Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 362 Air Combat (4)

"What the hell is that?!"

On a Wellington bomber, the pilot Arnold watched in amazement as the German fighter jets that came to intercept fired what looked like torpedoes with white smoke trailing from their tails.

Although those things were flying towards the bomber formation, they seemed to be inaccurate, and the "torpedo" closest to his plane was dozens of meters away.


Before he could rejoice, a "torpedo" that flew more than 10 meters to his upper right suddenly exploded in the air, and large and small metal fragments swept around like a storm.

These "torpedoes" are one of the interception weapons specially prepared by Yanik for enemy bombers, air-to-air rockets equipped with radio proximity fuzes.

With a crackling sound, something hot splashed onto Arnold's face, and an unusually pungent smell of blood filled the cockpit.

"..." Arnold subconsciously turned his head and saw that half of his co-pilot's head was cut off by a piece of shrapnel. That white, red, yellow... something like tofu gushes out from half of the head that hangs weakly.

"Oh Shet, oh Shet, Shet..." He couldn't help but cursed dozens of times. He swore he had never seen such a tragic and disgusting sight in his life, and he was so frightened that he almost vomited on the spot.

Just as he was wiping something off his face indiscriminately, the engine on the right suddenly made a strange gurgling sound, and the propeller spun slower and slower, and finally stopped! !

"Oh Shet!!" Arnold didn't know if today was the day with the most swear words, but he was definitely his most unlucky day!

He didn't bother to wipe the things on his face, and hurriedly flipped various operation buttons, trying to restart the engine on the right side. Unfortunately, no matter how hard he tried, it was to no avail, and the plane slowly tilted to one side.

"It's okay, I can fly back with just one engine." I mumbled to myself in a low voice to comfort myself. Just when I was about to pick up the communicator and report to the team leader that they had to return, I heard a sudden puff of black smoke coming from the engine on the left!

"Oh Shet!!" He had no choice but to shut down the left engine and control the aircraft to enter a gliding state. Otherwise, when the plane loses control and rolls down, it will be impossible for the crew members to abandon the plane and parachute.

"Everyone abandons the plane and parachutes! Repeat, the plane is out of control, everyone abandons the plane and parachutes!!" The navigator Hunter shouted just after Arnold gave the order to abandon the plane to the crew members. "Skydiving here?! This is the middle of the strait. We can't reach the shore no matter where we go after parachuting!" It's cold winter now, and no one can swim more than ten kilometers or even dozens of kilometers in the cold water.

This time Arnold was completely out of ideas. "Then what do you think we should do?"

Hunter was still calm and directly issued a series of orders. "You continue to control the plane. David, quickly throw down the bombs and everything that can be moved in the plane. No more machine guns. Throw everything down except for the life jackets. Try to reduce the weight."

Just as several people in the cabin were hurriedly throwing things out, a German torpedo boat on the sea discovered the bomber.

"Hey, look at that bomber!" Several navy soldiers shouted, pointing at a Wellington bomber that flew over silently.

"Quick! Go control the 40mm gun and shoot it down." This torpedo boat is equipped with a twin-mounted 40mm Bofors anti-aircraft gun and a twin-mounted 7mm machine gun, which is enough to deal with bombers at such a close range.

The deputy captain of the torpedo boat immediately stopped him. "Wait a minute. Look, the propellers of that plane have stopped spinning. It's obviously malfunctioning. It seems they are going to make an emergency landing on the sea. Let's capture them."

As they spoke, everyone saw the belly of the bomber open, and two large bombs were dropped first, followed closely by machine guns, ammunition boxes, backpacks and other messy things.

Hunter on the bomber also discovered torpedo boats on the sea. "Hey, there is a German torpedo boat below. We will make an emergency landing here. David, find a white cloth strip to hang the shooting port, so as not to be sieved by them."

"Pay attention to the impact!!" A few seconds later, the bomber's belly hit the sea hard. The force of the sea water rebounding was beyond everyone's imagination and shocked everyone. Without the restraints of the seat belt, Arnold thought he would be bounced up and smash his head. However, the seat belt also tightened around his waist, as if it was trying to cut him off. It was extremely painful.

Fortunately, this bomber has an iron fuselage and a very strong structure that can withstand damage that other aircraft cannot. If it were to be a wooden mosquito bomber, it would definitely fall apart if it were hit like this.

Just as he recovered, David shouted. "The Germans are coming!"

"Have the white cloth strips been hung up?"

"It's already hung up."

"Then everyone, please don't do anything to misunderstand the Germans. Wear life jackets and leave here." Seawater has begun to seep into the cabin, and the bomber will sink before long.

Arnold unbuckled his seatbelt and stood up. As soon as he stepped out of the cockpit, he turned around and tore off the photo of the co-pilot's girlfriend that was taped to the dashboard. He suppressed his nausea and took out a pocket watch from the co-pilot's pocket. Along with a handkerchief and a diary. "I will try to pass these things on to your family."

By the time he found a plastic bag to wrap these things, the sea water had already submerged his ankles.

Arnold walked towards the hatch with one foot shallow and one foot deep, threw himself into the cold water, and swam towards the torpedo boat not far away.

He grabbed the rope thrown from the torpedo boat, climbed onto the torpedo boat, and was escorted into the cabin.

"Arnold, take off your clothes quickly to avoid catching a cold." At this time, his crew members had already taken off their soaked clothes, wearing thick blankets given by the Germans, and holding cups with hot coffee in their hands. .

Arnold was also shivering from the cold and quickly took off his clothes. The German threw him a thick blanket and poured him a cup of hot coffee.

Just after taking a few sips, Arnold saw the Germans bring a large sack and put the clothes they took off into the sack. He didn't know if the Germans were going to throw away these clothes or what, so he quickly asked his friends. "Which of you speaks German?"

Several people shook their heads blankly, and one of the two German soldiers guarding them at the cabin door spoke. "I can speak English, what can I do for you?"

Arnold couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and pointed at the clothes that were about to be thrown into the sack. "Sir, those clothes contain the relics of my friend who just died. I want to hand them over to his family."

The German soldier took the plastic bag and inspected the contents. After seeing that there was nothing special, he took it and left the cabin. After a while, he came back and threw the plastic bag to Arnold. "It's no problem. You should be able to send it to the prisoner of war camp."

"Thank you." Arnold asked carefully after taking the plastic bag. "Sir, what are the conditions in the prison camp? Can we survive until the end of the war?"

"What are these words?" the German soldier said speechlessly. "Do you think we will abuse prisoners of war? Do you have any skills?"

Of course it's flying a plane. But that's definitely not what the German soldier meant when he asked. Arnold thought about it and realized that he did have a skill. "My father was a carpenter and I learned the carpenter's trade from him. Does it matter?"

"It has a lot to do with it. People with craftsmanship are treated differently in prisoner-of-war camps. They will live a very comfortable life. I heard that not only can they eat meat every now and then, but they can also read books, watch movies, and play football in their spare time. Basketball or something.”

Is there any spare time? "What about the unskilled ones?"

The German soldier shrugged. "Then you can only do manual labor. As long as you don't make trouble and work well, you will live a good life."

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