany. What could Chamberlain do? A lot of things in Europe have been shattered by the Great War and the economic crisis. Launching a war to prevent war sounds ideal, but in fact who can guarantee that Germany's obsession goes beyond the unification of Germany.

When everyone realized that Germany's appetite would not only be satisfied with the unification of Germany; that is, after Czechoslovakia, starting around the Polish incident, Chamberlain's attitude began to become tougher. By the time Germany launched a massive attack on Libya, Chamberlain's appeasement policy was completely bankrupt, and he could only give way to the war-minded Churchill as prime minister.

Churchill's cabinet was called a Wartime Coalition Cabinet. What was a Wartime Coalition Cabinet?

First of all, this cabinet was a war cabinet established to fight the war. Chamberlain recommended Churchill to form this cabinet just to fight the war.

Secondly, this cabinet is a coalition cabinet, formed by the Labor Party and the Conservative Party. This shows that the Labor Party and the Conservative Party have the same attitude on the issue of war against Germany. Both the Labor Party and the Conservative Party support fighting Germany to the end.

Therefore, it was impossible for Churchill to negotiate peace with Germany; killing Germany was the unanimous opinion of the British government and the public.

Now when he heard such cowardly remarks, Churchill suddenly became angry and reprimanded loudly. "What is a peace agreement?! Our British Empire has been dragged down by this so-called peace until now! If you propose peace talks at this stage, it is betrayal and surrender!

I think back then, our ancestors never succumbed to the Spanish invincible Armada!

Facing the Sun King Louis XIV at the height of his power, our ancestors did not give in!

Facing the arrogant European general Napoleon, our ancestors did not give in!

Facing the powerful William II, we did not give in!

Now, the war has not yet decided the winner, and some people are eager to betray their country for glory? ! "

Although it is noisy here, after all, the people sitting here are a group of people who represent the interests of the United Kingdom. They are all British gentlemen. For a gentleman, face issues are above all else, especially this is the face issue of the British Empire!

The cowardly French can surrender in humiliation, but the powerful Britain must not surrender!

"Why should we surrender? Then what do we get? Is it half of the country? Like France, or like Austria, etc., becoming their puppets? No! If this is the case, we will be ashamed of our ancestors!" Churchill's words , inspiring everyone present, yes, why give in? Today's Britain still has an enterprising and indomitable spirit; as the British gentlemen on an empire on which the sun never sets, they have a strong sense of imperial honor and national self-confidence. They won't give in!

What's more important is that even if most people give in, Churchill will never give in. During World War II in the original time and space, the reason why the British repeatedly refused peace talks had a lot to do with Churchill. Although Churchill made great contributions to Britain, he was also a very stubborn and arrogant person. During World War I, it was precisely because of his arrogance that he forced Turkey into the hostile camp and caused a lot of trouble for the Allied Powers. .

During World War II, it was because of his arrogance that he completely ignored the already crumbling Britain and was determined to fight Germany hard. As a result, he fought for several years. Although Germany was defeated, they themselves were also crippled. In the end In vain, Americans are watching the excitement.

The congressman who proposed peace talks with Germany was so despised by his peers that his face turned red and he lowered his head and did not dare to say anything. However, Churchill did not intend to let go so easily of a guy who disturbed the morale of the military at a critical moment. He decided to let the intelligence department keep a close eye on his every move. Even if he found the slightest clue, he could get out of the parliament!

Everyone continued to discuss supporting North Africa, and most people agreed to the motion. After all, at this stage, the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force are more needed to defend the British mainland than the army. The Suez Canal in Egypt in North Africa is the lifeblood of the British Empire, so they decided to "squeeze" a group of soldiers to support North Africa.

(The order was wrong in the first two chapters. If the client does not display it, clearing the cache should display it.)

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