Invisibly, their aunt has become their role model, and marrying a man who can bring them glory, status, and wealth has become their life goal that they strive for unremittingly.

This room

When Du Wanqiu heard Du Wanru's words "can't marry", she felt as if she had been stabbed in the lungs. Her face turned red. She held the chopsticks in her jade hand and almost broke the ivory and silver-inlaid ebony chopsticks. Generally speaking, he gritted his teeth for a long time and suddenly laughed softly.

"Since the two sisters want to enter the palace so much to have a long experience, my sister will naturally help you. I will definitely take you into the palace tomorrow. But since you are going to replace my maid in the palace, you must let your sister serve me. , when the time comes, if there is anything that offends the sisters, I hope the two sisters will forgive me!"

These words, both salty and mild, are full of threats. Tomorrow, Sister Du Wanru will follow Caiwei and Du Wanqiu into the palace as maids. If Du Wanqiu wants to harm them in the palace, he can kill them with just one word. place.

Although Du Wanru and Du Wanyue were not willing to be suppressed by Du Wanqiu, they had the leverage in Du Wanqiu's hands, so they had no choice but to restrain themselves and immerse themselves in eating in silence.

If the dispute continues, Du Wanqiu will be annoyed, and if she really takes care of them tomorrow and gives them little shoes to wear, their sisters will not even know how they died!

Seeing that the Du Wanru sisters had shut up obediently, Du Wanqiu snorted coldly and started to eat slowly. Caiwei had no intention of watching them fight, so the room suddenly became quiet, so she rolled her eyes and continued eating.

During the dinner, Du Wanqiu treated Caiwei very affectionately, talking to her and serving dishes for her. Like Caiwei's biological sister, Du Wanqiu was so attentive that Caiwei couldn't help but roll her eyes.

The people at the table over there were also talking, laughing, and having a good time. If someone who didn't know the details saw it, they would definitely think that this is really a happy and harmonious family!

While eating, Butler Cao suddenly came to report that Mr. Huo was here and asked to see the old lady and the fourth aunt.

Mrs. Wang heard this and hurriedly asked Butler Cao to ask Mr. An to come back to accompany the guests. But Butler Cao said, "Master Huo specified that he wanted to see the old lady and the fourth aunt, but he did not say that he wanted to see Mr. Guo."

After hearing this, Mrs. Wang gave Caiwei a meaningful look and said to Mrs. Du, "Since they are looking for us, let's go out and take a look!"

After that, he ordered Butler Cao to invite Huo Yuan in.

Caiwei and the others are currently having dinner in the inner hall of the Lotus Champs. The inner hall of the Lotus Champs is separated from the outer hall for entertaining guests by only a large screen with a sandalwood seat and a colorless gauze base embroidered with a picture of a hundred birds. Sitting in the inner hall, you can clearly see the outside through the gauze, and people outside can also see the inside dimly.

After Huo Yuan came in, he immediately caught the attention of all the ladies in the inner hall, especially Du Wanqiu. Seeing Huo Yuan's handsome and elegant appearance, elegant and elegant style, and noble clothes, it was simply better than she imagined. When Mr. Huo was the winner, he was so handsome that his heart started beating wildly uncontrollably, and his face turned red as if he was drunk.

The other ladies also had slightly red cheeks and secretly glanced at Mr. Pian Pian outside, no longer interested in eating.

Caiwei, on the other hand, was so hungry that her chest was pressed against her back after practicing dancing all morning, so she was alone and still eating without any distractions.

After Huo Yuan came in, he saw the old ladies Wang and Du. He politely stepped forward and saluted. After the guests of honor sat down, he ordered a boy who was following him to bring a large brocade box.

Wang smiled, pointed at the brocade box and said, "What is this?"

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