The oven and meat skewers were from the restaurant, and she brought them into the space with her mind, as well as the charcoal fire, screens, seasonings and other necessary barbecue items.

She packed up the fish she caught last night, scored a few cuts on the back of the fish with a knife, and brushed it with salt and pepper to add more flavor when grilled.

Some shellfish were soaked in salt water so that they could spit out the sediment.

Meat skewers, fish and shrimp were not enough. She also needed some vegetables to relieve the greasiness. She ran to the field and picked a few eggplants, dug out a few sweet potatoes and white potatoes, washed them, cut them into thin slices, and prepared them to be placed on the mesh later. bake.

After everything was ready, she started to grill. After a while, the aroma of meat skewers filled the space, causing a clear stream to flow from the parrot's pointed mouth, and he looked at the meat skewers with long eyebrows. Scratching his ears and cheeks, even the usually calm Turtle Master slowly crawled over and sniffed around the oven.

"Okay, let's try it and see if it tastes good!"

Caiwei put the first batch of grilled meat skewers on a plate and placed it on the grass.

Several mythical beasts immediately began to eat without any image. The strings of meat skewers shining with oil and wrapped in various seasonings were more delicious than anything they had eaten before; there were also grilled fish, Grilled to a golden color, the fish skin is still boiling with oil, and the fish belly is stuffed with seasoned vegetables such as coriander and scallions. It's charred on the outside and tender on the inside. You can't get enough of it.

"Master, barbecue is so delicious. It's amazing that you can think of this way to eat it!"

"Master, my admiration for you is like a torrential river, continuous..."

Several mythical beasts never thought that something they had regarded as so ordinary before could taste so delicious.

For example, the way to eat sweet potatoes and white potatoes is to dig them out of the soil, wash them and then eat them. Kame Daisen is more particular than them, but he can only cook them and eat them.

But the owner's method is to cut them into thin slices, brush them with honey, sprinkle with sesame seeds, and when they are almost roasted, apply soy sauce, sprinkle with cumin and salt, it is really delicious and delicious. , sweet and delicious.

The roasting method of eggplant is even more strange. Cut the eggplant in half vertically, place it on a mesh, sprinkle minced coriander, minced garlic, minced green onion and salt noodles on the eggplant flesh, and roast it slowly. Ripe and roasted eggplants have an indescribable fragrance. When you eat them, you will have endless aftertaste!

They ate this meal very happily and ate too much. Even the old turtle, who always paid attention to health and only ate seven-tenths of the food at each meal, hiccupped repeatedly. The parrot lay on the ground, unable to move. She was holding her stomach and kept shouting "hold on".

The grass was in a mess. Caiwei prepared a lot and brought out a portion of the white-haired tiger, but the white-haired tiger refused to eat the cooked food, so she planned to take the rest back and feed it to the monster at home.

The monster is very picky about food, whether it is hot or cold, salty or nutritious, and is not careless at all. Unexpectedly, he is very fond of the barbecue Caiwei brought back. With Caiwei's help, he ate a lot happily.

After the meal, Caiwei helped him apply medicine again, because in comparison with the previous 'urination' incident, applying medicine was nothing. She washed her hands and sat calmly by the couch. He took the box of milky white ointment and applied it evenly on the man's wound.

The place where the girl's fingertips touch the wound is slightly hot, itchy, numb, and very comfortable, as if someone is gently stroking it with a feather.

Nangong Yi lay on the couch comfortably, closing his eyes and falling asleep, his deep eyes blocked by his long eyelashes.

Caiwei was just busy, never thinking that she was being spied on.

At this time, she was pouting, frowning, tilting her head slightly, concentrating on applying medicine to the man's wound, with a serious expression, and there was no trace of impurities in her eyes as clear as a stream, as if she was being Doing the most important thing in the world! Those soft little hands moved around the wound gently and neatly, like butterfly wings passing by, it was so comfortable that it made your heart tremble!

Someone once said that serious women are the most beautiful, and Nangong Yi sincerely admitted this at this time.

Although the other party is only thirteen years old, although she looks like a child who has just grown up, and although she neither knows how to dress up nor is gentle, in his eyes, at this time, she is more beautiful than any other noble girl. It’s a hundred times a thousand times more beautiful!

While I was thinking about it, the girl's voice suddenly sounded.


Caiwei wiped her hands, took out the oral elixir given by Old Turtle, and brought it to his mouth: "Don't sleep yet. Open your eyes. It's not too late to take the medicine before going to sleep."

The man slowly opened his eyes with a charming smile: "Weier is really considerate!"

Caiwei snorted coldly and said, "I just want you to get better quickly and leave as soon as possible. As for being considerate, you are too caring."

The man choked and then laughed helplessly. Although the girl's words did not please him, he was helpless because what he liked was her fiery and stubborn temperament!

As soon as it got dark, my mother came back with Fei'er and the others. Jiu Jin was very obedient. As expected, she went to the nursing home before sunset. When my mother and several children were picked up and returned home, the sun was setting.

Hearing the sound of her mother entering the house, Caiwei was afraid that someone would bump into her room, so she hurriedly welcomed them out, greeted them and led them directly to her mother's big house, and pointed out to them the rewards they received in An's mansion today one by one. .

Du Shi saw the two pieces of satin and liked them very much. They were both of the best quality. One was silver-red dark flower mud gold cloud brocade, and the other was autumn-colored Ruyi moire satin. They were just right for Wei'er and Feier's age. , because her red dress was not good, she was afraid of ruining the good stuff, so she discussed with her daughter and planned to find a tailor from a clothing store to help with the tailoring tomorrow.

Caiwei just wanted to go to the clothing store and buy some clothes for the monster. The monster was seriously injured and couldn't leave for a while. If she saw that dazzling picture of a naked man when she came home every day, she wouldn't be able to save herself. That’s when I got a needle’s eye!

Fei'er liked Caiwei's pair of pearl-encrusted gold earrings very much. Caiwei happened to want to buy her some jewelry, so she happily borrowed flowers to offer to Buddha and gave her the pair of earrings, along with some of the ones she got. I took out rings, earrings and other items and gave them to my mother and Caifei.

The girls chatted for a while, and it was getting late. Wen'er and Wu'er got up early in the morning, so they were sitting on the couch now, their little bodies shaking constantly from sleepiness, and the little braids on their heads were also shaking. Down and down.

Seeing that it was getting late, Mrs. Du urged her daughters to go back to bed.

Fei'er breathed a sigh of relief and said lazily: "Today, my mother and I are helping those orphans bathe in the nursing home, but I'm exhausted, so I'd better go to bed early!"

Caiwei froze, and a serious question loomed before her: How should she sleep?

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