Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 377: Operation Hunger (1)

Germany had previously announced that it would conduct unrestricted submarine warfare in British waters, and many neutral countries had announced that they would suspend flights to and from the United Kingdom.

The British colonies, of course, ignored this, especially Canada.

Canada is a traditional British colony and has very close relations with the British. It is similar to the British overseas provinces. Except for Quebec, almost all the local residents are British, and they are die-hard pro-British factions. During the American War of Independence, most of the American loyalists fled to Canada, so Canada has special feelings for Britain. They believe that Canada is part of the UK.

During World War II in the original time and space, due to the bombing of the British mainland, a large number of capital, factories and technical personnel from the United Kingdom and other European countries were transferred to Canada. As well as orders from the United Kingdom and the United States, Canada's industry and economy gained rapid development. increase. By the end of World War II, Canada had become the world's fourth largest industrial power, dominated by heavy industry. It is precisely because of the rise of Canada that Canada has become the "arsenal" of the British Association, continuously transporting various weapons and materials to the United Kingdom and other places, becoming a stable rear area for the British.

In order to support Britain, Canada not only provided massive supplies to Britain, but also sent millions of troops to fight alongside the British. The Canadian army is well-trained and fights bravely, and is the backbone of the British army. In the battles of North Africa and Normandy, the Canadian army was always at the forefront and performed very well. It was a ruthless character that could confront the German army head-on.

That night, the German version of "Operation Hunger" officially kicked off.

A large number of aircraft, mine-laying ships, and submarines dispatched from Iceland, Norway, and Brest, France, began to lay mines in British waters.

In the flight formation taking off from Iceland, Felix, the pilot of a Mosquito bomber, looked out the dark window and frowned slightly. They usually conduct night flight training, but this operation still gave him a new experience. Normally during night flight training, there are lights on the ground, but now there is a dark sea under the aircraft, and there are stars in the sky.

This strange contrast gave Felix the illusion that he was flying upside down, and he wanted to shake the joystick and flip the aircraft 180 degrees.

In fact, this illusion is normal and is a typical phenomenon of loss of balance.

It's like a person spinning dozens of times on the spot. After stopping, he will definitely feel dizzy, regardless of east, west, east or west. Although this is not an illusion, the discomfort caused by the loss of consciousness is enough to make people uncomfortable for a while.

Pilots may experience similar phenomena during flight. This is a flying illusion that pilots talk about.

The flight status perceived by the pilot is inconsistent with the actual aircraft status. To put it simply, the pilot thinks the plane is climbing, but it is actually flying level; he thinks the plane is flying inverted, but in fact the plane is flying forward. What’s scary is not these illusions, but the physical and mental suffering they cause pilots. The human body has its own "conditioned reflex". When an illusion occurs, it will activate the coping mechanism corresponding to the illusion. When the illusion of tilt occurs, the body will unconsciously tilt in the opposite direction to maintain the body's balance.

Fortunately, after observing the instruments, the pilot can completely know that he is in an illusion state. At this time, as long as he flies according to the original plan, there will be no problem. The difficulty lies in passing the psychological barrier. In the battle between feeling and reality, one often cannot control the first reaction, resulting in tragedies such as a plane flying straight into the sea.

In 1999, during a flight of a certain country's aircraft in complex weather conditions during day and night, the pilot experienced the typical illusion of flying upside down. When the pilot descended from a high altitude to about 1,100 meters and flew out of the clouds, he turned his head as usual and saw lights dotted on the ground. For a moment, he thought he was upside down. According to the pilot's own description, he was extremely nervous and broke out in a cold sweat, and the seconds seemed like years.

Fortunately, he reported to the tower in time, followed the instructions and switched to instrument flight, and finally returned safely to the aircraft without any injuries. From the beginning to the end of the illusion, it lasted six minutes. The pilot said: "I am still very scared when I think about it." Everyone who has experienced the illusion of flying will say this: flying is originally a matter of getting rid of gravity and escaping from the laws of nature. Pilots who have the illusion will definitely experience pain and struggle that are different from normal. They must have a strong will to Overcome panic and physical discomfort.

In many cases of flight illusion, the duration of the illusion can range from a few minutes to dozens of minutes. There are also many inexplicable crashes. Even after all hardware indicators are checked and there are no problems, experts are still unable to know whether the tragedy was caused by the pilot's illusion of flying upside down.

After holding it in for a while, Felix finally couldn't help but turn his head and look at the co-pilot next to him. "Hey Eric, do you think our flight status is normal?"

"Are you having the illusion of flying?" The co-pilot Eric tapped a small instrument on the instrument panel. This is a small device with a red glass tube and a blue glass tube connected together. There is liquid in it. When the aircraft is normal, The liquid will remain in the blue glass tube during flight, and will flow into the red glass tube when the aircraft flies upside down.

At this time, the liquid inside is still sloshing in the blue glass tube. "Our flight status is normal. How about I fly?"

"Uh, it's okay, I'm okay." Felix glanced at the small instrument and shook his head. When I was training at the flight academy, the instructors often emphasized that when you feel something is wrong in the sky and suspect that you are delusional, you must stay calm and trust the instruments; because instruments rarely malfunction, especially small devices with such simple structures. The chance of a problem is far less than the chance of a person being confused.

Seeing that there was nothing unusual about Felix, Eric didn't insist and muttered while looking out the window. "There's a huge black patch down there, it's like the earth has disappeared. It's really scary to look at."

After flying forward for some distance, Felix's strange feeling gradually dissipated. Suddenly, the buzzer on the instrument panel sounded, which was a signal from the pilot aircraft.

Eric went to the bomb bay and carefully inspected the parachutes on the mines.

Surface ship mines only need to throw mines into the sea, but air mines are different; to prevent accidents, especially at night, aircraft cannot fly too close to the sea. After a certain height, the impact of the water surface is not much different from that of the cement floor. A mine dropped directly will either explode or the fuse will malfunction and turn into a stone.

Therefore, it is necessary to install a parachute on the mine. The resistance of the parachute in the air can be used to reduce the descending speed of the mine and ensure that the mine structure is not damaged when it enters the water.

"Start dropping bombs!"

After receiving the order to drop the bomb, Eric pressed the bomb wrench and watched the four big guys in the magazine falling one after another.

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