Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 392: Roosevelt’s Trouble

Churchill had more than one or two troubles. First, he received news that the ship carrying American pilots was missing and might have been sunk by the Germans.

He could only inform Roosevelt of this matter, although it was a telegram (during World War II, there were only telegraph cables under the Atlantic between Britain and the United States, and no telephone lines. Until September 25, 1956, the first line from Britain to North America was The transatlantic telephone cable (TAT-1) had just opened), but he could still feel Roosevelt's anger.

But what can be done if everyone is dead, because these pilots were sent secretly, and Roosevelt couldn't make it public; if Congress and the people knew about this, it would be a big blow to him who was preparing for a new round of election. trouble.

I just thought that this matter was over, but I didn't expect that the German propaganda department's newspapers and radio stations published news at the same time the next day; they said that a group of fighter pilots who had come from the United States for support were captured during the attack on the British transport fleet. It also lists each person's name, date of birth, home address, family members, current position, etc. in detail. The newspaper also published photos of these pilots and handwritten "confessions" indicating that they were secretly dispatched by the US government to support them in the UK.

This caused an explosion in the United States, and large-scale demonstrations broke out again in the capital Washington and other major cities. The last time was a protest against a British submarine attack on the passenger ship "New Jersey". The Roosevelt administration has not yet made a clear position on this incident; now that something like this has happened again, the people have to settle all their "new and old grudges."

Roosevelt's opponent in the election, Wilkie, even took the opportunity to shout the slogan "Never send American children abroad to fight in the war." He also threatened voters that if Roosevelt was re-elected, he would immediately plunge the United States into war.

This is simply appalling to the isolationist American people.

You must know that isolationism in the United States is a long tradition.

Since the founding of the United States, Washington has required the United States to remain highly vigilant when making allies, even though isolationism was not initially supported in the United States. However, as John Adams lost the second presidential election because he prevented the United States from being involved in the Napoleonic Wars, his successor Thomas Jefferson also stopped trade with Europe during his second term to prevent the United States from being involved in the Napoleonic Wars. This led to support for The rate plummeted, and then James Madison encountered the War of 1812 that ended tragically during his administration; since then, "not to get involved in European wars" has gradually become a tacit understanding reached by all American politicians.

There is a saying that World War I made the United States a huge war fortune, but by the 1920s, many Americans began to believe that the United States' participation in World War I was definitely a wrong decision. When Germany in the 1930s began to rearm its arms, more people realized that sooner or later a large-scale war would break out on the European continent. Isolationism is not incompetence. Americans are still prescient, including many isolationists. As a result, many rumors about arms dealers profiting from the war began to spread, and many Americans also felt that their country should avoid being involved in another war at all costs this time. This anti-war consciousness became stronger with the advent of the Great Depression. The prevailing anti-war views and the grief for the soldiers who died in World War I prompted many people to firmly believe that the United States must never be involved in any European war again. People began to pay more attention to domestic events and became indifferent to changes in the international political situation.

And now President Roosevelt is risking the disapproval of the world, violating the obligations of a neutral country, and sending pilots to the United Kingdom to help them?

Roosevelt quickly stated, "I hate war, even more now than in the past." "We will never participate in foreign wars, and we will never send our army, navy, and air force to fight in foreign countries outside the Americas unless we are attacked."

He also explained that those pilots went to the UK voluntarily, but unfortunately he did not notice that the pilots' "confessions" mentioned that they were accompanied by the latest American P-38 fighter jets. Such lame lies made the people even more angry. The pilots were voluntary. Could it be that the fighter jets were also "voluntary"?

The president you voted for actually wants to fool yourself? A large crowd gathered around the White House, shouting slogans for Roosevelt to get out.

And Congress was not idle either. After the last attack on the New Jersey, the isolationists in Congress proposed changing the neutrality bill back to the United Kingdom and no longer selling even one bullet or one barrel of oil to Britain. At that time, the number of people who agreed to this proposal did not reach 1/2 of the House and Senate. (The number of people who agree to each bill exceeds 1/2 of the number of members of the House of Representatives and the Senate. The draft will be sent to the president for his signature and becomes a law. If the president approves the law passed by both houses, he must sign, If it is not approved, it shall be returned together with his objections to the house in which the case was originally proposed. The house shall record the objections in detail in the minutes and then conduct reconsideration. If after reconsideration, two-thirds of the members of the house still If it agrees to pass the bill, the house shall send the bill together with the objection to the other house, which will also reconsider it. If the other house also passes it by a two-thirds majority, the bill will become law.)

This time, the congressmen were very angry about the president's move to bypass Congress. More than 1/2 of the people approved the proposal to change the neutrality bill, and it was officially submitted to President Roosevelt.

Isolationists in Congress clamored that if President Roosevelt did not agree to the proposal, they would initiate impeachment proceedings against the president. You must know that impeachment of the President of the United States is easy to say, but difficult to say. It's easy because the procedure is not complicated. As long as someone in the House of Representatives feels that the president is no good and wants to initiate impeachment of the president, everyone will vote after discussion. As long as more than half of the people believe that the president is nothing, the impeachment clause can be passed to start the formal impeachment process against the president.

The process then passes to the Senate, which will try the president. How to judge? Still vote. But this time the requirements are stricter. More than two-thirds of the senators must vote that the president is guilty. The president should stop doing this and step down.

As for why it is difficult to say, it is because there are only three presidents on the verge of impeachment in American history, and none of them stepped down because of successful impeachment.

The first person was Andrew Johnson, the 17th president. During the American Civil War, he was impeached for dismissing Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, which involved complex conflicts of interest between the north and the south. He was impeached in 1868 and was later impeached. The vote to impeach was not passed.

Second Bill Clinton; avoided impeachment due to insufficient votes in the 1999 trial.

The third person was Richard Nixon, the famous protagonist of the "Watergate Incident"; however, this president wisely chose to resign and step down, thus escaping the fate of being impeached and avoiding becoming the first American president to step down after being impeached.

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