Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 402: Operation Hunger (18)

The soldiers and horses have not moved, but the food and grass go first. No matter which country's elite troops they are, they must be well fed before they can fight.

Nowadays, the lifeline of the British Empire is being pinched, and it is being pinched tighter and tighter. Prime Minister Churchill, who was the former British Lord of the Admiralty, knows very well what this means. If they don't even have enough to eat, Britain itself will be defeated first without the German army taking over the British mainland.

Due to lack of supplies, many people can only eat bread and jam, without a balanced diet at all. If things continue like this, the British military and civilians will be seriously deficient in vitamins, protein and iron. Therefore, Churchill handed over the important task of ensuring that the people had enough food to the Minister of Agriculture, Sir Woolton, and the latter had to ask "nutritionists" for the first time: how to ensure human nutrition with as little food as possible?

Finally, after discussing multiple options, British leaders decided to implement a food rationing system across the country.

The core of this system is the rationing manual. The booklet identifies the holder's personal information, as well as a series of "food stamps." Depending on gender and age, everyone can get a designated amount of certain foods. For example, pregnant women and children can get extra milk stamps, and teenagers can eat extra oranges to supplement their vitamins as they grow taller.

In the beginning, not every food was limited. With the exception of bacon, sugar, and butter, other foods could still be purchased without restriction—if the family had enough spare cash and a refrigerator to store the food. However, the good times did not last long, and soon, meat was also restricted. Later, jams, syrups and other condiments were also added to the restricted list. The worst of all are the eggs. Although the government provides egg stamps, there are often no eggs in grain and oil stores.

The Spanish ambassador to the UK learned of this situation and took the initiative to come to the British Foreign Secretary Eden and said that Spain could provide a variety of food, including eggs.

Aiden was quite happy at first, but when he heard the other party's quotation, he almost kicked the Spanish ambassador out. The price of a raw egg was almost as high as that of a golden egg. Isn't this just Chi Guoguo taking advantage of the situation? ! Damn it!

Fortunately, the new battleship "Prince of Wales" and the aircraft carrier "Glorious" were finally completed at this time. In order to complete these two warships as soon as possible, we even had to stop other shipbuilding projects and use all the remaining materials on these two warships. They hurriedly and slowly rushed out.

Although the battleship still needs sea trials and various debuggings after it is completed, Churchill can't wait any longer. Maybe Britain will surrender by the time the sea trials are completed, and the warships will be useless. He couldn't wait to order the Prince of Wales, the aircraft carrier Glory and other battleships to form a fleet and head to Canada to escort a new batch of transportation formations.

The HMS Glorious aircraft carrier is equipped with the "Flannel" carrier-based fighter, which is the first fighter owned by the British Royal Navy that can rival the "Hurricane" and "Spitfire" owned by the Royal Air Force in terms of firepower and weight. Developed by Fairey Company, which is experienced in carrier-based aircraft design, although its design is slightly outdated, it at least provides the Royal Navy with a reliable, sturdy and long-range multi-purpose fighter.

In the original World War II, a total of 600 "Flans" were produced. Except for a small number of them equipped with the Royal Navy, most of them were in service with the Fleet Air Force. Due to its slow speed, it was gradually replaced by the advanced "Sea Spitfire" after 42 years, but for a period of time thereafter, it still exerted its residual heat in the second-line troops. Surprisingly, one-third of Fleet Air Arm's kills in World War II were achieved using Fulmars. Especially during Operation "Bearing", the "Flans" stationed on the aircraft carriers "Eagle", "Formidable" and "Glorious" shot down many enemy aircraft and made outstanding contributions to the successful conclusion of the operation.

That night, the fleet quietly sailed out of the port.

Captain Richie of the "Prince of Wales" stood on the bridge, looking at the dark night scene outside, feeling sad in his heart. Who would have thought that the Royal Navy of the British Empire would be reduced to such a secretive behavior.

But before he could continue to sigh, there was a sudden loud noise under his feet, and the entire battleship trembled violently. Everyone in the bridge lost their center of gravity and fell to the ground one after another.

Richie yelled as he finally got up. "what happened?!"

The vice-captain hurriedly contacted each cabin and reported. "Report! We seem to have hit a mine. There is a big hole in the bow and bilge, and water is entering!"

Richie suddenly became furious and yelled through gritted teeth. "What do the mine clearance teams do for food?! Send the person in charge to a military court!!"

After the last sneak attack on Scapa Flow, which caused heavy losses to the fleet, the British put strict precautions on every port. German submarines had no chance to sneak into the British ports to cause trouble. Mines could only be laid outside the ports, and the mines they laid could Not only old-fashioned anchor mines, but also new magnetic mines.

This kind of magnetic mine does not float in the water at a certain depth, but sinks to the bottom of the sea, so it cannot be detected by minesweepers. When an enemy ship passes over a mine, it can detonate the mine under the influence of the magnetic field. When it explodes on the seabed, the huge pressure generated can blow up enemy ships far away.

Warships are like floating "big magnets". Friends who are usually more attentive know that a screwdriver that is often knocked will be magnetic and can attract small screws and other parts. This is because steel contains countless tiny magnetic regions, and the earth is a big magnet, and the ground space is filled with magnetic fields. This magnetic field has a magnetic effect on the magnetic zones within the steel. When a collision occurs, the magnetic zones in the steel will be vibrated, and the magnetic zones will have a chance to loosen slightly, and the friction force will also be reduced due to the loosening. In this way, the magnetic zones will be twisted in the same direction by the magnetic force of the earth, so Magnetism is produced.

Ships take a long time to be built in shipyards. During this period of time, the steel plates and other iron blocks that make up the hull will be gradually magnetized by the earth's magnetic field due to frequent knocking, thus becoming magnetic. After the ship is launched into the water, it will become a large floating magnet. When a ship sails into waters where magnetic mines are deployed, the magnetic needle on the magnetic mine will rotate due to the magnetic field of the ship. When the detonation circuit is turned on, the mine will explode in a predetermined manner. Since magnetic mines do not require ships to directly touch the mine body, they can be deployed on the bottom of the water at an appropriate depth, and there is no need to use an iron cable to hold it. Obviously, magnetic phenomena greatly enhance the power and concealment of mines. The old methods of demining no longer apply.

Of course Captain Rich didn't know this. He thought it was the negligence of the minesweepers who failed to clear the water of mines, causing the ship to hit a mine.

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