When Farouk was born, the old King Fuad was worried about having no heir. The king had given birth to a lot of daughters before, but at that time Egyptian law stipulated that daughters could not inherit the throne. Therefore, he was overjoyed by the birth of Farouk and celebrated with a big banquet for three days. Farouk became crown prince as soon as he was born.

In order to train Faruk into a wise king, the old king put a lot of effort into it. When he was 16 years old, he was sent to England for further study. But leaving the constraints of his father and being in the colorful world of London, Farouk obviously deviated from the path planned for him by the old king. During his several years studying in England, he was uneducated and spent his days gambling and hunting with the aristocratic children. In addition, he often hangs out with young girls and has had relationships with at least a dozen women.

After the death of the old kingdom, Farouk inherited the throne and at a young age owned a fortune of US$100 million, 200 cars and 50,000 acres of fertile land.

After inheriting the throne, Farooq became even more aggressive. He has more than a hundred regular lovers, including noble ladies, famous actors, folk beauties, and even more than a dozen prostitutes. In short, he doesn't mind as long as she looks beautiful. In addition, he often toured the country looking for beautiful women.

Rommel waved his hand and said pleasantly. "Get up, are these your family members?"

The soldier guarding next to him reported. "General, these women are his lovers."

"Lover? Are you married?"

Farooq nodded carefully as he stood up. "Done."

Rommel frowned slightly. "You still have so many lovers after you get married?"

When talking about this matter, Farooq, who had been trembling and frightened just now, became energetic. "Your Excellency, General, in my opinion, no one's love should be bound by any form, not even marriage." He said it plausibly, but he didn't want to dance with joy.

Rommel was a dedicated man. Since ancient times, beauties love heroes. Rommel is a household name in Germany, so naturally many beauties are attracted to him. However, Rommel always kept his integrity and remained loyal to his wife Lucy. Now that he heard this guy say such shameless words without feeling ashamed at all, Rommel's face suddenly darkened.

The adjutant on the side waved at the soldiers when he saw this. "Beat him and make him remember."

Several soldiers immediately pushed Farooq to the ground and beat and kicked him.

As a king, he has naturally been pampered since he was a child. He has never been beaten like this. Farouk was beaten until he cried like a ghost and begged for mercy.

Rommel waved his hand. "Okay, don't beat him to death. Egypt wants to sign a new treaty with Germany."

Farouk I, who was beaten with a bruised nose and face, was pulled up, and Rommel said coldly. "Faruk, are you willing to be loyal to Germany?"

Farooq was no fool and he immediately surrendered. "I am willing to take the whole of Egypt and pledge allegiance to Germany. I will immediately issue an announcement to inform the whole country." I couldn't help complaining in my heart that even if you don't fight, I still have to be loyal. This guy didn't even know why he was beaten like this.

As a dandy, he has no loyalty at all. Now, in order to survive, of course he will have nothing to do with Britain.

Rommel nodded. "From this moment on all treaties between Egypt and Great Britain are abrogated."

On August 26, 1936, Britain and Egypt concluded the Anglo-Egyptian Treaty of Alliance.

The treaty stipulates:

Britain was responsible for protecting Egypt from foreign aggression, and Egypt was placed under British administration during the war;

Britain ended its military occupation in Egypt and withdrew its troops, but it had the right to station 10,000 troops and 400 pilots in the Suez Canal;

The British Air Force has the right to fly in Egyptian airspace and use Egyptian airports;

Britain retained the naval base at Alexandria for 8 years;

Egypt can build an army, but it needs to buy British weapons and receive training from the British military delegation;

Abolition of extraterritoriality in Egypt;

Egypt joins the League of Nations; British High Commissioner becomes Ambassador;

Restore the 1899 Anglo-Egyptian Condominium Agreement in Sudan, allowing Egyptians to immigrate to Sudan;

Egypt may not enter into political alliances with other countries that conflict with this treaty.

"Okay, no problem." Faruk I nodded hurriedly. It's not about signing a treaty with anyone anyway, as long as he can save his life.

The adjutant took out a thick document from his bag and placed it in front of Faruk I.

King Farouk I read it over, and the content was almost a replica of the Egyptian-British Treaty, except that Britain was replaced by Germany.

When he turned to the last document, he couldn't help but be stunned. “Buy the Suez Canal for a billion Reichsmarks?”

In the 19th century, both Britain and France focused their expansion goals on the fertile East. France attempted to connect the Mediterranean and the Red Sea to the east and break Britain's control of the Cape of Good Hope shipping lanes. In order to safeguard its interests in the East, especially in India, Britain opposed the construction of canals and advocated building a railway along Cairo, Suez, Syria, the Euphrates River and the Persian Gulf to strengthen the connection between the East and the West.

In 1851, Britain obtained permission from Egypt to begin building railways. Not to be outdone, France gained Egypt's trust through deception, signed a concession contract with Egypt on the construction and use of the Suez Canal in 1854, and established the "Universal Suez Maritime Canal Company" in 1857.

In the spring of 1859, the Suez Canal officially broke ground, employing hundreds of thousands of Egyptian migrant workers. More than 100,000 people lost their lives during the construction of the canal in Suez, where cholera was rampant. After 10 years of arduous construction, the Suez Canal was officially opened to navigation in November 1869.

The extremely important geographical location of the Suez Canal made the British rulers covet it. In November 1874, the Egyptian government was heavily in debt due to the construction of the canal, which cost 12 million pounds. It had a serious financial crisis, so it had to decide to sell 44% of its shares in the Suez Canal Company. Seeing an opportunity, Britain tried its best to prevent Egypt from selling its shares to France. Subsequently, the British government used various means to obtain the shares of the Suez Canal Company. Eventually, the Suez Canal became the private property of Britain and France.

Then, relying on its strong military strength, Britain occupied Egypt in 1882, completely controlled the Suez Canal, and established the largest overseas military base in the canal area, stationing nearly 100,000 troops.

Because the Suez Canal directly affects the interests of countries around the world, Western countries unanimously opposed Britain's ambitions. In 1888, several Western countries concluded the Convention of Constantinople, which stipulated that the safety and free navigation of the Suez Canal must be guaranteed. The United Kingdom did not officially join the Convention until 1904, but it continued to station a large number of troops in the Canal Zone.

In 1914, when World War I broke out, Germany ordered the Turkish army to attack Egypt to seize the canal, but failed. After Britain recognized Egypt's independence in 1922, it still retained the right to station troops in the Canal Zone.

When Italy invaded Ethiopia, the British used the pretext of protecting Egypt's "security" and "stability" to force Egypt to sign a 20-year Anglo-Egyptian Alliance Treaty in 1936, which stipulated that British troops would continue to be stationed in the canal zone and Alexandria would remain a British military port, etc.

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