Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 372 Soviet-Finnish War (24)

Simon and Tias returned to the camp and heard not-so-good news. A sniper team was attacked, and three of the five snipers were killed. However, the enemy team retreated unharmed without even a hair being injured.

"Ha, he seems to be a master. Where were they attacked?" Tias nodded when he saw the location marked on the map. "It's a bit far, but it's worth the trip. Just killing soldiers these days is a bit boring. Inform all the snipers nearby to evacuate to avoid being accidentally injured by your own people."

After a quick lunch and replenishing new supplies, the two set out for the locations where the snipers were attacked.

When passing a highway, the two stopped and listened carefully for a while. The dull sound of a car engine could be heard faintly in the distance.

"There's a convoy!"

"No tank escort yet."

The visitor tacitly took off his gun and hid on both sides of the road, and soon saw several trucks appearing in the distance.

The snow is getting heavier and heavier, piling up thickly on the ground. The snow that fell earlier has already solidified into ice at a low temperature of more than 30 degrees below zero. The car tires wrapped with anti-skid chains are still a step away from the icy road. Three slips, "What a damn place." The driver of the first truck swore hard.

The soldier in the co-pilot held his rifle tightly, and he never relaxed during the whole journey. "I heard that the Finns were very active during this period, and they were sledding all over the front. Many brothers have already suffered from them. It would be bad if we encountered them."

"It should be fine. The Finns are now worried about how to hold their defense line. They have no spare power to attack us." The driver's words were not so much comforting others as they were comforting himself.

Before he finished speaking, there was a soft pop, the windshield was shattered, the driver's neck leaned back heavily, and the sprayed blood instantly splashed all over the cab.

The Soviet soldier on the co-pilot yelled in horror, but was helpless. He could only watch as the out-of-control car rushed down the roadbed and rolled over on its side. Before he could recover from the fall, he was knocked dizzy. A bullet took his life.

These logistics transport troops had little combat effectiveness to begin with, and could only watch helplessly as the other party killed them one by one.

The two of them calmly called the names of the lambs to be slaughtered in the motorcade one by one until there was no more moving targets in the car.

After confirming that there were no survivors, Tias leisurely took out a knife and carved a mark on the butt of the gun.

Eastern countries such as China, Japan, and South Korea all use the word "zheng" for counting. Although Europe and the United States do not use the word "zheng" for counting, they are similar. Their counting method is to draw four vertical lines, and draw a fifth horizontal line to run through the four, which is "卌". "Character.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5..." Tias counted more than ten swastikas on the butt of the gun. He whistled excitedly. "There are 15 in total, and there are still 25 left for me to be immortal." Fifteen "卌" means that he has killed 75 enemies. As long as he kills 25 more, he will be qualified to fight in the Imperial War. A statue of himself has been erected in the museum. "Simon, how many have you killed?"

Simon counted the swastikas on the butt of his gun. "1, 2, 3...14, 16; three, 83."

"Hey!" Tias looked unconvinced, and then sighed helplessly. "Who gave you such a good talent?" He also had to admit that if he didn't have a scope on his gun, he probably wouldn't be able to achieve 75 kills.

For a sniper without a scope, it is equivalent to a chef without a spoon, but Simon still did it. He was able to kill the opponent accurately without a scope. This was not only due to his super personal professional ability. , and it is also related to his own body's physiological functions.

Simon is born with farsightedness.

The so-called hyperopia means that you can see clearly at near distance but clearly at distance; the deeper the degree of hyperopia, the clearer you can see at distance.

The physical defect of hyperopia instead became a skill in Simon's sniper work. This skill led him to break through the professional bottleneck and helped him become the strongest sniper in the world. In later generations, he will be the world's number one sniper. When people talk about snipers, he is the first thing that comes to mind.

Simon smiled disapprovingly, and the two of them found a box of grenades from one of the carriages and threw one into each carriage, blowing up all the vehicles.

After nightfall they encountered a Soviet camp.

Several Soviet soldiers were sitting around the campfire preparing their dinner. Suddenly, a soldier holding a spoon and preparing to stuff potatoes into his mouth froze and tilted, and then silently poured it into the food of his comrades. In arms.

"Sniper!" The surrounding soldiers were shocked. They jumped up quickly, grabbed the rifles placed nearby, and looked around nervously. It wasn't until the fourth and fifth soldiers fell that they judged that the bullets were fired from the woods in the distance. The Deggarev light machine guns equipped by the Soviet army began to fire wildly at the woods.

Tias and Simon hid behind a big tree and pulled the trigger again and again. Every time they pulled the trigger, a Soviet soldier fell to the cold snow on the opposite side.

The dark forest was like a silent monster under the cover of night. The Soviet soldiers exposed to the light of the campfire would still be of no avail even if they lay on the snow. The figures beside the bright campfire became the best targets. Anyone who dared to raise his head even slightly would soon have a hole drilled in his head.

"Ahhhh!!!" A Soviet soldier couldn't stand this one-sided massacre anymore. He howled crazily and got up and ran back, trying to stay away from this Shura field, but before he could run a few steps, A bullet penetrated his back, and he fell to the ground with a mouthful of blood spurting out. In a sense, he did leave this Shura field.

Perhaps because he was so stimulated, the machine gunner suddenly stood up, pointed his machine gun at the forest face and fired aimlessly and wildly. Then a bullet was shot into his eyebrow, and the machine gun's hiss suddenly stopped.

Five, ten, and more and more Soviet soldiers bid farewell to this world in the cold and rapid gunfire. This invisible and mysterious enemy is just like the forest in front of them, so tough that it is irresistible. Unable to resist.

The remaining survivors have begun to become numb and desperate. They no longer conduct futile evasion or pointless resistance. They just sit numbly by the warm campfire, ignoring the fact that their comrades around them are being killed one by one, and wait quietly. Take away his young life with one bullet.

Tias and Simon each used up two magazines and eliminated a platoon of Soviet soldiers here. Tias had three more "卌"s on the butt of his gun.

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