Yannick sighed softly. "If the United States joins the war, it will be really troublesome."

"??" Elder Bloom glanced at him in surprise. The United States' participation in the war was just "a little troublesome"?

Before World War II, although the United States was not as good as the old capitalist countries such as Britain and France in political status, it was actually the world's largest economy. Both industrial production capacity and economic aggregate rank first in the world. In 1939, the industrial output value of the United States accounted for 7% of the world's total, the total economic volume was close to 100 billion US dollars, and the gold foreign exchange reserves accounted for half of the world. Its strong strength left other countries in the dust.

Taking steel production as an example, although the U.S. economy was severely hit by the Great Depression and half of the blast furnace production was suspended, the U.S. steel production capacity still hovers around 23-35 million tons.

In terms of energy, the United States controls the emerging resources of oil at home and in the Gulf of Mexico. It is the country with the largest oil production in the world. The United States accounts for more than half of the world's oil production, reaching 60,000 tons in 1939.

Such a country with terrible potential is just a "little troublesome" in the eyes of His Highness?

Are you arrogant or confident?

Looking at Elder Bloom's surprised expression, Yannick couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart. Who else understands the terrifying war potential of the United States better than him?

During World War II, the United States produced 80 million tons of steel, which was more than Germany, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, Japan, and Italy combined. In 1945, U.S. steel production accounted for 92% of the world's total production. The United States also accounts for more than half of the world's oil production. At its peak, it once accounted for more than 70% of the world's total production. There is simply no shortage of oil and petroleum products. The United States is also the world's largest food producer and exporter. Not only does American food supply its allies, the excess is also used to produce alcohol and other materials to reduce inventories and food surpluses. American canned beef makes American soldiers want to vomit. , Bread and cheese can be made at will, and only the United States dares to be so willful.

The United States produced 40,000 aircraft, including 19,256 B-24 heavy bombers alone. When the overwhelming fleet of aircraft flies by, the momentum alone is enough to make the opponent tremble.

It produced 840,000 tanks and self-propelled artillery, 230,000 vehicles of various types, and 20,000 artillery pieces. Chrysler alone produced 40,000 tanks, almost as much as Germany, Italy, and Japan combined. It is known as the fifth industrial power in the world. Japan's tank production is a fraction of that of the United States.

The United States has produced more than 150 aircraft carriers (including more than 30 to assist the United Kingdom), 58 battleships and cruisers, nearly a thousand destroyers and frigates, and more than 200 submarines. In addition, there are 64,500 landing craft and a large number of various auxiliary vessels. U.S. shipbuilding is like making dumplings, the more it fights, the more it gets. It wasn't that the U.S. deliberately reduced production in the late World War II, and the number of U.S. ships was even greater.

In addition to military supplies, the United States also produces large quantities of non-military supplies such as Coca-Cola and chocolate. During World War II, the United States produced more than 10 billion bottles of Coca-Cola, which was something other countries dared not think of. At that time, countries did not even have enough to eat, let alone drink Coca-Cola. In the late World War II, due to overcapacity in the military industry, many military industry companies had to reduce production or shift to civilian industry. Many unused materials and equipment were even discarded directly. When people see the mountains of surplus materials in the United States, people realize how powerful the industry is in the United States and what a true industrial power is.

Although he knew that the United States was terrible, he could not directly say, "The United States is too terrible. If the United States joins the war, I will surrender directly!" He could only pretend not to care.

Just as Yanik was sighing in his heart, Elder Bloom took something wrapped in a handkerchief from his arms and placed it on the table. He opened the handkerchief carefully, as if there was something extremely precious inside.

Yannick couldn't help but wonder what it was. When he opened it completely, he saw a dark yellow cloth inside?

Elder Broome pushed the handkerchief forward. "This is a small gift prepared to congratulate His Highness on winning Egypt. Please accept it."

"What is this?" Yannick couldn't help but asked out of curiosity.

Elder Bloom said with a mysterious face. "This is a treasure map of the French Knights Templar's treasure."

"Ha!" Yannick was really surprised.

There are many records in various historical and related ancient books that the French Knights Templar hid a large number of treasures, but these treasures were not found until later generations and became an unsolved mystery.

