Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 430 A Different Christmas

While the German soldiers were eating meat and drinking drinks, the atmosphere in the canteen of a recruit training camp across the strait in the UK was not very pleasant, even a little depressing.

"I wonder, is this for people to eat!?" A recruit couldn't help but cursed when he looked at the clear soup in his lunch box, which was almost the same as boiling water. What was even more disgusting was that the bread he was given had... There are a few mildew spots. "Yesterday there were some seaweed leaves, why did they become pig food today? Today is Christmas after all?!" Britain is a country with many holidays, and many traditional festivals and celebrations have been fixed to this day. According to incomplete statistics, the British celebrate more than 100 national and local religious or secular festivals a year, among which Christmas ranks among the top three.

But eating moldy bread on such an important holiday? !

The recruit couldn't help but grit his teeth, wondering if he would be hungry today if he threw the bread on the ground and stepped on it hard. When he heard a loud bang, someone had already put his idea into action.

A recruit with a scar on his face and an air of violence all over his body threw the entire lunch box to the ground and shouted dissatisfied. "! I haven't seen beans or luncheon meat in three days! Are you kidding me?!" Judging from his skillful and unpalatable swear words, he must have been a serious person before joining the army.

The other recruits were all simmering with anger. Now that they saw someone taking the lead, the other recruits couldn't stand it any longer. They all agreed, and the restaurant suddenly became lively.

It started with one person, then spread to two or three, and then to hundreds of people; many people overturned their lunch boxes.

"No noise! ​​No noise! ​​Sit back down! No trouble!"

The military police tried hard to maintain order in the cafeteria, but these people were not veterans who were used to obeying orders, but recruits who had just been recruited for a few days. Their wild nature had not yet been tamed, and it was impossible to remain calm.

They were extremely angry now. Lunch boxes were flying everywhere in the canteen, and some even punched the military policemen in front of them.

"Sir, those recruits are making trouble, and we can't control it at all!" A military policeman ran to find Philip, the top commander of the recruit training camp, hoping that he could find a way to suppress these recruits who were about to cause chaos.

Phillip had a headache and sighed helplessly. "I knew it would be like this." If possible, he wouldn't want the soldiers to eat big fish and meat. But now it’s really hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice!

He had already heard from his superiors about the lack of food. Half of the food transport fleet that was supposed to arrive at the port the day before yesterday was sunk in the sea due to the German interception at sea. The remaining grain could only be transported to Birmingham, where the shortage was even greater. After all, they at least still have moldy bread to eat here, but Birmingham is already out of food. If this batch of food is not allocated, the tragedy of cannibalism may really occur.

"Okay, let me go take a look." After adjusting his uniform, Phillip went to the canteen to straighten out the order. Even the military police were able to cause trouble when they were present. These new recruits were really lawless. It seemed that they could only severely punish a few of the people who took the lead in making trouble, just to scare the monkeys.

While he was thinking, he heard loud noises in the distance.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

"..." Suddenly hearing several crisp gunshots from the canteen, Phillip couldn't help but frowned, and a strong sense of uneasiness arose in his heart. He couldn't help but quicken his pace and came to the door of the cafeteria.

Before he could even enter, there was a crash, and everyone in the cafeteria rushed out.

"Stop!" Philip shouted, and the recruits seemed to be calmed down.

Philip looked at the first few people holding guns. Those guns originally belonged to the military police.

Phillip slowly moved his hand to the holster and scolded. "What do you want to do? Do you want to commit treason? Put down your guns!"

The leading recruits looked at each other, and the scarred one in the middle spat violently. "Damn it, so what if you treason?! Brothers, we have already killed the military police. If they are captured without mercy, it will definitely be a death penalty! If you rebel, you may still have a way to survive! Do you think you will rebel or not?!"

The people next to him immediately agreed. "Brothers, these officials clearly want us to die! If they don't give us food, it's obviously a waste! They don't regard us as human beings at all!!"

Philip was shocked. These people killed the gendarmes? His hand had already grasped the handle of the pistol, but the recruit on the opposite side had already raised his gun and pointed it at him.

"Wait!" Before Philip could finish his words, several people on the opposite side pulled the trigger without hesitation. Even these recruits couldn't miss it at such a close distance. At least five bullets penetrated Philip's body.

After killing all Philip's guards and the military police who came with them, the scarred man turned around and shouted loudly to a group of bewildered soldiers behind him. "Now we are on the same boat. As I said just now, we have killed the military police and these instructors. That is definitely a death penalty. Maybe some of you will think that you can get a lighter sentence because you didn't do anything. But you Do you think those officials will believe your confession?! If you feel okay, you can leave now. If you want to fight for yourself, then follow me, I promise to keep you alive!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at each other, whispered for a while, and then echoed loudly. "It's against! It's against!"

Scarface pointed at a few people and ordered. "Nilson, take people to control the arsenal! Nick, take control of the radio station!!"

The soldier standing next to him muttered after sending everyone away. "We have to contact China, right?"

Scarface nodded. "certainly."

The scarred man is called Andrew, and the man next to him is called Bishop. They are agents of the German intelligence agency. But it's not a high-level agent, just an ordinary nail. After coming to the UK for several years, Andrew became a local gangster, while Bishop worked as a teacher in a middle school.

Unexpectedly, during Churchill's crazy expansion of the army, they were semi-forced to join the army and come here. Of course, they can't be idle. They have been spreading "gossip" among the recruits that the British senior officials treat them as cannon fodder, suppressing military morale. But what happened today was completely beyond their expectations, and they had no choice but to contact China for help.

Soon, after a short battle, these "rebels" killed all the military police and instructors in the training camp, and assembled a battalion of new recruits.

Reinhard was stunned when he received this telegram from the UK.

Is there such an operation?

He did not dare to delay and immediately reported the matter to Yannick.

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