Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 386 Buying Zhuangzi (2)

In the back kitchen, Uncle Zhang and his wife, Sister-in-law Liu, Chun Liu, and the three wives were so busy that they couldn't even lift their heads. Fortunately, there were a few more of them, otherwise they would have been too busy!

However, everyone is happy that the restaurant's business is booming. After all, they earn commission from the restaurant.

"Hey, when the young lady hired people, she said they would be given commissions, but many people were still unwilling to come. Today I met my mother-in-law. She heard that I could earn more than 200 yuan a day, and she almost regretted it. Qing, when the eldest lady hired someone, she was the first one chosen, but it's a pity she didn't come!"

A woman was chattering as she walked around.

"Yes, if our restaurant can continue to be prosperous like this, we ladies will be able to earn seven or eight yuan of money every month, and we will be able to earn money for future pensions and life materials. " Another woman agreed. explain.

After hearing this, Chunliu looked at the woman who was speaking, and said with a smile: "You are only in your forties now, and your body is still strong. Why did you think of shrouds and longevity materials so early? You are so unlucky!"

The woman smiled and said, "If you don't have long-term worries, you will always have immediate worries. In my opinion, little girl, you should save some money for yourself to buy a dowry. Otherwise, when you get married, you won't have much decent dowry." , my husband’s family can’t treat you well either.”

Chunliu's face turned red after hearing this, and she gradually lowered her head in shame and stopped talking.

Aunt Zhang glanced at Chunliu and said to the old woman: "As the saying goes, a good man does not live in separate families, and a good woman does not wear wedding clothes. Only those families with no backbone can expect a dowry from their daughter-in-law." Woolen cloth!"

Everyone saw Aunt Zhang helping Chunliu speak, and everyone knew that the pillars in Aunt Zhang's house were about the same age as Chunliu, so they all understood, smiled, and changed the subject.

Over there, after Mu Zhongqing and Caiwei had dinner with Jiang Zhongren, they went to look at the cabinet and saw that Chaoyun had calculated the accounts clearly and remembered every account clearly, as if he was born to be a shopkeeper. , I feel comfortable being the shopkeeper.

Seeing this scene, Mu Zhongqing felt relieved and sat in Jiang Zhongren's car with his daughter to go to the suburbs to see the village.

The village is located in the southern suburbs of the capital, more than 20 miles away from the capital and less than three miles away from the royal hunting ground. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers. A wide river flows in front of the village. The river water can be used to irrigate the village. crops.

Behind, there are endless virgin forests and mountains, which are the royal hunting grounds. The hunting ground is very large. From a distance, the mountains are green and the trees are shady. Countless wild animals live there and multiply endlessly from generation to generation.

To the left and right are the farmlands in Zhuangzi. It's not yet time for sowing, but the vast fields are filled with green weeds and colorful wildflowers. The breeze blows, and a cool air unique to the wild blows towards the face, carrying the fragrance of wild flowers and grass, which makes the listener intoxicated.

The carriage rolled and walked on the path in the field. Caiwei was intoxicated in this leisurely pastoral scenery.

Imagine walking with your family on the paths in the fields every day, breathing the freshest air, feeling the warmest pastoral scenery, drinking the dew of magnolias in the morning, dining with fallen chrysanthemums in the evening, and living in such slow-paced countryside. How pleasant life must be!

Mu Zhongqing was also attracted by this wonderful natural scenery. If there were no wild beasts coming out to harm people, maybe he would be the first to decide to buy this village.

When they arrived at the village, the father and daughter looked around again, feeling increasingly satisfied.

Zhuangzi is a large blue brick house with three entrances. It is spacious and bright, with fifteen main rooms in the front and back, dozens of side rooms, and warehouses, utility rooms, etc. in the back.

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