The so-called Knights Templar are a religious military order initiated by several fallen knights in France in 1119 to protect pilgrims and defend the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem established during the First Crusade. Because the order is headquartered in the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, it is called the "Knights Templar".

After the establishment of the Knights Templar, they accumulated considerable wealth due to their extortion of Catholics and Christians, as well as the continuous donations from pilgrims and various gifts from the Pope. They owned fiefs and castles, opened banks for pilgrims and kings, and were the early bankers in Europe.

These people lived a luxurious life, were greedy, keen on occult arts, and conspired to participate in political activities. They finally aroused the dissatisfaction of kings and other religious orders in Europe and were denounced as heretics. In 1312, Pope Clement V had to formally announce the dissolution of the Knights Templar.

On October 5, 1307, King Philip IV of France ordered the arrest of all Knights Templar in France. The French king wanted to attack the Knights Templar and confiscate their wealth to subsidize the increasingly difficult financial expenses.

However, the Knights Templar cleverly hid a large amount of wealth (some people say that the Pope quietly tipped off the Knights Templar a few days before the French king took action).

According to several historians and folklore, when Jacques de Molay, the high priest of the Knights Templar, learned from prison that the French king wanted to completely destroy the order, he took drastic measures in order to save the Templars. "Traditional and noble fundamental teachings" of the regiment. He called his nephew, the young Count Quiche de Beauge, to prison, let the count secretly inherit the position of high priest, and asked the count to swear to save the Knights Templar and preserve its treasures until the "end of the world."

He then told the count: "In the tomb of my former high priest, whose body is no longer there, there are archives of the Knights Templar. Through these archives, many holy objects and treasures can be found. With this treasure can be freed from non-Christian influences. This treasure was taken from the Holy Land and included: the crowns of the kings of Jerusalem, the 7-branched candlestick of Solomon, and the 4 golden gospels with illustrations by St. Sepulchre. However, the Temple The main money of the Knights is still elsewhere, in the two large pillars of the altar at the entrance to the tombs of the high priests. The tops of these pillars can rotate on their own, and the huge savings of the Knights Templar are hidden in the hollow pillars. Treasure.”

In 1314, after the high priest Jacques de Molay was executed by the French king, the Count of Chichet de Beauge established an organization of "pure architects" and asked the French king for permission to bury Molay's body in another place. The king agreed. So Beauje took the opportunity to remove gold, silver and precious stones from the large pillars of the Templar church. He hid these treasures in a coffin, perhaps in a few boxes, and moved them to a safe place known only to a few confidants.

Because the Knights Templar have been keen on occult arts for a long time, they have their own unique set of mysterious symbology. It is said that they used this symbolism and secret religious rituals to hide and retrieve their treasures. Because of this, there are still different opinions on the whereabouts of the huge treasure of the Knights Templar, which has become an intractable historical mystery.

It is said that there are other treasures that may be hidden by the Templars in Balzas-Agen, France, and near the small village of Lacolle in Indre-royal. The mysterious symbols of the Knights Templar are also engraved on the walls of Valcooz Castle in the French city of Var, and there are also legends about the Knights Templar hiding treasures there.

According to French historian Jean Marcelo, Templar treasures may also be found in Marche, Touraine, France, which was formerly the site of the Templars' "Crypt of Gold and Cylinders of Silver." . The Knights Templar's trusted members knew how to withdraw the necessary funds when needed, and would hide the new money when they were ordered to do so.

Yannick picked up the yellow piece of cloth and found that it was not cloth, but the skin of some kind of animal; it was densely covered with various characters and symbols that he could not understand. Just when I was about to ask how to find treasure with this thing, I saw a map drawn on the handkerchief. "Rosslyn Chapel, Edinburgh, Scotland? Treasure buried in Rosslyn Chapel?"

Elder Broome nodded. "Exactly."

Yannick thought for a while and asked. "Now that you know the exact location, why haven't you dug up the treasure?"

Elder Bloom said rather helplessly. "We have also thought about it, but this church is a local cultural relic and the local government will not sell it or allow it to be destroyed."

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