This little girl named "Audrey Kathleen Ralston" was the later Audrey Hepburn.

Beauty, good temperament, kindness, and angelic quality constitute most people's evaluation of Audrey Hepburn.

Perfection has become the label of Audrey Hepburn.

In "Roman Holiday" filmed in 1953, Audrey Hepburn played the role of a princess who went on a private tour among the people. She was playful, cute, and full of life. Hepburn became famous overnight with this movie. After winning the Oscar, she was loved by the American audience and was known as "Angel". Coming to Hollywood" is an understatement.

Hepburn, who was only 24 years old at the time, starred in a heroine for the first time, and it was almost considered a true role. In the film, Anne was a princess of a small European country, noble, elegant, beautiful and charming. In real life, Hepburn was also a queen of a European aristocrat (her mother was Descendant of the Dutch aristocracy, with the title of Baroness, her family lineage can even be traced back to King Edward III of England), with elegant temperament and outstanding appearance.

This role conquered the discerning American audience for Hepburn, and opened a path to becoming a god with her youthful elegance.

And this also established Hepburn's public image. "My Fair Lady", "Breakfast at Tiffany's", "The Last Man" and "Holiday in Paris", although the character settings are all different, Hepburn on the screen is all the same playful, cute, elegant and charming. He is the best person to fall in love with the male protagonist.

It is precisely because of this that in Hepburn's acting career, almost all of the roles she can be remembered for were similar. Even though she was nominated for an Oscar out of five times, no one has ever taken the initiative to talk about the golden actresses of Hollywood in the 1950s. We talked about how good her acting skills were.

People talk about Hepburn's beauty, Hepburn's temperament, the charity work Hepburn did at the United Nations, and even Hepburn's hairstyle and skirts, but they never talk about her acting skills.

Speaking of her works, they always focus on the fledgling "Roman Holiday" and the large-scale advertising film "Breakfast at Tiffany's" invested by Givenchy.

In fact, Hepburn is not limited to playing pure and sweet sweet girls. In her more than ten years of acting career, she has also made some breakthroughs in roles, including "The Love of Two Sisters", which depicts the life of lesbians, and "Thriller Crime". "The Blind Girl" and so on.

Among them, "Psycho" is regarded as the pinnacle of Audrey Hepburn's acting skills. However, it is a pity that such a breakthrough work by Hepburn is not even as famous as the dress she wore in "Breakfast at Tiffany's" .

In other words, the audience doesn't care whether Hepburn's acting skills are good or not.

Hepburn became popular in the 1950s and 1960s. This period was the period when the happiness index in the United States was the highest. After World War II, the United States, as the victorious country, became the world's largest economy and the richest country in the world.

The nation has plenty of time to pursue perfection, better cars, better houses, better entertainment, and better women.

The appearance of Audrey Hepburn coincided with the perverted pursuit of perfection by Americans in the 1950s and 1960s.

He has impeccable appearance, elegant and charming temperament, and possesses the mystery of a declining aristocracy, but he is also kind, approachable, and even loves his family.

The audience was happy to see Hepburn wearing a beautiful dress and a delicate hairstyle on the screen, lingering in front of the luxury goods display window and then turning around and falling in love.

Men long to have such a perfect woman, and women long to be such a perfect woman.

Therefore, Hepburn became famous with a halo and became a perfect symbol. Her outfit became a fashion trend, and her hairstyle became the object of imitation by female stars in the following decades.

She is a pure beauty created by Hollywood, just like Hollywood also created the sexy beauty Marilyn Monroe.

But this crazy Hollywood star-making system has also limited her breakthrough in screen image to a certain extent, because the audience does not necessarily expect Hepburn to appear on the screen in another image.

So almost no one likes Hepburn's "Psycho" because the audience doesn't need this kind of Hepburn. Just like the audience couldn't accept that Shirley Temple turned from a little angel child star to a young woman in love with a man, they couldn't accept that the sexy but innocent screen Monroe really got together with Kennedy and claimed that she was gay.

Fortunately, Hepburn is as angelic as the public expected. Her screen image is surprisingly consistent with her personal life. She has done a lot of charity in her own name. As a public figure, she has always touched her fans with her positive image. There is almost no negative news.

For this reason, the female stars who became popular in the 1950s suffered a lot of public blows. Monroe even paid the price with her life. However, Hepburn has been hailed as an angel and goddess by the American people and the people around the world, and has never left. altar.

Now this little angel was standing in front of Yannick. Hearing Yannick say his name accurately, a look of confusion appeared on his young face. "you are?"

"Me?" Yannick thought for a moment. "I'm your father's friend."

Little Hepburn's eyes lit up and he asked eagerly. "Then do you know where my father is?"

Yannick shook his head. "Sorry, I haven't heard from your father for a long time."

Hearing that, little Hepburn's face suddenly darkened, and mist began to slowly gather in her eyes, turning into tears falling drop by drop. Yannick felt very distressed when she saw this, and quickly took out a handkerchief to wipe her tears. "Be good, don't cry. Brother, I will take you to eat delicious food." He took her hand and walked into KFC, finding a relatively secluded corner to sit down.

After a while, two guards brought two trays full of desserts. Yannick picked up the strawberry sundae and placed it in front of little Hepburn. "Come on, eat."

"Wow!" Little Hepburn asked in disbelief as he looked at the brightly colored strawberry sundae. "Can I really eat it?"

Yannick nodded. "Of course, eat it quickly or it will melt later."

Little Hepburn finally couldn't hold it back anymore, picked up a spoon, took a spoonful and put it into his mouth, his face suddenly filled with a happy expression.

"Is it tasty?"

"Delicious!" Little Hepburn nodded vigorously. "Brother, do you want to eat too?"

Yannick picked up a chicken wing, and Reinhard who was looking at it became anxious and said quickly. "Master..." According to security work requirements, Yannick cannot eat these outside foods casually.

Yannick waved his hand to signal him not to be too neurotic; Little Hepburn looked at Reinhard curiously, then at Yannick, and asked. "Brother, are you a big shot?"

Yannick smiled. "It's a bit old, Hepburn. Brother, I heard that you like ballet very much, right? Brother happens to know a very famous ballet academy. How about I send you there?"

Little Hepburn opened his mouth in surprise and quickly shook his head. "Mom said you can't accept favors for free."

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