Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 413 Methods to restore space (2)

She made up her mind that after finishing the Queen's affairs, she must find every possible way to find the spiritual treasure and restore the space as soon as possible, so that the mythical beasts would lessen the pain of aging.

In a second-entry house in Jinluo Lane

Zhang Biaotou's family was packing their things happily.

Early tomorrow morning, they will leave here and live in a village in the southern suburbs. It is said that the village is surrounded by mountains and rivers, has picturesque scenery, and is spacious and bright. It is the ideal place to escape from the world that they dream of.

The Zhang family never dreamed that one day their dream would come true.

Ever since the escort was intercepted, the whole family's life has collapsed. They thought that what awaited them would be a tragic end of family ruin and death. Who would have thought that not only were the five brothers safe and sound, but they would also be a blessing in disguise and enjoy the unexpected joy of spending the rest of their lives in a paradise!

All of this is thanks to Miss Mu. It can be said that Miss Mu’s kindness to their family is beyond heaven. The family has also made up their mind that from now on, the whole family will swear allegiance to Miss Mu. Miss Mu is following the lead!

When Caiwei came, the things in the house were almost packed. Captain Zhang had already told my mother and his wife and brothers-in-law to help Caiwei make snacks. My mother, wife and brothers-in-law all agreed in unison, but they couldn't stop. They are willing to accept Miss Caiwei's monthly supplement of ten taels of silver.

It was a rare opportunity for them to repay Miss Mu's kindness, so how could they accept any money from her? Moreover, the family was originally a bodyguard and ran the only bodyguard agency in Qingyun Town, so there was no shortage of money at all. Furthermore, the family would live together in the future. In Zhuangzi, you don't have to spend money on food and drink at all, so why do you need a girl's ten taels of silver?

However, Head Guard Zhang told them about Caiwei's personality and said that if they didn't charge, Caiwei might not use them to make snacks, so they reluctantly agreed.

However, everyone is determined to do their best to make every piece of snack every day, and to make as many snacks as possible so that the girl's snacks can sell well and be available for sale!

Seeing Caiwei coming, the family naturally welcomed her warmly. Caiwei said hello to everyone in a friendly manner and explained her purpose of coming. The old lady immediately went to the battle in person, leading her daughters-in-law and grandchildren to wash their hands and accompany them. Caiwei came to the kitchen and together they learned the method of baking snacks that Caiwei gave them.

In fact, those kinds of snacks are not difficult to learn. As long as you master the ratio of ingredients and control the heat, you can bake them quickly.

However, Zhang's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law took this matter very seriously, for fear of making any mistakes. In order to bake the same snacks as the girl, the six of them were divided into three groups, two in a group, and each group learned the same thing. Even the ten-year-old granddaughter stayed by Caiwei's side, holding a pen and paper to record in detail how to make each snack.

Everyone studied hard, and Caiwei also taught hard. After teaching the three snack making methods, it was already very late outside. Caiwei looked at the sky and made plans to go back. Mrs. Zhang saw that it was already late. , Caiwei was the daughter of a boudoir, and it was not easy to stay outside for too long, so she did not try to persuade her to stay, so she sent her eldest son to drive, and her second and third sons to escort Caiwei all the way back to Anguo Gongfu.

When she got home, it was already Xu time. Caiwei thought that at this time, her family must have rested. Unexpectedly, when she got home, no one in the family fell asleep, and they were all waiting for her.

"Where have you been? Why did you come back? Do you know how worried your mother is about you?"

As soon as she entered the door, Du Shi complained.

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