Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 360 Air Combat (2)

There are two main schools of piston fighter engines: air-cooled radial engines and water-cooled inline (including V-shaped) engines. Although it is theoretically possible to achieve an air-cooled inline engine and a water-cooled radial engine, in practice such a combination is unheard of, at least among mainstream fighter engines.

Each of these two factions has its own advantages. For example, the cooling effect of water-cooling is significantly better than that of air-cooling. This principle can also be seen from later computer cases. The cooling effect of water-cooled cases surpasses air-cooled cases.

Germany's Bf109 pioneered the use of water-cooled V12 engines in main fighter aircraft. When the Fw-190 was developed, it was also planned to have a water-cooled V12 engine, but due to the war, it was not implemented, and the BMW801 air-cooled radial engine was finally used. However, the plan to switch to a water-cooled V12 has never disappeared. This is the ultimate Fw190 that has always been talked about: Ta152.

Among the main fighters of the U.S. Army Air Forces during World War II, only the P-47 had an air-cooled radial engine. However, after a large number of P-51s entered active service, the P-47 took a back seat in air combat and served as ground strafing and bombing. Mainly fighter bombers.

The P-38, which shot down Sanben Fifty-six and served throughout World War II, had a water-cooled V12 engine. When the Americans thought they had the best P-51 in service, because the United States did not have a suitable water-cooled V12 engine, they specially sourced it from the United Kingdom. Introduced and produced under license the Rolls-Royce Merlin engine, which is known as the best piston fighter engine in history.

To talk about the advantages and disadvantages of these two engines, the advantage of the air-cooled engine is that it has a simpler structure, is stronger, more durable, and more resistant to beating. The water-cooling structure is more complex and sophisticated, and the probability of problems with parts increases.

Air-cooled cylinders are generally dispersed and arranged side by side. If one cylinder is hit, the operation of the other cylinders will not be affected. The fighter aircraft can fight with injuries, and only the damaged cylinders need to be replaced during maintenance. Once the water-cooled type is hit, the coolant will leak and the cooling effect will gradually be lost, making it impossible to fight with injuries.

As for why the Americans chose the P-51, which has poor resistance to battle damage, to completely replace the P-47, which has strong resistance to battle damage, in air superiority operations. The reason is that the Americans feel that if the enemy fighter jets have the ability to target the radiator, why not save some trouble? What about directly hitting the cockpit?

In their view, the ability to resist battle damage is not the most important indicator of fighter design. How to attack the enemy and not be attacked by the enemy is. The priorities here cannot be reversed.

Yannick also plans to follow the example of the United States and produce the water-cooled Fw-190D and the ultimate version: Ta-152 as soon as possible.

At this time, Jingte was flying a FW190A-3.

Güntelaer was born on March 10, 1918 in Gegenau, Germany. German lieutenant general and pilot. During World War II, he served as the captain of the 3rd Battalion of the 52nd Regiment and the 2nd Battalion of the 11th Regiment of the German Army. After the end of World War II, he served as director of the West German Air Force and NATO attaché.

On August 29, 1943, he became the third person in the Luftwaffe with more than 200 personal victories. On November 28, 1943, he became the second pilot in the army after Nowotny to have a personal combat record of more than 250 aircraft. Güntelaer was Germany's third air combat ace. He shot down 275 aircraft in total, 4 on the Western Front and 271 on the Eastern Front (including 15 IL-2s).

However, at this time, Jingte was not the famous fighter ace in later generations who frightened the enemy. He was still a "fling" with zero record. Moreover, he had lost his lead aircraft in the melee just now and was fighting alone.

"Do we need to find someone else to form a team?" Jingte looked around nervously, with a slight drop of sweat on his forehead.

Just when he was hesitant and at a loss, he suddenly saw a friendly aircraft in front of him without a wingman being chased towards the sea by two Spitfire fighter jets.

Jingte instinctively pushed the joystick in front of him. As the nose of the plane suddenly turned downward, he clearly felt that his back was pressed tightly against the back of the seat due to the inertia of the dive.

As the distance between the two sides gradually narrowed, the Spitfire's body became larger and larger in the sight. In this era, air combat did not have such convenient ranging tools. To estimate the distance between the two sides, one depends on the pilot's experience, and the other is to use the "Ring" refers to how many meters the enemy aircraft's outline "fills" the first ring and how many meters it fills the second ring. This is data that every pilot must memorize.

He saw that the friendly plane being chased ahead had a messy escape route and looked extremely nervous. The trajectory of the tracer bullets fired by the Spitfire was getting closer and closer to the friendly aircraft.

If he didn't fire, the friendly plane would probably be shot down.

"God bless!" Gaunt muttered softly and pulled the trigger suddenly.

Four 20mm cannons roared and sprayed deadly shells.

As we all know, Germany's best aircraft gun in the middle of World War II was undoubtedly the MG151/20. As the standard equipment of many fighter jets, it won many air battles for the German army.

When the German MG151/20 aircraft gun began to be put into actual combat, the British were still competing with their own unreliable Hispano cannon. When the MkII first came on board, it even had four cannons and only fired a few rounds. It’s an embarrassing thing that everything got stuck.

Later, after testing the captured MG151/20 aircraft gun, John Bull began to seriously consider whether to simply copy it. In the end, I found that although the German design was quite good to use, it required a very high level of processing. The speed and economy of production would be problematic if it were copied, so I finally gave up and continued to tinker with Hispano, launching a product with great improvement in reliability. The MkV type can be regarded as a positive result of cultivation.

The Germans seem to believe that they cannot have a quantitative advantage and can only win by turning to a quality advantage, so they strive for excellence to the point where even established powers with strong technological foundations are intimidated.

Yannick very simply cut off this overly sophisticated thing that was "not in line with the national conditions" and replaced it with the Soviet shvak 20mm aerial cannon, which was quite satisfactory in all aspects. After improving the shells, it was equipped on fighter jets.

The fired shells penetrated the fuselage of the Spitfire, tearing off the opponent's wings, and the opponent's cabin was instantly stained red by the gushing blood.

"Boom!" The loud noise of the explosion caused the Spitfire in front to react and hurriedly rolled away from Jingte's pursuit.

The pilot of the friendly plane who survived the disaster gave Jingte a thumbs up. Jingte walked side by side with him, gesturing to him to announce his communication channel.

Soon the pilot's voice came from the earphones. "Thank you, my name is Heinrich Eheler."

"My name is Guntrall, where is your wingman?"

"I was originally a wingman, but the lead plane was shot down. I see you don't have a wingman either, so I'll be your wingman."

"Uh... well, let's climb first!"

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