Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 420: Roosevelt’s Worries

"There is oil in the Sirte Basin?!" Churchill read the message sent by Ambassador Samuel several times with disbelief and shouted. "How is it possible!! This is impossible!!"

In the mid-to-late 19th century, with the rise of the second industrial revolution represented by electricity and the internal combustion engine, oil has since entered the stage of history and played an irreplaceable role. Without oil factories, we cannot operate. Without oil, aircraft, warships, and mechanized troops are just a pile of scrap metal. Without oil, there will be no modern industry and a modern industrial power. Therefore, countries have launched fierce competition for oil resources.

As a colony spread all over the world, the British Empire was naturally keen on exploring oil. Although the British mainland and colonial oil production are not outstanding, the British have used their abundant capital and influence to penetrate into major oil fields in the world, and their presence can be seen from extraction, transportation to sales.

As for Libya, the Italians and even many British oil exploration experts also explored it in the early years, and concluded that Libya is a barren land without oil.

But why is oil suddenly discovered now? !

Or is it an oil field big enough to support a decade of war in Europe? !

"Oh God! Have you abandoned the British Empire?" Churchill groaned in pain, and Churchill slumped on his chair weakly.

After a while, he managed to cheer up and called his secretary to give instructions. "Cable President Roosevelt and send him this news." There is no hope for the Soviet Union's cheating. The only one that can help Britain now is the United States. After all, Roosevelt certainly does not want to see Germany dominate Europe.

After the secretary left, Churchill read the message again. "Flying bombs?" If according to Salazar, the number of such flying bombs is enough to bomb London for a year, then London must not be razed to the ground?

We must find a way to intercept such flying bombs. But Salazar's greedy guy will definitely ask for a high price. Britain has sent 470 tons of gold to Spain. When did the British Empire suffer such a loss? Thinking about it makes me hate it.

After thinking for a long time, Churchill issued another order. "Send a telegram to Ambassador Samuel. As long as the Spaniards can get a complete set of 'flying bomb' blueprints, the price is negotiable." As long as the Spanish can get the blueprints of such flying bombs, Britain can also produce them to fight back against Germany.

In the White House on the other side of the Atlantic, President Roosevelt was equally shocked when he received Churchill's telegram, and immediately came to Marshall to discuss the matter.

Marshall read the telegram with a heavy expression on his face. "If the Germans find enough oil, I think even if we join, it will be difficult to win." The industrial strength of the European continent is no less than that of the United States, and its population is much larger than that of the United Kingdom and the United States. Its weakness is the short-term resources, especially It is very dependent on imported oil, and there are also shortages of grain, cotton and non-ferrous metals.

Now that oil, the most important factor affecting the war, has been solved by the German army, it is really difficult to completely defeat Germany. "The best thing is to send bombers immediately to destroy the Libyan oil fields."

President Roosevelt sighed helplessly, why didn't he want to. But he doesn't dare to act rashly now. In a poll released by NBC two days ago, his public support rate was only 29%, a record low. As high as 66% of the American people do not support the Roosevelt administration.

As mentioned earlier, because Yannick took the lead in using various New Deal and reform methods in Germany during this time and space, Roosevelt's measures to save the American economy did not seem so novel. The opposition party sarcastically ridiculed Roosevelt as a "copycat" president. Even if a monkey sat on the presidential throne, he could do a better job than him.

Therefore, his approval rate is much lower than in the original time and space. Not long ago, the sinking of the USS New Jersey and the secret support for the British incident occurred, and his approval rate dropped steadily.

The proposal put forward by Congress to change back to the Neutrality Act has been placed in front of him. Although there has been no response so far, he cannot delay it for long. Maybe those isolationists will actually launch a motion to impeach the president.

"What a bunch of idiots!" Roosevelt cursed angrily without knowing who he was scolding. "These short-sighted fools only covet immediate interests and happiness. Don't they know that once Germany wins the European continent, it will be a disaster for the United States!"

Because the United States is far away from the traditional center of the earth, the Eurasian continental plate, and because of the huge size of its country, it occupies an absolute dominant position in the American continent. No country around the United States can threaten the national security of the United States, so the national security situation of the United States is much more stable than that of traditional Eurasian powers.

Militarily speaking, since the United States has few enemies on land. Therefore, the United States has historically been able to develop its navy first without any scruples, without having to invest heavily in army construction. As long as it controls the oceans, no country can threaten the security of the United States. This is a condition that the powerful countries in Eurasia do not have. After achieving naval hegemony, develop the army. The US military has never had to consider its own national security issues when fighting foreign wars, because it is located in the Americas and has a powerful navy. So he can deal with his enemies with all his strength. This kind of strategic advantage is not available to the powerful countries in the Eurasian continent. In World War I and World War II, the United States' territory was not attacked by any country, which is an obvious example. And this advantage is very huge. Especially in modern war, the demand for industry is huge, and the strategic advantage brought by an industrial system that is not attacked will be decisive. Once the war was over, the United States, with its industrial system unscathed, could easily economically colonize war-torn countries.

But this geographical advantage is also the Achilles heel of the United States.

Theoretically speaking, the United States is actually the edge of the world, not the center of the world. Because it is too far away from the World Island (Asia, Africa and Europe), it is easy to become isolated and closed. This shortcoming of being far away from the world island is the fundamental reason for the cultural and technological backwardness of the Native Americans - they have not been able to learn the most advanced cultural technologies of other civilizations on the earth for thousands of years, which caused the American civilization to still be in a state of decline when the Europeans discovered the American continent. At the end of the Stone Age.

Therefore, the United States cannot participate in the affairs of the Eurasian plate, and it is difficult to influence the politics and economy of the countries in the Eurasian plate.

This has been the case since the founding of the United States, so after the founding of the United States, it established the national policy of becoming a heavy industrial power. While the United Kingdom, the world's largest industrial country, was gradually abandoning heavy industry due to the huge benefits brought by financial hegemony, the United States, Japan, and Germany regarded heavy industry as the foundation of their country, and gradually caught up with and surpassed Britain. At this time, it was only a matter of time before the empire would fall.

However, the rise of heavy industry can only enable the United States to participate in international trade, but cannot participate in international politics, let alone have a say in the world.

So what can the United States do to gain world hegemony?

That is to use the contradictions in the Eurasian plate to establish a strategic fulcrum, participate in global affairs, and achieve world hegemony.

Once Europe is unified, will the United States still have the conditions to dominate the world?

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