Seeing that the German emissary Jonas was about to throw away his sleeves angrily, Prime Minister de Valera hurriedly grabbed his arm. "Mr. Jonas, Mr. Jonas, don't be impulsive. Everything is negotiable. Everything is negotiable."

Jonas snorted coldly. "Discuss? What else is there to discuss?! What the Prime Minister should worry about now is whether the air-raid shelter is safe enough!"

"Mr. Jonas, don't get excited, don't get excited." De Valera finally persuaded Jonas, asked him to sit back on the sofa, and poured him a cup of tea herself. "Mr. Jonas, I just want to confirm that after England's defeat, will His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of your country really allow us to establish an independent country?"

Jonas frowned dissatisfied. "Of course our Highness is 'no joke'. Your country doesn't want to contribute, but it also wants to enjoy the benefits? How can there be such a good thing in the world?! There will be no good consequences if you have two boats!!"

Prime Minister de Valera shook his head in embarrassment. "Of course not, we will declare war on England."

Jonas asked urgently. "when?!"

Prime Minister de Valera thought for a moment. "Three days at most."

Jonas raised his eyebrows slightly. "Your country won't declare no war, right?"

"Of course not." Prime Minister de Valera shook his head hastily. "We also want to recover Northern Ireland as soon as possible and complete the reunification. But Mr. Jonas also knows that our army's equipment is not very advanced and can be said to be very backward."

Before the outbreak of World War II, although Ireland had complete autonomy and had its own army, due to its relatively weak national foundation and lack of support from the United Kingdom, most of the Irish army now holds German equipment captured in World War I, as well as Some of the outdated British military equipment, it can be said that the weapons of the Irish army are made by all countries. In some old photos from later generations, the Irish army during World War II can often be seen wearing old German M17 steel helmets.

Jonas nodded. "This is not a problem. We can provide a full set of weapons and equipment, ranging from pistols and rifles to tanks and aircraft. Of course, it is not free. Your country can choose to pay gold or use mineral resources as collateral."

Ireland is rich in mineral resources, which enabled its economy to develop rapidly after World War II and become one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. It is Europe's largest lead and zinc producer. Zinc production accounts for 3% of the world's total, lead production accounts for 2% of the world's total, and peat is widely distributed, accounting for approximately 13% of the country's area. Natural gas reserves are estimated at 38.2 billion cubic meters.

Prime Minister de Valera shrugged. "Our gold reserves are almost zero, and we can only trade them with minerals."

"Then I'll go back and draw up a contract, and we'll officially sign it tomorrow."

In fact, Yannick didn't intend to declare war on Ireland, he just wanted to scare them.

As mentioned earlier, there are tens of millions of Irish descendants in the United States, and even Roosevelt is of Irish descent. Once Germany declares war on Ireland, the tens of millions of people of Irish descent in the United States are likely to be incited, and Roosevelt will wake up laughing from his sleep.

The second reason is that Yannick is somewhat afraid of the notorious Irish Republican Army, which is the originator of terrorists!

The Irish Republican Army was founded in 1919, its predecessor was the Irish Volunteer Army. The purpose of its establishment was to hope that the armed forces would hinder the effective rule of the British government in Ireland in order to achieve the goal of Irish independence.

In order to seek independence and unify Ireland, the Irish Republican Army launched violent incidents at every turn, setting off bombs and so on... which made the British government very anxious.

In the 1970s, the Irish Republican Army's terrorist violence reached its peak. There was a schism within them. Some members of the Irish Republican Army advocated a parliamentary strategy for Irish reunification and the renunciation of force. The other group advocates the use of force and terrorism to seek reunification.

The division has weakened the strength of the Irish Republican Army, so those who advocate terrorism can only use more unscrupulous violent activities to gain a sense of existence, the so-called final madness of the battle between trapped beasts.

They planned a series of terrorist attacks known as the "Long War", including bomb attacks, assassinations and ambushes. These terrorist attacks not only occurred in the UK, but also spread to other parts of the European continent.

In the 1970s, the IRA received support from many Irish Americans, and with the funds, they purchased arms from Libya. Their powerful firepower allows them to carry out large-scale terrorist attacks.

From 1970 to 1997, there were bomb attacks in London almost every year. Such attacks reached their peak in 1992. Across London, there were 38 bomb attacks a year...

These attacks ranged from large to small, some were successfully defused by the police, and some only caused small explosions without causing casualties...

But among them, there are still several cases that have become the deepest pain in the hearts of the British people.

On July 2, 1970, the British police recovered 35 weapons and more than 20,000 rounds of ammunition from three locations including Hammersmith.

Three months later, a serious explosion occurred on the 33rd floor of the General Post Office Building...

This huge explosion seemed to be a warning of the difficult times for Britain during that period. Since then, Britain has been unrest for nearly 30 years.

On July 21, 1972, 19 bombs exploded in Belfast in less than an hour, killing nine people, including two soldiers and a 14-year-old boy, and injuring 130 others.

Three years later, on March 8, 1973, the Provisional IRA planted explosives on four cars in London. The explosion occurred near the British Crown Court and the Ministry of Agriculture. A man in his sixties was killed. More than 20 people were injured by the blown debris.

On November 21, 1974, a terrorist attack and explosion occurred in two pubs in Birmingham, injuring 182 people and killing 21 people.

In October 1974, a terrorist attack on a Guildford pub injured 65 people and killed four police officers and one civilian. On October 25, 1979, a bomb was maliciously dropped on a bar in London by terrorists. More than 70 people were eating in the small shop at that time. In the end, one person died and 15 others were injured.

These crazy guys even attacked the then British Prime Minister Mrs. Thatcher in 1984. A time bomb installed in the Brighton Hotel blew up the bathroom of Mrs. Thatcher's room, and then Mrs. Thatcher was escorted out by bodyguards. Leave in a hurry.

And these are just a microcosm of a series of atrocities committed by the Irish Republican Army. From the 1970s to the 21st century, the people of London and even the whole of Britain have been disturbed by these terrorist attacks.

Yannick didn't want to transfer all this hatred onto himself.

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