Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 308 The second update of the marriage between the two countries (2)

After saying that, he slammed forward and hit the man's nose with his forehead.

This is the most common trick in modern women's self-defense. It is used to deal with harassment from men. It has been tried and tested repeatedly.

Saknu was suddenly hit by her and his nose was sore. He subconsciously let go of her and covered his sore nose.

Caiwei took the opportunity to jump off her horse, grabbed a handful of psychedelic powder and threw it towards him.

Saknu was sneak-attacked by Caiwei once, and he had already learned his lesson. When he saw Caiwei throwing something towards him, he knew it must not be a good thing, so he quickly raised his arms to block Caiwei's incoming powder.

The medicinal powder was blocked by his two horizontal arms, and fell down one after another, onto the head of the bloody horse. The horse suddenly neighed as if it had been beaten with chicken blood, and raised its hoof like an arrow. rushed out.

"Hahaha, the word "sex" has a knife on your head, you're a barbarian, go to hell!"

Caiwei laughed out of hatred.

The effect of the psychedelic drug lasts for a long time. This horse is galloping so fast that it may not be able to stop for a whole day and a night. But this is a thousand-mile horse. A day and a night's journey will take the barbarian to where?

After sending Saknu away, Caiwei felt much better.

Caiwei had lost all the sixteen buns she bought because she had been kidnapped and was slightly frightened just now. She followed the original route to find her lost buns, but after searching for a long time, she finally I couldn't find it either, I'm afraid someone picked it up.

She had no choice but to buy some other food, because she was afraid that her mother would be worried and the children would starve, so she hurried back to the hospital.

As soon as I returned to the hospital and entered the door, I saw Cai Fei and Wu'er standing guard in front of my father's hospital bed, crying and wiping away tears.

Caiwei said in shock: "It's so good, what's going on?"

When Cai Fei and Wu Er saw Cai Wei back, they both held back their tears in surprise, rushed towards her, hugged her and cried and laughed.

"Sister, are you kidnapped by that Liaodan man? Why are you back?"

"Sister, are you injured? How did you escape? That Liaodan man looks so scary!"

Caiwei raised her forehead and said, "Who did you listen to? Am I not doing well? By the way, where is mother? Where is Wen'er?"

Caifei sobbed and said: "Just now, a little boy came to report that my eldest sister had been kidnapped by that Liaodan man. We were frightened. Mother and Wen'er ran to the county government to file a complaint..."

When Caiwei heard this, she knew it must be the letter from the little boy who bought the buns. She couldn't help but praise the little boy for his kindness and cleverness, but she also felt troubled by his good intentions and bad deeds. She originally didn't want her family to know about this, lest they worry or worry about it, but now that they knew about it, she was worried about what her mother would think.

When I thought that my mother and Wen'er were still in the county government office, I hurriedly told Caifei and hurried to the county government office to find someone.

Halfway through, she happened to meet her mother, Wen'er and several government servants walking in a hurry. When she saw Caiwei, Mrs. Du rushed forward to ask as if she had seen a living treasure.

Caiwei was afraid that she would worry, so she evaded the important point and said a few words. She only said that she was kidnapped and was later released, but she did not mention the man's brutal and powerless treatment of her and her revenge on the man!

Seeing that she was back, several government officials were happy to skip the trip. After receiving Caiwei's reward of a few coins, they happily hurried back to resume their duties.

As soon as the yamen officer left, Mrs. Du took Caiwei's hand and said with distressed tears, "Tell me the truth, have you been... bullied by that person..."

Caiwei couldn't laugh or cry and said, "Mom, don't you think this is a good thing for me? Which girl have you seen who was just bullied and walked around the street alive and kicking?"

Mrs. Du heard what she said was reasonable, so she wiped the tears from her cheeks and said, "Mom will go to the clothing store later and buy a gauze hat for you and Mayfair. From now on, you will always wear a gauze hat when you go out, so as not to cause trouble."

Caiwei smiled softly and said, "Okay, listen to me."

Wen'er, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said: "When we enter Beijing, I will definitely learn from the master and never let my parents and sister be bullied again!"

There were sparks of hatred in his eyes. The fact that his family was bullied today and the kidnapping of his family two days ago had a great impact on him. He felt more and more that Bai Yi was a scholar. Decided to abandon literature and practice martial arts and become a man who is feared by all the bad guys in the world.

When Caiwei heard that he had not forgotten about asking Nangong Yi to practice martial arts, she thought darkly in her heart that when they arrived in the capital, she would never let them have a chance to meet!

At night, Mu Zhongqing woke up. The century-old ginseng was indeed very useful. At noon, his face was still green and he looked like he was dying. At night, there was a trace of blood on his cheeks.

"Weier, are you... okay..."

As soon as Mu Zhongqing woke up, he hurriedly looked at his daughter and felt relieved when he saw her sitting there unharmed.

"Dad, I'm fine. But dad was seriously injured because of me, which really makes my daughter heartbroken."

Caiwei held the medicine bowl and fed her father medicine while saying guiltily,

Mu Zhongqing smiled weakly and said, "Dad is useless. I can't protect you, but I have to rely on you to protect dad. In my heart... it's really..."

Caiwei smiled and said: "Look what dad said, if dad is useless, how can he give birth to such good children as our siblings? Having such good children like us is enough to prove that dad is very useful!"

Mu Zhongqing was originally full of sadness and was going to cry with emotion, but when Caiwei slapped him, all his sadness suddenly disappeared and he started laughing along with everyone else.

When Caiwei saw everyone laughing, she got up and started to prepare, took out the food she bought and gave everyone extra meals.

In the evening, Caiwei wrote down the names of a few dishes, gave the waiter in the pharmacy a few coins, and asked him to go to a nearby restaurant and buy those dishes back according to the menu.

The waiter took the money and went there happily. When he came back, he brought back steaming, fragrant and delicious food, and also brought back a piece of gossip.

I heard that the Liaodan Kingdom was preparing for a marriage between the Jin Kingdom and the Jin Kingdom, and asked the eldest prince of the Liaodan Kingdom to marry Princess Chaoyang, the legitimate daughter of the Queen of the Jin Kingdom.

When Caiwei heard the news, she pondered: the direct princess of the Jin Dynasty should be the evildoer's sister. Could his mother be willing to marry her daughter so far away? And that monster looks like he respects his mother and loves his sister very much. Can he agree to his father marrying his sister to a foreign country?

"Weier, what are you thinking about? Come and eat!" Du Shi greeted, setting out the bowls, chopsticks and the food bought by the waiter.

Caiwei retracted her thoughts and went to the table to eat.

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